Chapter 44

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Edited 05/11/2019

Ashley's POV

I suddenly jerk away from Kiba and leap to my feet, scurrying backwards until my back hits the trunk of the tree we're in. I look down at the shocked Inuzuka, my face burning and my fingertips lightly touching my lips. I feel my brows furrow in my embarrassment, my eyes wide. My heart beats wildly and my legs feel a little unsteady.

What was that all about?! Why had I allowed Kiba to get so close to me and why do I feel so safe with him? I've never had someone hold me like that or.......or kiss me either.

"U-Uh....." Kiba stutters, unsure as to what is happening. "Are you alright?......Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" I reply quickly, before turning my head and averting my gaze. "You didn't do anything wrong, it's fine. I'm just...."

It scares me. How I feel scares me and I don't know how to react. When I'd spoken with Kiba, and reaching out for him....I hadn't meant to, my body had just done that on it's own.

I'd been feeling so miserable before and all of the sudden, when Kiba arrived, I immediately began to feel better, despite the situation. It's so abnormal for me to be like this and yet, it's not entirely unpleasant either....

Kiba pushes himself to his feet and scratches the back of his neck, looking at me sheepishly. He remains silent for a few moments, seemingly thinking about what he should say.

I don't blame him for being confused. I'd been fine a second ago and then I basically shoved him away from me, making things awkward.

".....Well" Kiba finally says, "If you're feeling better, should we go back to the Inn?.....The others are worried ya know."

I glance back at Kiba, feeling strangely vulnerable. He seems to notice how uncomfortable I am and heaves a sigh, running a hand through his wet hair to push it out of his eyes.

"Look" he begins, sounding a bit hurt, "If you're upset about what just happened, just pretend it didn't-"

"I-It's not that" I interrupt softly, dropping my eyes to the ground and shaking my head. I'm....not upset about it."

"Then what's the matter?" Kiba pushes.

"....I'm just surprised" I admit shyly. I certainly don't feel brave enough to expound on that right now. "I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen, okay?"

Kiba watches me with his mouth turned up to the side and one brow raised, before he chuckles to himself.

"Okay, good" he agrees, seemingly satisfied with my vague answer. "I don't want you to anyway."

"Then why did you suggest it?" I ask, to which Kiba shrugs.

"I dunno" he replies. "Just didn't want you to be all weird about it. Although it's already kind of too late for that."

I scowl at Kiba in my embarrassment, but say nothing in my defence. It's not like I'm used to this sort of situation. I've never had someone treat me the way Kiba does and I've certainly never kissed anyone before. I don't know how to act!

"Come on" Kiba urges, amused by my expression. "Lets get back to the Inn. I'm sick of being in the rain."

"......Me too" I agree carefully, looking down at the hand Kiba extends towards me. "And it's cold too-"

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now