59 ☠️

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"Y/N, Hyunjin, hold up, where are you guys?" Jeongin called out, still visible in the mirror, seemingly right behind us in the small pathway made between the many mirrors surrounding us, yet sounding further away than before. I finally took my hands off of Hyunjin's shoulders, which had been resting on there for so long that I barely even noticed anymore. "Jeongin? Are you there?" I asked back in return, turning around to back up. "I'm here!" he said, waving his hands above his head, yet even when walking back for a few seconds I could not see him. Well, seeing him wasn't the problem. I couldn't feel him behind me anymore. Had I been so focused on myself that I didn't even notice him leaving behind me?

Right behind me I felt a warm hand grab my shoulder, quickly turning to catch Hyunjin holding onto me. "Unless you want to get separated even further, you should stick close to me," he muttered, looking over me to try and make sense of the mess we had found ourselves in. "Jeongin, I thought you were right behind us this entire time," he stated, now louder. "Weren't you holding onto Y/N? I thought she followed your lead with that," he added, hinting to me holding onto him. "I wasn't though," Jeongin simply answered him, his expression turning rather gloomy.

"Do you think you can find your way back to us?" I asked, hoping to get him back as soon as possible. I couldn't shake this gut feeling that there was more to this place than it seemed, and not in the good way. "I'll try, but I think it'll be a bit difficult," Jeongin spoke softly, like he had already started losing hope. "Maybe if we keep on talking we'll figure out if you're getting closer or further away," I suggested, feeling a shiver sent down my spine as Hyunjin's hand moved from my shoulder, softly trailing down my arm to find it's way to my own hand, holding onto it tightly. "We should start moving again too. I don't think staying here for too long will do us any good."

It was just for practical purposes, I told myself. Just so we wouldn't get separated. That was all.

"What about Jeongin though? Will he really be okay?" I whispered, softly, feeling a bit bad for him. Would it really be okay to just leave him on his own? Though we had been getting somewhat closer, Hyunjin most definitely knew Jeongin way better than I did. I could have my own opinion here, but right now it would probably be best to trust Hyunjin's instinct. "I trust him, I'm sure we'll find each other back shortly," he whispered back closely in my ear. I had to admit, it took me by surprise, hearing him not instantly cling onto Jeongin or worry, but it was nice to see how much trust he had in him.

"Here, to the left," Hyunjin said, taking me with him onto a sharp turn. I traced my hands over the mirrors, not only for checking where it would be safe to walk, but marking them with fingerprints to ensure where we've walked already. "So, what should we talk about?" Jeongin asked, looking awfully calm suddenly, the way he so far normally seemed; with no care in the world. Hyunjin was probably right, he'd definitely be okay. "How about twenty questions?" he added, a smile now on his face. My eyes trailed to Hyunjin, who instead of his usual clingyness seemed completely in focus, stayed completely quiet this time. Whether it was some sort of side effect from the pill, or him trying to concentrate, he clearly wasn't going to answer Jeongin.

"What's that?" I asked. I could guess the gist of it, but I'd never heard of it before, clearly to Jeongin's surprise. "Huh? You don't know it?" He let out a small chuckle before continuing with the explanation. "It's a game where you can either guess what a person is thinking about, or get to know the person you're playing with better. With the last one I wanna play, you take turns asking a question, and the other person can only answer with yes or no, but has to answer honestly. Sounds simple right?" It didn't seem too hard indeed, and some distraction from seemingly getting nowhere wasn't too bad of an idea. "Sure, sounds fine to me! You wanna start?" At least that way I could check what sort of questions were asked.

"Okay, okay, so... have you ever been on vacation?" he started off with. Not something I had to think hard of. "No," I answered shortly. The only vacations my family went on was without me back when I was too young to even think of running away. Maybe this game wasn't too bad. Just basic questions, and no explanation needed. "Then... are you still in school?" I asked. He highly likely was, but thinking of something so shortly was harder than I thought. "I am, yeah," Jeongin answered with a smile. "Okay, okay, my turn..." he seemed to ponder over it, with the three of us were still on the move. His voice seemed to get slightly louder, meaning he was probably closer than before, but definitely not here yet.

The questions went on for quite some time already, trying to learn more about each other, probably some of the basics, and yet so many I had never had been asked or ever discussed. And with each question, his voice sounded a little clearer, highly likely getting closer and closer to us.
"Y/N, do you have siblings?"
"Yeah... do you still live with your parents?"
"Yup. Oh, I know a good one; have you ever snuck out secretly?"
He probably didn't even know, and yet I could feel my chest stinging.
"I tried. How about you, did you ever go against your parents?"
Jeongin shook his head in the mirror, the smile on his face showing he likely had a much better relationship than I ever had with mine. "Never." Jeongin paused for a second before speaking out his next question, taking a deep breath. His smile was now clouded with nervousity, like the question had been on his mind for a longer period of time.

"Y/N, I know this isn't exactly the time for romance, but... do you like anyone here? Romantically?"


There was no denying it anymore was there?

"Yes. Yes I do."

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