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A tight squeeze in my hand caught me off guard. I hadn't been paying attention to Hyunjin at all, and yet one look was enough to know something was horribly wrong with him. His skin seemed awfully pale, sweat rolling down his face and back, his expression more pained than I had seen him have before. Whatever the pill was supposed to do to him clearly seemed to be working. "Hyunjin, are you okay?" I asked. One of the most stupid questions ever, as he clearly wasn't, but I had no idea what else to say or ask. I wanted to help, but if he didn't tell me how I couldn't.

"I'm fine. Let's just get this over with," he muttered, pulling me closer and dragging me along in a faster pace. "Hyunjin, there's obviously no way you're fine. You look like you're about to die. What's going on?" Hyunjin let out a groan, his clammy hand almost slipping from mine, if he didn't grab it even tighter. "I'm serious, tell me. If you continue like this neither of us is getting out of here." I pulled my hand away from him, the color in my hand finally returning after getting out of his grip. "I told you, nothing's wrong," he spat out, turning around to look at me. His eyes were wide and red, his face looking like it wasn't him who was going to get killed, yet instead him who could kill someone any second. The drug was clearly affecting him, and he was still in denial.

His eyes fixated on the mirror next to him in a mixture of anger and fear. "Get away," he warned in an almost growly voice. I had no idea what was going on, but it was clear that I should not leave him alone. "Hyunji-" I tried, only to be yelled at even more. "I said get away from me!" With a single punch, the mirror shattered into a thousand small pieces, his hand now cut open. He gasped, his gaze now following the mirror behind him. "Stop laughing at me, get away!" He turned around, looking at a mirror right next to me. "You're dead! You can't be here!" In one swift motion, he swung his backpack around, taking out the knife hidden in there. "And I'll kill you again if I have to, leave me alone!"

Hallucinating. He was hallucinating! Whatever he was seeing or experiencing, if it continued, things could go horribly wrong. I took a step beck, unsure of what to do, yet knowing that if I got too close right now, it would be dangerous. "Hyunjin," I tried to call out as calmly as possible, only to have the knife pointed at me instead. "Everyone just stay away from me! Don't come any closer, or, or, I'll stab you! All of you!" I took another step back, trying to stay close enough to not lose him out of my sight, yet stay far out of the line of fire. "Hyunjin, you're hallucinating," I tried again. Of course I knew he wasn't going to immediately be like 'Oh, really? Must be, fair point. Let's continue.' That would be dumb to believe. But hopefully enough persuasion would eventually get to him. And yet I had to be on constant guard. Whatever he seemed to be going through, it looked like an ugly situation.

The sound of glass shattering around me pulled me out of my line of thought, seeing Hyunjin with his knife through one of the mirrors, a stream of blood flowing down his hand, and yet his attention was already back at a mirror behind him, this time punching it with all his might. "Hyunjin, get it together," I said, more exasperated this time, and yet he still paid no attention to me at all. This wasn't working... I needed something, something else to help him, but what... "Kim Da-Hye!" he shouted in pure rage, his eyes bloodshot red. "Kim Da-Hy- shit," Jeongin muttered under his breath. "Y/N, don't get too close to him, okay? I'm on my way, just hang tight," he added to it. He didn't even try to speak to Hyunjin directly, even though his voice seemed to be enough to stop Hyunjin's tracks for a second. Enough time to snap him out of it. Not doing anything wasn't an option either, no matter what Jeongin said. If he wasn't taken out of his rage in some way, things could get considerably worse.

I pushed myself to go forward, rushing out to him, reaching to the knife he was now lightly holding, trying to figure out where Jeongin's voice came from. "Y/N!" Jeongin now shouted, already seeing me move through the mirrors. I grabbed onto the knife, feeling his grip on it now tighten to hold onto it. "Hyunjin, let it go, please," I pleaded, his eyes now switching between me and the many mirrors. "No, they'll get me again if I don't keep it!" he shouted back at me, the both of us tugging at the knife. "Whoever 'they' are, they're not real! They're not here right now!" Hyunjin fell quiet for a second, still not letting go of the knife, yet instead looking at the mirror right in front of us intently. "Kill... her? And... you'll promise you leave me alone? But...how can I be sure you keep your promise?"

My eyes widened, well aware of whatever was happening. Fuck. Please, no. Was this the plan all along? To set the drugged player up against the other? Our eyes finally met, locked in, and in that one second, everything was said. My hands were around his, now not even trying to regain control over the knife anymore. The determination in his eyes, and yet seeing myself in the reflection with a terrified expression, was enough to know what the outcome would be. He had the upper hand in this, and I needed to get moving, now. And yet it felt like a game, who would be the first to start moving? Neither of us could in that one second, in a trance by each others eyes. And yet, finally, I pulled away, slipping away just before his hand that was already reaching out could grab me again.

I needed to get away from him, as far as possible, and fast. Before he could kill me.

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