Chapter 59

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Third Person's POV

"Bomb's away!" Naruto shouts, before leaping down from a high tree branch and bending his knees, hugging them to his chest.

Ashley throws her hands over her face and turns her head, giggling as Naruto hits the water, the blonde sending it splashing all over her and the others.

"Nice one Naruto" Ashley compliments, as his head reappears above the water, mouth pulled up in a huge grin.

"Wasn't as good as mine though" Choji boasts, head bobbing up and down in the water. "I definitely made the biggest splash so far."

"That's not fair though" Naruto complains, climbing on top of the water and jabbing a hand down at Choji. "Of course you're gonna make a bigger splash than me, you're hu- ack!"

Naruto is cut off as a large wave crashes over the top of him, knocking him off his feet and sending him sprawling back under the water's surface.

Sweat dropping, Ashley lowers both of her hands, only to see a deadpan Shikamaru crouched on top of the water, not too far from her.

"Thanks" the Nara sighs, running a hand down his face. "You think he'd know not to say stuff like that by now."

"I'm here for fun" Ashley grins sheepishly, shrugging. "Not to break up fights."

"What was that for Ashley-chan?!" Naruto demands to know, sputtering as he bursts up out of the water and lands on top of it.

"I just wanted to shut your mouth before you put your foot in it" Ashley replies, poking her tongue out. "Besides, we all know that I could make the biggest splash if I wanted to."

"Yeah" Naruto shoots back, pouting, "By cheating."

Wading in the shallow water by the riverbank, Sakura, Hinata and Ino watch on as Ashley teases Naruto. Sakura and Hinata giggle at the pair ahead, while Ino watches on through hooded eyes, silent. She turns her head after a few moments, only to see Kiba seated on a tree branch hanging above the water, his elbow resting on his knee and his chin in his palm.

Ino hadn't seen Kiba get in the water even once yet, and while she didn't particularly like the Inuzuka, he was usually the kind to take hold of a fun chance like this with both hands. It seemed that he didn't feel particularly energetic either, since their encounter with Kurai.

While initially excited about the chance to see Sasuke without his shirt on, Ino admittedly had barely spared the Uchiha a glance since he had gotten into the water.

She had been too focused on Ashley.

Kurai had sounded pretty serious about Ashley staying here and leaving her friends, but the blonde's behaviour just didn't seem to reflect that decision. Ino wanted to know the truth, as the idea of Ashley staying was bothering her, but she felt awkward bringing the topic up directly with the girl herself.

"....Hey Sakura" Ino says slowly, causing the pinkette to turn around. ".......Has um.....Has Ashley said anything to you?"

"Huh?" Sakura asks, a question mark appearing above her head. "Said anything about what?"

"Well......" Ino trails off uncertainly, looking to Hinata for help.

Noting the hesitant expression on both girls' faces, Sakura's brows furrow. Why were they looking at each other like that? She didn't like that tone in Ino's voice either.

Ino always sounded confident, even if she didn't actually feel that way. To hear her sounding so hesitant was extremely unusual and it made Sakura feel a little uneasy.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now