Chapter 41

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Edited 19/10/2019

Third Person's POV

"Grab the ropes!" Kakashi shouts over the howling winds. "The sails are tearing away from the masts!"

Genin scramble in all directions across the soaking wet deck, slipping and sliding as they dive for the flailing ropes, desperately trying to regain some control of the situation.

Over the thundering of the sky and the swelling of the ocean, everyone hears a great cracking sound. Squinting their eyes in the heavy rain, everyone watches as the gaff separates from the main mast.

Releasing some ropes, Sasuke immediately charges forwards, focusing chakra into his feet as best as he can as he runs straight up the mast. He pulls out a shuriken and flings it up at the gaff, wire attached to the back of it. As the wire wraps itself around the gaff, Sasuke gives a mighty tug, struggling to pull the gaff back towards the mast. He grunts with the effort, struggling to both hang on and not slip down to the deck below.

"Naruto!" Asuma shouts over the crashing of the storm, the ship being thrown to the side as it is pelted by another wave. "Ugh!.....Go and help Sasuke up there!"

Naruto immediately releases the ropes and follows after Sasuke, concentrating hard to keep his chakra focused into his feet as he runs up the mast as well. Naruto pulls out a shuriken and throws it around the gaff, using it to take some of the strain off of Sasuke.

The rope that Naruto had let go of whips through the air, causing the main sail to swerve hard to the left. Ino, Shikamaru and Sakura are helplessly dragged along the deck behind it, despite their struggle to keep the sail in place.

Jumping down from his place on the higher deck, Kiba races forwards and slides under the main sail, managing to catch the loose rope in his hands. He groans in pain as the sail pulls strongly against his arms, almost taking himself and the other three Genin overboard.

Hinata gasps and points to the side of the ship, as a huge wave rears up beside it, roaring ferociously. All of the girls scream in terror as the wave rushes forwards, bearing down on them.

Against her better judgement, Ashley releases the rope she had been holding and jumps over to the side of the ship, her arms outstretched as she tries to lean on the railing for balance. She grits her teeth and focuses on the wave with every fibre of her being.

The blonde can't help letting out a shout as the wave crashes over the top of the ship, swirling above them all menacingly, trying to swallow them up into the ocean. Ashley pushes one leg backwards to brace herself and ducks her head, arms straining under the weight of the huge wave.

Beads of sweat form on Ashley's face, mingling with the sea water already splashed there by the angry sea.

"Ashley!" Kiba shouts, lying on his back with his feet braced against a wall, trying his hardest to keep the main sail in place.

Her legs beginning to buckle beneath her, Ashley lets out a roar and pushes forwards with all of the strength she can muster. The blonde girl immediately collapses to her knees as the wave is redirected to the side of the ship, crashing back into the ocean with a thunderous boom.

The whole ship bobs precariously up and down as a result of the crash, as Ashley clutches onto the railing and tries to catch her breath.

"Ashley, look out!" Kakashi cries, only for Ashley to suddenly be slammed in the side by the boom of the foremast.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now