81. The Impossible Choice

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"Quick," Lily told Seb.  "You have to hide.  Mattia cannot see you here.   Upstairs, quickly!"

Knowing Lily was right, Seb dashed out of the hallway and up the stairs.  

Joel turned to Damon.  "I think you should hide too."

"Me? Why?  This is my damn house."

Lily was on the verge of tears.  Everything was unravelling around her and she didn't know what to do.    Was Damon going to twist the knife a little more and tell Mattia that Seb was here? 

"Please Damon," Poppy asked.  "Please, if there is a tiny decent part somewhere inside you, please just go upstairs while Mattia is here."

Lily looked at Damon and for a moment she thought he was going to argue, but he just gave a small laugh before leaving the kitchen.  Joel followed him, returning when he was sure that he'd gone upstairs.  

There was a loud knock on the front door.   Lily began to panic. 

"What do I say?  Poppy please, help me," she pleaded. 

"Lily, I can't tell you what to do.   You're worried about what else Damon has on you, right?  Then you have to tell the truth.   Otherwise it will be worse for you if anything else does come out." There was another knock on the door.  "Sit down.  Take a few deep breaths.  I'll go and let him in."

Lily sat back down at the table.   Joel grabbed hold of the beer can Lily had left on the table and quickly stuck it into the fridge so Mattia didn't see it.  

Lily's heart began to race as she heard footsteps coming down the hallway.    

"She's just through here Mr Binotto.   She's feeling a little delicate after the celebrations last night. I'm sure that's why she didn't answer your calls."

Lily glanced up and saw Mattia stood in the kitchen doorway.   He looked angry, very angry.   

"Lily," he said. 

"Good morning Mattia," she said, trying to sound cheerful.   "Can I get you a drink?  Coffee?"

"You can dispense with the pleasantries Miss Scott.  I'm sure you know why I am here.  I have been trying to call you all morning, as I have you Mr Scott.  At first I thought that maybe it was because you were still asleep after your celebrations, but you are both up and dressed."

"I forgot to charge my phone," Lily mumbled.

"Well that would explain it wouldn't it? You don't seem surprised to see me. Can I take it you know what this is about?" Lily nodded. Why did she feel like she was back at school and Mattia was the headmaster?

"Poppy, Joel, could I please have some time with my driver?"

"Of course. Just yell if you need us Lily," Poppy said, glaring at Mattia.

After they'd gone Mattia sat down opposite Lily.

"You silly girl," he said shaking his head. "You knew the board didn't want you fraternising with another driver, yet you still went behind our backs and did it! You lied to me. You said it was over."

"Another driver? Or Seb?" she said, defiantly sticking her chin out with more bravery than she actually felt. "Because you seem to have a personal problem with him."

"I beg your pardon?" Lily regretted her words as she saw the fury on Mattia's face.


"That's what I thought. Now I'm going to ask you some questions, and I want the truth. Understand?" Lily nodded.

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