Chapter 32

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Edited 29/08/2017

Ashley's POV

I gaze up at the tall, red gateway with wide eyes, clutching my Father's hand tightly. I'd only been here a small number of times in the past, but these gates always made me nervous for some reason. They were so tall and marked the entrance into the Uchiha Compound, which was so different from home.

After humouring me for a minute or two, my Father gently tugs me forwards. He smiles down at me, knowing how nervous I get before entering his home.

We walk through the compound, my head whipping around as I try to look at everything all at once. My Father waves to people as they call out to him, all of them having the same dark eyes and hair that my Father has.

We soon come a small, traditional house with a porch out the front, a pretty woman standing on it.

"You're finally here Ashley-chan!" the woman calls as soon as she sees me, something that makes me break out into a smile.

"Aunty Mikoto!" I cry excitedly, immediately dropping my Father's hand and running towards the woman as fast as my short legs can carry me.

I hear my Father laugh as rush up the porch steps and collide with the woman's legs, wrapping my arm around them tightly.

"I've missed you Aunty Mikoto!" I tell the dark haired woman, leaning back to look up at her. "And I've missed your Gyudon too! We don't have any of that at home. Did you make any for me?"

"Of course I did" my Aunty laughs, untangling me from her legs and placing one hand on my head. "I know it's your favourite."

"That's my Ashley" Father laughs. "Always thinking of food."

"Just like her Father then" Aunty Mikoto teases, before glancing behind my Father and sweat dropping. "I see you've brought your Wolf again."

I whirl around and jump back down the stairs, throwing my arms around the neck of a navy blue Wolf, who looks less than thrilled to be here.

"It's okay Aunty Mikoto" I assure the woman, patting my Wolf's fur. "Ace is a good boy! He won't destroy anything, I promise."

"You'll get used to him" Father adds good naturedly, shrugging his shoulders. "Everyone in the Minami Clan has a Guardian Wolf."

"I know, I know" Aunty Mikoto laughs nervously. "He's never been badly behaved or anything, I'm just not used to Wolves being in the house."

"I assure you" Ace speaks up flatly, his voice not very deep yet, "I have no interest in eating any of you or soiling any of your furniture."

Aunty Mikoto nods her head, though she clearly doesn't know whether Ace is being sarcastic or not.

Suddenly noticing someone walking towards the house, my face drops and my lower lip juts out.

"Or perhaps I do have some interest in eating one of you" Ace mutters under his breath, boredly watching as the newcomer marches past him.

"Hey there Sasuke" my Father greets the boy, whose expression currently mirrors my own look of distaste.

Sasuke merely raises his hand in a wave, too busy glaring at me to really care about what my Father is saying to him. We both stare at each other without speaking, unwilling to say hello.

"Aren't you going to greet your cousin Ashley?" Father prompts me after a long, awkward silence.

"Hello" I sigh, before smirking at Sasuke, "Sasu chibi-chan."

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now