Chapter 8

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Edited 04/08/2015

Ashley's POV

We all stare at Naruto in silence as the smoke wafts away from him, with the blonde throwing one arm up in a wave and winking at us.

"Heheh" Naruto laughs determinedly, placing his hands on his hips and puffing his chest out, "Now that I'm here, everything will be alright!"

"Naruto!" Sakura exclaims happily, her eyes sparkling with hope and relief as she clasps her hands together underneath her chin.

"Ya know how in the movies the hero always shows up at the last second and kicks butt?" Naruto asks everyone rhetorically, not actually waiting for an answer. "Well, that's what I'm gonna do here!"

"You know," I state flatly, giving Naruto a deadpan look, "You would've been more successful in kicking butt if you'd used a sneak attack........But it's too late now that you've announced to the whole world that you're here."

Naruto sweat drops at this, his shoulders drooping slightly at my discouraging words. Obviously a surprise attack had never crossed his mind. Where has he even been this whole time anyway? It's not like him to miss out on the action.

"Not this annoying brat again...." Zabuza grunts in annoyance, as everyone one else just looks at Naruto like he's crazy.....Something that I've long started thinking he is.

"Alright!" Naruto suddenly shouts, new found confidence in his eyes as he looks towards Haku and places his palms together in a hand sign. "You're history! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

As Naruto is about to perform his Jutsu, Zabuza suddenly flings a handful of shuriken at him, not willing to tolerate the blonde's interruption for one moment.

"Naruto!" Kakashi calls urgently. "Get out of the way!"

I struggle not to slap my hand to my face as Naruto freezes on the spot, unsure of how to react, only for Haku to intercept Zabuza's shuriken with some skilfully thrown needles. All of the weapons clatter to the ground loudly, with Zabuza sending his younger partner an irritated look.

"Wow, they didn't get him!" Sakura breathes with relief, pointing out the obvious, only for her apparent bi polar to kick in. "Naruto you idiot! What are you doing?!"

I send a pointed look her way, though she doesn't seem to notice, too busy grinding her teeth back and forth as she glares at a sheepish Naruto. Who is Sakura to be snapping at anyone? It's not like she's done anything useful here.......Well, I suppose I haven't exactly helped anyone either but.......Hey, at least I got rid of the fog. That's more than anything Sakura has done today!

"Naruto, this is a real battle" Kakashi berates, eyes gliding back over to Zabuza, "Not a talent show. Don't just use your Jutsu without some sort of plan!"

"Uhhhh...." Naruto replies dumbly, not really sure of what to say for himself.

"The Shinobi's art is deception" Kakashi continues lowly. "Always keep your enemy guessing. Even when you're only performing a single Jutsu, distract your opponent's attention to catch them off balance and out manoeuvre them."

"You just made yourself a human target when you burst into the battle like that" I add, casually waving one hand in Naruto's direction.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Naruto apologises profusely, running his fingers back and forth through his hair. "I just wanted to swoop in and save everyone!"

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now