Chapter 48

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Edited 16/05/2020

Third Person's POV

Kurai, Saffire and Fang cheer at Ashley's declarations, with Kiyumi sighing in relief and Atsui smirking. Chief Dashi nods his head in approval at his Granddaughter, before raising his eyes to see the uncertain faces of the Leaf Ninja.

The Genin look between Ashley and their teammates, shrugging their shoulders and fidgeting in place. Some turn to glance at their Sensei for reassurance, though the Jonin all seem to be staring at Ashley, mouths turned down.

"What seems to be the issue Leaf Ninja?" Dashi questions, though he can imagine the answer.

He remembered the Ninja of the Hidden Leaf. While most of them had been friendly, they had all been incredibly dutiful as well. Something that could cause an issue.

"Well" Kakashi speaks up, sweat dropping. He knew what Ashley was going to say. "I'm afraid we can't let you kill Sirius Ashley."

"....Why not?" the blonde growls, glaring up at her Sensei through narrowed eyes, her teeth gritting together.

"What's your problem?!" Saffire demands to know, angry at the silver haired man. "You gonna try and make enemies out of us too?"

"Sirius is a client of the Leaf Village" Kakashi sighs, having expected this reaction. "We sort of have a rule about not killing our clients."

"That's great Kakashi Sensei" Ashley says sarcastically, her expression dark, "But I don't really care about that right now. He's broken so many rules here and is trying to kill off what remains of my Clan, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't give a damn about the client anymore!"

"Exactly!" Saffire agrees vehemently, nodding and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ashley, you can't kill him" Kakashi reiterates.

"And why not?!" Ashley shouts, hands curling into fists down at her sides. "He's killing them!"

Sakura and Naruto exchange a worried look between themselves, before peering up at Kakashi, who seems as calm as usual despite Ashley's increasing anger.

They didn't know what the right answer here was. On one hand, they could understand Ashley's stance on the matter but on the other......It was technically their mission to help Sirius....

"Please calm yourself Milady" Ace urges quietly, nudging the girl. "Getting angry will not help the situation."

"But he's-"

"Lady Tsunade may like you Ashley" Kakashi reasons seriously, interrupting the blonde before she can argue with Ace, "But if you kill the client, she'll have no choice to throw you in jail the moment she finds out."

"Ley-chan can just stay here then!" Kurai announces, bounding over to the blonde and hugging her arm tightly. She looks up at Kakashi through her lashes, the corners of her mouth pulled down. "She belongs here anyway...."

The members of Team Seven, as well as Kiba and Akamaru, seem to straighten up at this declaration. Kiba glares back at Kurai, as the other Minami all nod their heads in agreement.

Surprised by this statement, Ashley turns her head and looks down at Kurai in confusion. It seemed that the thought of staying in the Land of Ambience hadn't even occurred to the blonde.

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