5. Easy After All

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His kiss was the opposite of what Lily had expected it to be. She'd thought about kissing him on more than one occasion, and she'd always thought his kiss would be rough and demanding. In reality it was soft, gentle and questioning.

After the initial contact he'd pulled back and looked at her, giving her every opportunity to step away. She hadn't moved a millimetre. She was well and truly under his spell as he was under hers.  He moved in again and kissed her properly.

His lips felt so good, so soft and warm. She sighed and melted into him, her arms slipping around his torso.

Surprised that she hadn't kneed him in the balls, Seb gently slid his tongue through her lips, seeking out hers.   She eagerly responded, kissing him back confidently.   He slid his hands behind her, letting them come to rest on her velvet covered ass.  Squeezing her buttocks hard, he pushed his body against hers.  He wanted her to feel how aroused he was.  He knew it would have one of two effects.  Either she would turn and run for the hills, or she'd be just as hungry for him as he was for her.  He knew what he'd bet on.  Lily Scott wasn't a coward.  She was a strong, independent woman who knew what she wanted, and she wanted him.  He knew that for a fact, the way she was kissing him back betrayed that.  She could deny it all she liked, and she probably would, but her reactions were definitely not fake. 

Lily forgot where she was, she even briefly forgot who she was with.  All she knew was that she had never felt so desperate to belong to a man.   Her head was spinning, through alcohol and through the best damn kiss she'd ever had in her life.   She deepened the kiss, trying to take control but the man she was kissing wasn't giving an inch.  He was dominant and he liked his own way even though he wasn't rough.  He tasted so good, a mixture of champagne, Coca Cola and a taste she couldn't place.  His tongue soon had hers under control, his teeth tugged on her bottom lip, stretching it as he pulled his head back. 
Lily opened her eyes and looked at the man that had made her feel things she had never felt before.  Him! Sebastian Vettel, the devil himself.  They stared into each other's lust filled eyes.  Lily's eyes dropped to his full, pink lips.  Lips like that were wasted on a man!  What would those lips feel like on her breasts? On her womanhood?   An intense throbbing had manifested between her legs and she knew that her tiny black thong would be soaked with the evidence of her arousal.  

Seb's eyes fell to Lily's lips.  He'd kissed away the last of her lipstick and they were now their natural pink colour, albeit swollen from his kiss.  Desperate to taste her again, he moved one of his hands from her ass and slid his fingers into her hair, holding her head still as he slammed his lips down on hers again. 

Lily moaned softly as his mouth descnded on hers again.  There he was, the arrogant asshole, his kiss had turned  into the kiss she'd expected in the first place, demanding, rough, yet still the best damn kiss ever.  She was certain she could feel his hard dick digging into her belly.  Damn, she wanted that dick inside her, hammering her towards an orgasm that would totally eclipse any orgasm she had had in her twenty four years, not that she'd had many. 

Seb had to have her.  She was quite literally the sexiest woman he had ever kissed, and he'd kissed more than a few.  He ran his tongue over her lips and began to kiss his way along her jaw.  His dick was throbbing. The tip of it was rubbing against the cotton of his boxers and the friction was turning him on even more.   He wanted to free it and then bury it in this woman.   Then he would fuck the hell out of her, he'd make her scream his name.  He wanted to own Lily Scott.

All of a sudden he felt somone bump into him, knocking him away from Lily.  

"Mi dispiace," exclaimed the extremely drunk Italian man who had stumbled into them on his way across the lobby.  Seb recognised him as one of Kimi's crew. 

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