Chapter 51

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Edited 08/08/2020

Third Person's POV

"You guys made it!" Naruto shouts excitedly, slapping his hands down on the table and rising from his seat.

Shikamaru and Choji grin back at the blonde male, with Shino maintaining his stoic expression, though he does raise his hand in a wave. Ino, still riding on Asuma's back, throws her hand in the air and gives Sakura a peace sign.

"Ino, Hinata" Sakura greets, placing a hand over her heart and sighing with relief. "I'm glad you're both alright."

"Thank you Sakura-chan" Hinata says, bowing her head. ".....H-Hello Naruto-kun..."

"Hey Hinata!" the Uzumaki shouts, already back to stuffing his mouth with food. "Come and eat guys, it's good!"

"Once again" Asuma complains, squatting down in front of a chair so Ino can climb into it, "No one cares about us Sensei...."

"We care, we care!" Naruto protests, holding up a chicken leg. "We just knew you guys would be alright!"

"Well, I'm glad to see you guys" Kakashi says teasingly, stepping into the room and placing a hand on Sakura's head.

"Kakashi Sensei" Sakura smiles, tilting her head back to look up at the Jonin. "I'm happy to see you."

"We didn't know you were here too Sensei!" Naruto cries, his eyes sparkling at the sight of Kakashi. "You don't have a scratch on you! You're awesome Sensei!"

"Geez, even after all that" Shikamaru sighs, dumping himself down into the seat beside Naruto, "You're still as loud as ever. Don't you ever get tired?"

"I'm way too hungry to be tired" Naruto chuckles, to which Choji nods appreciatively, seated on the other side of Shikamaru.

"I hear that" he agrees, piling food onto his plate.

"Normally I'd tell you guys off for eating like pigs" Ino announces, pulling out the chair beside her so that Hinata can sit down. "But considering what we've all just been through, I'm gonna allow it just this once."

"That's big of you Ino" Asuma jokes as he too sits down, with Kurenai taking up the seat beside him as well.

"You both did well" Chief Dashi praises, looking over at Kurai and Atsui. "This is nearly all of the Leaf Ninja."

"Tamashi and I just happened to run into a whole bunch of them" Kurai giggles, hugging Shimei's arm. The tall red head had come over to greet her as soon as she had arrived, and Kurai had been quick to smother him in hugs and kisses. "It was really lucky."

"Yeah well, you were all a massive pain to find" Atsui huffs, arms folded over his chest.

"But we only found one Atsui-chan" Tsumetai points out innocently, something that causes the green haired boy to blush.

"So what?" he bites back. "At least we even bothered looking!"

"Just shut up Atsui" Saffire sighs, leaning her back against a wall. "You barely even did anything."

"Seeing as you're the one who caused this whole problem" Atsui growls, mad, "I wouldn't be saying anything if I were you."

Saffire's eyes widen at Atsui's accusation and she turns to frown at the boy, although she knows he is right. She'd been feeling guilty about it this whole time and she didn't need someone like Atsui telling her it was her fault!

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now