Chapter 35

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Edited 09/04/2018

Naruto's POV

Sunlight pours in through the window, causing me to groan and throw one arm over my face to try and block it out. I sigh loudly, before slowly sitting up and blinking a few times, trying to focus my eyes. How long have I been asleep for?

I glance down at my hands, turning them over to see how the burns on my palms are going. I blink again, not overly surprised to see that they have completely healed. The skin looks perfect, as if nothing had happened.

I'm not sure how my body can heal injuries like that so quickly, but it's probably something to do with the Nine Tailed Fox. I had burned my hands pretty badly by training. I'd been trying to master the new jutsu Pervy Sage had taught me and I guess the large amount of chakra ended up burning my skin.

I clench and unclench my hands a few times, scowling to myself. I'd bet with Grandma Tsunade that I could master the jutsu in just three days. I was going to make that old lady eat her words!

I look up at the sound of a quiet snore, only to sigh again, when I see Shizune lying on the floor near my bed. Had she meant to sleep there?

I throw back my blanket and jump down to the floor, before crouching beside the sleeping woman and poking her in the shoulder.

"Hey" I grunt, ignoring an indignant huff from the small pig sitting on the window sill. "Hey, wake up!"

Shizune's eyes flutter open, a look of confusion on the woman's face as she focuses on me.

"Where the hell am I?" I ask flatly.

"Naruto?....." Shizune murmurs sleepily, before her eyes suddenly widen and she sits up in a hurry, head turning as she wildly looks around the room. "Naruto! Wh-What time is it?! Wait, what day is it?! What day?! What time?!"

A deadpan expression on my face, I look over at a nearby clock, before turning back to the panicking woman before me.

"It's Monday morning" I reply slowly, as if Shizune is really stupid. Well seriously, how do you fall asleep and then wake up not remembering what day it is?

"Why?" I then ask. "What's wrong?"

"Oh...." Shizune sighs, sounding relieved, before she looks back at me. "Well, it's just amazing. I mean, you should've been out of it for at least two whole days. Are you feeling alright?"

"Heh" I scoff, smirking. "I'm fine! No matter how beat up I am, if I get a good night's sleep, I'm right back at the top of my game!......And besides, I've gotta find that old witch Tsunade and scrub that smug smirk off of her face today!"

"So you've mastered the jutsu then?" Shizune inquires eagerly, only for me to sweat drop.

"Well, not completely" I admit sheepishly, before jumping to my feet and clenching my hand into a fist. "But I can just wing it! It's far enough along now, so I'll be fine!"

Shizune lets out a laugh, when the pig on the window sill suddenly lets out a shrill squeal.

"What is it Tonton?!" Shizune asks, immediately scrambling to her feet. The pig points at the window as he drops down onto the bed and backs away from it.

"Oink oink oink!" he cries frantically, with Shizune scooping him up into her arms and jumping out of the way, just as a kunai slices in through the window and sticks into the floor.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now