Chapter 38

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Edited 22/04/2019

Ashley's POV

I watch on with interest as Shizune focuses on the fish in front of her, standing behind a large examining table with a mess of medical tools strewn across it. Beads of sweat drip down the side of her face as she concentrates, her palms pressed against the fish's scales and green chakra surrounding hands.

Behind me, Lady Tsunade is seated at another desk, slowly flicking through a large book. Piles of other books lay all around her, some yet to be opened and some only half read.

"This Jutsu really takes a lot of chakra huh?" I ask Shizune, to which the woman just nods her head, focused.

"It's not really the chakra that's the problem" Lady Tsunade speaks up distractedly, eyes not leaving her book. "It's a very complex procedure, but with so many different types of cells to regenerate......Skin, organs, muscular...."

"It's difficult to activate them all at once" Shizune sighs tiredly, a troubled look on her face as the fish on the table ceases to move. "If it was just regenerating cells singularly, this would be a very simple procedure."

My brows furrow in concern, as Shizune turns to take another live fish from the aquarium near her.

After Lady Tsunade had visited Lee at the hospital, she hadn't seemed very confident about healing him, which had surprised me. Sh had briefly explained the procedure to me, though I'd hardly understood what she'd meant.

I may be able to perform low level healing techniques, but this is on a totally different level. If even Lady Tsunade thinks its difficult.....

I've been dropping in every now and then while the new Hokage and Shizune have been researching ways to heal Lee, though I find the interesting part to be when they practice the procedures on fish. I still don't fully understand how they're going to heal Lee, but it is pretty cool to watch.

Luckily, Lady Tsunade seems to like me, so she doesn't mind too much when I come in and watch what she and Shizune are doing. I don't plan on ever become a Medic though, no matter how much Kakashi Sensei tries to persuade me to....

I stare at the new fish as a worn out, yet determined, Shizune tries again, green chakra surrounding her hands. I feel a prick of sadness in my chest, remembering how I'd heard the Medic at the Preliminaries say that Lee would never be a Ninja due to his severe injuries.

It didn't seem fair. Sure, Lee was weird and I hadn't initially liked him that much. But I've slowly seen that he is kind and honest, selfless and hard working. He just wanted to be a great Ninja and from what I've heard from others, he had struggled and strived to reach that goal.

"Don't worry Ashley" Shizune speaks up, having noticed the look on my face. "Lady Tsunade and I will figure this out, even if it takes one year, two years or even longer! We'll keep fighting to find the right procedure and heal Lee!"

I stare at Shizune as she looks to me with a determined smile, feeling touched by her resolve for some reason. After a few moments, I turn away from the table and smirk to myself as I head for the door.

"Hn" I scoff, pulling the door open. "I wasn't even worried about that."

Lady Tsunade glances at me briefly, a knowing look on her face, before she turns back to her book and I leave the room, smiling to myself.

"Are all Leaf Ninja so generous?" I ask myself rhetorically, shaking my head in wonder.

I feel strangely satisfied in hearing Shizune's words though, despite this situation having nothing to do with me. Is this what it means to have friends?

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