Chapter 70

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Ashley's POV

I stare at Naruto, both dismayed and stunned by what he had just told us, my mouth opening. I find that I am unable to speak however, my inability to say anything leaving me gaping at him in silence. Beside me, I see Sakura's eyes widen, as she lets out a loud gasp.

"But, Naruto...." she protests softly, her voice sounding tearful.

I feel my own breath quickening at the sound of Sakura's trembling voice, quickly pulling my eyebrows down into a scowl as I force myself to hold back my own tears. My hands shake down at my sides, causing me to ball them into tight fists, though I it does nothing to calm me down.

Naruto rubs the back of his head and averts his blue eyes from our gazes, the blonde seemingly feeling awkward. Still seated on the ground, with his legs crossed and his arms folded, Jiraiya nods his head slightly, the movement so subtle that it is almost invisible. He keeps his eyes closed as he listens in, clearly not wanting to interrupt our conversation.

Well. Naruto may feel awkward and Sakura may feel sad, but as I absorb the shock of Naruto's announcement, I can feel something bubbling up in my chest. It feels hot and painful, as if something is scratching at my skin from the inside.

I feel angry.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" I demand to know, suddenly able to find my voice. I step forwards, now glaring at Naruto accusingly. "What are you talking about? For how long?"

"I-I don't know Ashley-chan" Naruto stutters, surprised by my anger for some reason. "But probably for a long time. Like, a couple of years..."

"A couple of years?!" Sakura and I both repeat at the same time, with me shouting indignantly and her gasping with disbelief again.

I can't help stomping forwards at this and jabbing my hand towards Naruto's throat. I grab onto his collar and roughly tug him towards me, glaring up into his now wide eyes.

"I came all the way back home to be with you guys" I growl, my eyes burning into Naruto's as I try to hold in the sobs I can feel building up within me. "I came back home because I missed you all so much, and then Sasuke left us and now you're leaving too. Why? Why are you leaving Naruto? Why....."

I can feel my harsh expression beginning to falter, as I look into those kind, blue eyes of his. He regards me with surprise, and a warmth that has become so familiar........What are we supposed to do when he's gone? What am I supposed to do?

He was the first one to reach out his hand to me, and be so kind, without expecting anything in return. Even when I had refused his hand, he kept extending it out to me. He had only wanted my friendship. He's always the first one to offer words of understanding and encouragement. Even on my worst days, he'd manage to lift me up.

If he's gone, I'll miss him so much....

I see Naruto's face soften as I lower my head, my eyes beginning to fill with tears. Naruto gently takes hold of my shaking wrists and removes my hands from his shirt.

"....Ashley-chan" Naruto addresses me softly, one hand now being placed on my shoulder. "I promise....I'm going to come back, okay? I'm not leaving forever. It's not the same as......."

I slowly raise my head, a pained expression on my face that causes Naruto to smile at me warmly as soon as he sees it.

"Pervy Sage is gonna train me to be really strong" he continues to explain in an unusually gentle voice. "And then, I can protect you, and Sakura, and Sasuke and everyone in the Village. So I have to go away for awhile, okay?"

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now