Chapter 73

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Third Person's POV

"Good morning" Kyoku greets, leaning against a tree and watching as an unenthusiastic Ashley steps into view, limping faintly. "You're on time for training today."

Her eyes narrowed and her mouth pulled down into a resentful scowl, Ashley comes to a stop a good distance away from Kyoku, wary of the blue haired woman.

It had been rather difficult for Ashley to leave the hospital early that morning, due to the vigilant care of her nurses. They checked on her constantly, assuring the girl that she'd be fine to leave and continue her training after her body had recovered for a few more days.

Ashley had briefly considered actually listening to her nurses for once and allowing her aching body to rest, but had quickly decided that running the risk of Kyoku coming after her was far too scary of a scenario to allow. She didn't know the extent of the violence that would follow, and she hadn't wanted to find out.

"Do you understand how hard it was to get out of the hospital?" Ashley sighs irritably, gesturing to the bandages still wrapped around her arm, torso and head. "The hospital staff didn't want me to leave for a few more days."

"Kakashi's report mentioned that you are infamous for escaping from the hospital" Kyoku points out, unperturbed by Ashley's poor attitude. "I didn't think it would be a problem."

"Did Kakashi Sensei give you my biography by any chance?" Ashley sarcastically mutters under her breath, briefly closing her eyes. "I'm starting to hate him for this...."

"It was very detailed" Kyoku says mysteriously. "He wanted to ensure your new teacher would be able to train you correctly, and I don't plan to disappoint him."

"Are we even going to train properly today?" Ashley asks sharply, reopening her eyes to send the ANBU an accusatory glare. "Or are you just going to use it as an excuse to beat me up again?"

Kyoku smiles wryly at this, pushing herself away from the tree she is leaning against and walking over to Ashley. She watches the young girl visibly wince as she approaches, though the ANBU makes no move to calm Ashley's nerves.

Kyoku had been personally selected by Lady Hokage, a woman that she respected immensely, and whatever it took, the ANBU was going to make Ashley strong. It didn't matter to her if Ashley got hurt, or if the Minami ended up hating her. Kyoku's mission was to train the girl, and she was going to complete her mission to the best of her ability. No matter what.

"You can call it what you want" Kyoku states coolly, shrugging one shoulder, as her half lidded eyes appraise Ashley carefully, "But I've already made a number of observations about you, and how you need to improve."

Ashley's shoulders slump a little at this, the blonde leaning away from Kyoku as the teal eyes look her over, feeling uncomfortably tense.

"There's no point overwhelming you" Kyoku eventually decides, the smirk on her face irking Ashley, "So we'll start simple, and I'll be blunt. I can tell that you have a small chakra reserve. And you don't use what little chakra you have adequately, so you tire quickly."

Ashley blinks at this, her scowl deepening as her lips part slightly, revealing her sharp teeth in a silent growl.

Whether Kyoku had figured that out merely from fighting against her and spying on her training, or whether Kakashi had mentioned it in his report, Ashley didn't know. What she did know however, is that she didn't like the way Kyoku was looking at her, as if she were some insignificant bug and Kyoku had been given the annoying task of eradicating her.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now