115. The Showdown

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A/N: I guess I should put a trigger warning for violence. I guess it's pretty obvious that things are gonna get messy in this chapter though. Anyway, ⚠️ contains scenes of violence ⚠️

"Arent you gonna say something Lily?"  Liam asked her.   Lily was struck dumb and frozen with fear.   She was in the clutches of the psycho who'd murdered her brother, and Seb was in the car unconscious, or worse.   How the hell was she going to get out of this one?  Was this it? Was this the end?  Was she going to be going to join her parents and Damon on the other side?   Because one thing was for sure, she'd rather die than let Liam lay a finger on her.  

She had to stay calm, she had to get away from Liam.  If she got him off of her maybe she could get back inside the car and find either her phone or get hold of Seb's.  Seb, he was ok right? He had to be ok.  She glanced back at the crumpled car, just able to see Seb's outline in the moonlight. He wasn't moving.

She turned her head away from the car and forced herself to concentrate on getting away from Liam, she couldn't get help for Seb whilst she was in his clutches.

She took a deep breath and summoned all of her inner strength up, then began to fight with everything she had. She clawed at Liam with her free hand, dragging her nails down his now bearded face, she kicked out at him, her foot making contact with his shin.

"You little fucking bitch!" Liam exclaimed, wincing in pain, but keeping hold of her. She'd forgotten how strong he was.

"Let me go!" Lily cried, beginning to panic. She couldn't get away from him. He was far too strong! She began to fight harder, finding strength she didn't know she had. She had to get away. If she didn't Seb might die, and she definitely would.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy putting your fire out, you little hell cat," Liam snarled as he began to drag Lily in the direction of his car, which was parked just metres away, its headlights still on full beam. "First I'm gonna enjoy your tight little pussy one last time, then..."

"Help, help!" Lily screamed, even though she knew it was pointless. They were still two miles from home, stuck in the middle of nowhere. There were no houses on this stretch of road, and not many cars came down this way at this time of night. The chances of her being rescued were minimal. She had to get out of this herself! She had no time to think of a plan though. She needed to get away before he got her into his car. If he managed that then it was game over.

Digging her heels into the grass verge, she lashed out with her hand again, but this time Liam was prepared for it. He grabbed her wrist and hauled her up against his body. She felt sick. He disgusted her. She didn't want him touching her. She turned her head as he went to kiss her, leaving his lips to land on her cheek.

"Let me go Liam!" she demanded.

"Not a fucking chance Lily. You ruined my life you little slut. Now you're going to pay." He began to drag her towards the car again.

"You killed my brother!"

"I didn't mean to. It was meant to be you but for the first time in his pathetic life Damon tried to help you. You got him killed Lily. You! Now get in the fucking car. If you don't I'm gonna go back there and send your fucking boyfriend to join Damon."

Lily began to sob. "Please no, don't hurt Seb." She looked into Liam's almost black eyes, pleading with him. "Please Liam, Seb's innocent. He's done nothing to you."

"Nothing? He punched me in Australia. And he's fucking you. You're mine. I should kill him for even breathing on you."

"Please don't hurt him, please Liam. Just go now! If you do this then they'll put you away forever!" Which was exactly what he deserved, but Lily was just trying to make him let her go.

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