Chapter 16

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Edited 24/03/2015

Ashley's POV

I lean back on my branch, folding my hands behind my head and sighing. Quirking one eyebrow, I glance over at some bushes to my left, spotting three familiar faces peering through the leaves.

"Pfffft, what chickens" I mutter condescendingly, rolling my eyes at the cowering Team Ten. I'm not exactly sure what they're planning to do, watching on from the bushes like that.

'You're one to talk at the moment brat' Hakuba scoffs, smirking meanly. 'You're not helping your so called teammate by hiding in a tree. Such a hypocrite, just like all humans.....'

"Oh, shut up Hakuba" I hiss under my breath, scowling as I cross my arms. "You're just trying to mess with me again, and I'm not falling for it this time."

'......Seems as though you've learned your lesson" Hakuba chuckles in response, his tone sounding somewhat dark.

It's times like this when Hakuba really frustrates me. I get that he wants to take over my body and escape his prison, but sometimes I just don't understand his means. He messes with my head to try and confuse me, like he did earlier, but I'm not sure what his point here is. He doesn't want me to help Sakura or the others, but he ridicules me when I don't.......What's the correct action to take here?.....

"Try and catch these then!" Sakura cries, dragging my attention back to the fight below right as she flings half a dozen shuriken at Dosu.

Zaku swiftly appears in from of his teammate, raising his palm in Sakura's direction and blasting the incoming shuriken away with a wave of chakra. The weapons rebound off of the chakra and spin back towards Sakura, only for the pinkette to skillfully dodge around all of them.

Before she can make another move though, Kin suddenly appears behind the girl and catches hold of her hair. Laughing cruelly, Kin pushes down on Sakura's head, forcing her onto her knees.

"Well now, don't you just have the softest, shiniest hair" the Sound Ninja teases, smirking, "But maybe you should spend a little less time worrying about your hair and spend more time training! If you did, you wouldn't be in this fix right now!"

Here, Kin glances over at Zaku, a mischievous look on her face.

"Hey Zaku, I've got a fun idea" she announces. "Let's make Miss Beauty Queen here watch as you kill that Sasuke guy!"

I bite my lower lip, still scowling as I argue internally with myself, unsure of how to react to the current situation.

I should really do something to help Sakura out.......But I never help people, I only fight for myself.........But those Sound Ninja are going to kill her.....But why do I care if they do?! She's not my friend........But she's been nice to me........She's annoying though....

"Argh......" I huff in frustration, closing my eyes and placing my face in my palm. "No, don't be stupid Ashley......."

"Heh, that does sound fun" Zaku chuckles darkly, throwing his head back and raising one eyebrow at me, "Don't you think?"

Leaning forwards to look down at Zaku with a blank expression, I shrug my shoulders uncaringly.

"Ashley!" Sakura cries, her eyes wide and pleading as she too looks up at me. "What are you doing?!"

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now