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Scarlett's POV

For the past week Y/n has been throwing up constantly. Everything she eats comes back out minutes later. Not to mention she's so exhausted, she's barely left the bedroom.
"Hi my love, you feeling any better?" I ask softly as I sit beside her, placing a hand on her forehead to check her temperature. Y/n shakes her head. I frown, pulling her in for a cuddle.
"You've been like this for over a week now, i'm getting worried. Can you try getting up for me please darling?" I offer my hand in case she needs it, however she manages to sit up on her own. I smile at her actions.
"My head feels so dizzy." Y/n mumbles.
"I know, you haven't kept anything down in days. Do you feel well enough for something to eat now?" I question, tucking some hair behind her ear.
"Maybe a sandwich." Y/n mumbles. I smile at her response before leaving the room to make a BLT sandwich for her.

I hand Y/n the plate, watching as she has a few bites. I smile as she seems to be keeping it down longer than any other meal she's eaten the past week. I replace her empty water bottle on the nightstand with a new one from the mini fridge before grabbing my purse and phone.

"Okay honey, i'm going to pick up Rose from school, you have everything you need around you but if there's any problems, call me okay?" I say before kissing Y/n's forehead. She nods as she continues to eat her sandwich.

I lean on my car outside the school, waiting for Rose to come out. I answer some texts as I wait, when I recieve a call from none other than Y/n. I panic, answering the call.

"Y/n? Baby what's wrong?" I ask worried. "Scar I threw up again." Y/n cries. My heart aches hearing her so upset and not being able to comfort her. "Oh lovely, it'll be okay. Rose has just come out. I'll drop her off at someone's to watch her and i'll take you to the ER, alright? I won't be long I promise." I explain. We end the call shortly after.

I brieftly explain the situation to Rose in between calling people to see if they can watch her for me. As we stop at a red light, I think to myself who I can call, Chris and Flo aren't in New York, My family are all working and there's no way for me to contact Ellis right now. I curse to myself, not knowing what to do in this situation, just when I realise where we currently are - the Flatiron District, where The Outset office is located. I somewhat pray to myself as I call my cofounding partner Kate.

"Hey Scarlett! You okay?" Kate answers. "Uh honestly? No. Are you at the office right now?" I ask desperate.
"Yes i am. What's going on Scarlett?" The light turns green so I put Kate on speaker and drive in the direction of the office. "Please can you watch Rose for me? I know you're busy but there's no one else who can and i'm desperate." I explain.
"Yeah I can watch her, Ryan is with me so she can entertain Rose too." I let out a sigh of relief as I park up opposite the office building. I thank Kate as we end the call, I help Rose out the car, grabbing her school bag.

We arrive to the office. Some of the team greet us before we walk into Kate and I's shared office. Kate smiles hugging Rose before she runs off to sit with Ryan.
"Thank you again for this, you saved me." I say, placing Rose's bag on my desk. "What's going on Scarlett? You don't seem like yourself." Kate questions, placing a hand on my upper arm.
"I can't get into it right now because I need to leave, but my girlfriend Y/n is sick and I need to take her to the ER." I sigh. Kate instantly pulls me in for a hug, which I appreciated.
"Alright don't let me hold you back, i've got Rose, you go." She smiles. I nod leaving our shared office to see Rose and Ryan on the couch. I crouch down beside Rose,
"Hey Nugget, i'm going to Y/n now, i'll come pick you up from Auntie Kate's in a little while okay? I love you." I kiss her head before leaving the office to go straight home.

I run inside, going straight to my bedroom only to see the bed empty. "Y/n?" I call out. I hear a response coming from the en suite. I walk in to see Y/n curled by the toilet. I rush to her side, wiping tears from her cheeks.
"Oh honey have you been throwing up more since our phone call?" I question. Y/n nods slightly, I curse to myself for not getting here quick enough.

"Alright let's get you to the ER." I say as i gently pull her up to her feet. I help her freshen up before leading her to the bed letting her sit down as I grab one of my hoodies and a pair of leggings. I help her get dressed before leading her to the car.

We made it to the ER. Thankfully it wasn't really busy so we were able to be seen quite fast. They asked Y/n some questions, which I left the room for to give her the privacy, before taking some blood to get tests done. Once the doctor left the room, i went back in to be beside Y/n.
"You doing okay?" I ask her softly. Y/n nods "I'm so sleepy" She mumbles. I lean down to kiss her forehead,
"We shouldn't be here long, did the doctor say how long till we get the results for the blood tests?" I ask.
"She said an hour or two since she put them down as urgent." Y/n explains.

It's much later in the evening and we're still in the ER. Y/n was so tired she ended up falling asleep around an hour ago. I've been so focused on Y/n, i hadn't checked my phone in hours. I pull it out to see a couple texts and a missed call from Kate. Worried, I leave the room and go to call Kate.

"Hey is everything okay? I'm so sorry i didn't answer, my phone was on silent." I say truthfully.
"Everything is good don't worry. I wanted to check on you both, i'm assuming you're still in the ER?" Kates replies. I sigh out of relief before nodding, even though she can't see me.
"Yeah we're waiting for the doctor to come back with test results." I explain.

Kate and I continue to speak for a few minutes, she even calls Rose so I could talk to her. Rose seemed really excited being there, she went on and on explaining the things she was doing with Kate's children, Ryan and Archer. I apologised to her for taking so long but she kept assuring me she didn't mind and just wanted Y/n to feel better.

Rose gave the phone back to Kate shortly after and we spoke a little about upcoming Outset bits, in an attempt to distract me. Around 10 minutes past. I notice the same doctor from earlier walking towards the room Y/n is in.
"Oh uh Kate i'll see you later, the doctor has just arrived with what I think is the test results." I say making my way to the room. We say our goodbyes and I enter the room to see Y/n awake and the doctor next to the hospital bed.

"Miss Y/l/n I have your results here, now if you'd like to be told the results in a more private manner-" The doctor begins.
"No need, Scarlett can stay in the room." Y/n assures the doctor. I smile at her response, taking her hand closest to me, squeezing it slightly. Y/n looks at me, I give her a soft smile which she returns before looking back at the doctor.
"Okay, i'm ready."

"So we had done a full blood work up and everything seemed okay, no concerns there." The doctor says.
"That's good! So there's nothing wrong, we can go home." Y/n says relieved.
"Well not quite." The doctor begins. I frown at her response.
"What do you mean 'not quite' what else is there?" I panic, squeezing Y/n's hand more.
"We have detected a hormone called hCG in your body, which is usually produced when a fertilised egg implants in the womb." The doctor reveals.

I look at the doctor blankly.
"W-what." Y/n mutters out.
"It seems as though you're pregnant Miss Y/l/n. You would need to book an ultrasound to confirm how far along, but I would say around 2 weeks." The doctor explains. Neither Y/n nor I say anything for a couple minutes.
"I'll give you both some privacy to process the news." The doctor says before leaving the room.

I sit towards the end of the hospital bed, "Y/n?" I mutter out.
"How is this possible? We can't do that! I'm GAY!" Y/n whisper-yells. I move closer, holding her close to my body as she begins to cry in my chest.
"It's going to be okay love." I try to soothe her.
"It was him. It's his fault." She says in between sobs. I sigh, rubbing her back in an attempt to help her stop crying.

Y/n looks up at me, I wipe the fallen tears from her cheeks.
"I'm going to be a mum." She mumbles. I smile softly at her.

"Honey I don't want to sound disrespectful or anything, but are you sure you want to go through with it? Considering what happened and who the father is." I say softly, hoping I didn't hurt her. Y/n leans in and kisses my lips gently before pulling back.
"I love you for being so caring, but i think i'm ready to be a parent. I admit this isn't the way I thought of having a child, obviously, but it's still my child and i'll love it so much, i'm not going to let the situation or him take that away from me." She says. I smile, caressing her cheek.

"I respect your choice and you're going to be an incredible mum to this child, i've seen how you are with Rose and your child is so lucky to have you." I kiss her forehead as we hold each other close.

A/n I'm so sorry for lack of updates there's just so much going on in my personal life i don't have the time or motivation to write :(

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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