Chapter 30

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Edited 21/07/2017

Okay, so we're skipping another drawn out fight that you've probably read or seen fifty million times. I don't want to write it and you don't want to read it. There's no really significant difference in the fight between the real story and my fanfic, so there's no point including it.

If you would like to read the fight with Gaara, the manga chapter is ch 136  and the anime episode is ep78.

Naruto's POV

"S-Sakura?" I ask over my shoulder, trying not to sound afraid as I glare at the strange creature ahead of me. ".....Hey Sakura?............Hello! Earth to Sakura!"

"What is it Naruto?" the girl finally hisses back, sounding panicked.

"Unghhh......" I hear Sasuke groan from behind me. "....What are you guys even doing here anyway?"

"Shhh Sasuke...." Sakura whispers, her voice strained. "Just relax. We're here to help..."

I narrow my eyes at the weird creature before me, feeling angry. I don't know who or what he is, but he's going to pay for what he did to Sasuke before Sakura and I arrived.

This is almost like that time in the Land of Waves, except I'm going to help before anything worse can happen today. Sasuke got so injured during his fight with this thing, he can barely even stand right now.

I'm just glad Sakura and I arrived when we did, or else Sasuke might really have gotten himself killed. At least Sakura can watch over Sasuke while I finish this guy off.

"Who the heck is this guy?!" I demand to know, raising one hand and jabbing my finger towards my teammate's attacker.

"Although his outward appearance may be different to his usual one" Pakkun answers seriously, perched on a branch above my head, "The creature standing before you is actually Gaara of the Desert."

"What?!" Sakura and I gasp at the same time. I am unable to stop myself from taking a step back in shock, my eyes widening at this news.

I'd known we were chasing after Sasuke to make sure he didn't get to the fleeing Gaara, but I had no idea that this is what he looked like! Gaara doesn't even seem human right now!

The creature before me chuckles evilly, his black eyes freaking me out as they bore right into mine with their cold stare. Created from the chakra infused sand on his back, a thick armour covers Gaara's entire body and takes on the form of a very demon like animal. Sharp teeth protrude out of Gaara's mouth as he smiles at me, though that expression is anything but friendly. Blue veins travel through the sand skin, no doubt carrying chakra through it, like blood.

"What do you want?" Gaara growls lowly, sounding menacing. ".....Wait.....It's you. You're one of the ones I didn't kill back at the hospital...."

I gulp as I recall the time when Gaara had somehow gotten into Lee's room in the hospital and tried to kill him. Back then, I had frozen in fear. While I might be ashamed of that, I won't let that happen this time!

'I have to protect my friends' I think to myself firmly, glancing back at Sakura and Sasuke. 'Even if it costs me my life!'

I grit my teeth and take up a defensive stance, when I see Gaara's eyes shift from my face and move over to my teammates, a glint flashing through them.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now