Chapter 28

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Edited 27/01/2017

Just a quick note guys :)

I will not be writing Naruto's fight out, as we have all seen the anime, read the manga or both. If you read a lot of Naruto fanfiction, you've probably read this fight many times as well.

If for some reason you don't know what happens and REALLY, REALLY, ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW, I suggest looking for the fight on the internet.

To save you time, the manga chapter for the Naruto vs Neji fight is Chapter 99 and the anime episode is number 60.

You're welcome ;) 

Ashley's POV

I stare down at Naruto in wonder, my eyes wide and unblinking as a broad grin spreads across my face. The crowd is absolutely silent, completely stunned by the upset win. They'd all clearly expected the Hyuga to absolutely wipe the floor with Naruto and yet, there Neji is, lying on his back with my teammate standing over him.

While I had expected Naruto to win, I hadn't expected him to be able to come up with such a good strategy on the fly like that. I'd always figured he was more of an offensive fighter, rather than someone who plans out their attacks.

"Alright Naruto!" I shout, feeling a strange sense of pride within myself. "I knew you could do it!!"

I close my eyes and continue smiling, as the whole stadium suddenly erupts into thunderous applause, people screaming and whistling with excitement. Some pump their fists in the air, as others shake their heads in amazement, having not expected the outcome of the first match.

"Yeah Naruto!" Shikamaru cheers, throwing his own fist in the air. "I can't believe he did it!"

"I can" I brag, leaning on the railing and watching as Naruto and Neji exchange some words, though I've no chance of hearing what they're saying to each other.

Two medical Ninja quickly jog onto the field and load Neji onto a stretcher however, ending the two males' conversation. Genma then steps forward and raises his hand, yelling something that nobody can hear over the sound of the crowd's cheering.

He's probably just announcing that Naruto is the winner, which we're all aware of by this point anyway.

I watch Naruto as he gazes around the stadium in confusion for a few seconds, before he tentatively raises his hand in a wave. He soon becomes engulfed in the crowd's excitement over his victory however, running around the arena and blowing kisses out to the strangers clapping for him.

"Where does all that stamina come from?" I wonder out loud, unable to suppress a laugh as Naruto continues blowing kisses.

"I dunno" Shikamaru says with a shrug, "But then, I dunno how he beat that Neji guy either. Major upset."

"He's special I guess" I say quietly, more to myself than Shikamaru. "There's just something about him......"

"I always thought Naruto was meant to be dorky and uncool like me though" Shikamaru complains, sighing heavily as he hangs his head.

"Dorky and uncool?" I repeat, blinking a few times. "Well, I don't know much about being cool, but I don't think you're dorky or uncool Shikamaru."

The Nara pauses for a moment and glances at me from the corner of his eye, before coughing and folding his arms over his chest, eyes now closed.

"Uh....No?" he asks uncertainly, to which I shake my head.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now