Chapter 33

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Edited 10/12/2017

Ashley's POV

I breathe heavily as I sprint back towards the Leaf Village as fast as I can, my body still not fully recovered after my fight with Itachi. If you could even call it a fight.

Putting out those black flames had really used up a lot of my chakra too. I didn't realise I could do that, but considering how tired I'm feeling now, I sure hope I never need to do that again...


"Milady!" Ace exclaims, sounding relieved as he abruptly appears right beside me.

At the sudden sight of my Wolf, I almost trip, just barely managing to right myself before toppling over.

"Ace!" I reprimand, sweat dropping. "What are you doing here?!"

"I am glad to see that you are well" the navy Wolf replies, looking me up and down as he runs alongside me. "Jet was in quite the panic stricken state when he appeared back at Inu Zoku Mountain earlier. He seems to be rather injured as well. I feared for your safety after seeing him like that. He also mentioned Itachi Uchiha, so I felt the need to summon myself and help you."

"......Is Jet okay?" I ask solemnly, my eyes hooded. "How are his injuries?"

"He was in a lot of pain" Ace informs me, his tone as serious as always, "I believe he will need immediate medical attention. Jet also told me that you put out the flames of an Amaterasu Milady.......That is quite an impressive feat."

My expression hardens at Ace's words, though I hardly notice the compliment. I don't care about that. All I can see now is Jet's face as he writhes on the ground in pain, the black flames burning his skin. Perhaps putting the flames out had helped, but he could have been burned to death back there. I imagine he's still in a considerable amount of pain....

"Milady" Ace begins quietly, though there is an urgent tone to his voice, "I believe you should see to Jet as soon as possible. He was in such agony, he could barely speak."

The corners of my mouth turn down, a bead of sweat running down the side of my face. I need to make this quick, so that I can summon Jet and see if I can help. My knowledge of Healing Jutsu is very limited and I may not be able to help my Wolf much, but if I can ease his pain at least a little, then it's worth trying.

I just need to see if he's alright first.....

"Milady!" Ace barks loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts, much to my annoyance. "Are you even listening to me? One of your partners is injured and needs-"

I skid to a halt and throw my hand out to the side, a dark look on my face as I slowly turn to glare at Ace. My shoulders rise up and down with my heavy breathing, palm resting against the Wolf's furry chest.

"I know Ace" I say tightly, trying not to take my frustration out on my partner. "I need to check on someone else first and then I'll help Jet. Okay?...."

Ace stares down at me without blinking for a few seconds, surprised by my tone. He quickly seems to understand my worry however, nodding his head.

"Of course Milady......" he obliges, though I can tell he isn't entirely happy with my decision. I'm sure he's wondering who I could possibly be prioritising over one of my Wolves.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now