Chapter 12

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 Ashley's POV

"Seriously you guys" Kabuto continues, turning his face away from me and motioning towards the crowd of people behind us, "Look around. You've all made quite the impression..."

The others all turn to the crowd as well, with a few of them sporting worried expressions at the irritated looks we're now receiving. Sasuke merely raises an eyebrow at the other Genin, while Kiba smirks confidently and Shikamaru just rolls his eyes, sighing heavily.

Not caring that we've annoyed the other contestants, I let out a low growl and close my eyes, focusing my attention on sensing a certain presence. It's difficult though, considering there are so many people around me. Their movements are distracting....

"You see those guys right there?" Kabuto continues, lowering his voice a little. "They're from the Hidden Rain Village, and they can be pretty touchy. The Chuunin Exams always put everyone on edge, so you don't want to rub them the wrong way."

Not really paying attention to Kabuto's words, I feel my panic slowly beginning to fade as I realise that I can't sense his presence anywhere. Maybe I was wrong and he's not here? But then......Why would Kabuto be here at the Chuunin Exams by himself?.....

'Don't be stupid brat' Hakuba suddenly growls in my mind, causing my mouth to pull down a little. 'He could very well just be out of your range. Don't be so complacent.'

'.......You're right' I admit begrudgingly, swallowing thickly as my panic begins rising again. 'He......He could be anywhere......'

I can only hope that he's not here in the Leaf Village, because I certainly don't want him to find me. Who knows what he'll say......Or do.....There's not a doubt in my mind that Kabuto is going to inform him of my whereabouts though. Maybe I should consider running away from this Village before he's got the chance?

Feeling as if I'm being stared at, I open my eyes and raise my head, slowly looking to my right. Immediately I spot a girl wearing a Grass Village headband looking at me intently, causing my brows to furrow. What's her problem? Does she want me to come over there and punch her in the face?

Seeing that I am now glaring at her, the long haired girl's eyes widen slightly, before she turns her head to look back at the other Genin. If I'm not mistaken, it looks as though she's trying to conceal a smirk.......And that really annoys me. I've a good mind to go over there and wipe it off of her pale face!

Though......She's actually giving me a somewhat creepy vibe. I'm not sure what it is, but something just seems a bit off about her. It could just be my imagination though. Now that I'm feeling on edge, I'm probably just over analyzing the situation.

As I turn my attention back to Kabuto and the others, I can see that the silver haired Genin is now squatting on the floor, staring down at a small card. Sasuke, Naruto and a few of the others are crowded around him, also looking at the card.

"Just show them to me" Sasuke demands gruffly, causing a question mark to appear over my head. What are they all doing?

"Alright, first up is Rock Lee" Kabuto complies, placing one finger down onto the blank card and focusing some chakra into it.

Almost immediately, images appear on the card and it is filled with all sorts of information pertaining to Rock Lee. I raise an eyebrow as Kabuto begins informing Sasuke of all of Rock Lee's stats, the ravenette nodding slowly, a thoughtful scowl pasted on his face.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now