Chapter 43

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Edited 27/10/2019

Ashley's POV

"Ashley-chan!" Naruto and Sakura shout at the same time, with the pink haired girl throwing her arms in the air, before the two charge straight towards me.

Feeling embarrassed by their joy at seeing me, I sweat drop and turn my head away, closing my eyes. Remaining silent, my mouth set in a firm line, I raise my arms out towards my incoming friends.

It seems that Kakashi and I have arrived at the inn with perfect timing, seeing that all of the other Leaf Ninja had been about to enter the wooden building. It's a pretty building, set right at the foot of one of the many mountains in the Land of Ambience and surrounded by huge trees. I can see steam rising from somewhere behind the inn as well, which I guess means that there are hot springs here.

I am suddenly hit by a heavy force, strong enough to cause me to involuntarily make some sort of choking sound, before I find that I am flat on my back. Feeling winded, I stare up at the sky through wide eyes, only for Naruto and Sakura to giggle madly as they kneel over me.

Kakashi leans over me as well, one eyebrow raised as he checks to see if I'm alright. Upon seeing that I'm just momentarily stunned, he shakes his head and leans back, walking over to Asuma and Kurenai.

"Wh-What the hell guys?" I manage to wheeze, easing myself up into a sitting position as I glare at my two teammates.

"Sorry, sorry" Naruto chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"We were just happy to see you" Sakura apologises, though her eyes are sparkling with amusement.

"Yeah well" I scoff, "Your happiness to see me is going to kill me one day."

"....Are you alright?" Sasuke asks, now standing over all of us with his arms crossed, his face as serious as ever.

"I'm fine" I sigh, climbing to my feet. "I just wasn't expecting a stampede."

"That's not what I meant" Sasuke informs me, his dark eyes inspecting my face.

The smiles fall from Naruto and Sakura's faces as they also stand up, their expressions replaced with concern instead. I look back at the three of them solemnly, wondering how much to tell them. I'm sure I could trust them with my past but.....I just don't like talking about it. Besides, everyone else is looking over here. Now isn't the time for that discussion. I don't think I'm ready for it anyway.

".....Kakashi thinks I had a panic attack" I reply vaguely, avoiding eye contact.

"A panic attack?" Naruto repeats, tilting his head to the side. "How come?"

"Naruto" Sakura scolds angrily, before stepping forwards and grabbing onto my hand. "Are you okay now Ashley-chan? You seemed very upset before."

Sakura stares at me with doleful eyes, sincerely hoping for my well being. Before answering, I look past Sakura's face at the onlooking Genin. I see Shikamaru watching me intently, with Choji and Ino standing on either side of him, more curious than anything else. Hinata wrings her hands as she looks on, seemingly nervous for me, while Shino stands silently, hands in the pockets of his jacket. Beside his teammates, Kiba looks at me through hooded eyes, his brow creased with worry.

I blink at the sight of him and look back to Sakura, before closing my eyes and smiling at her.

"I'm fine Sakura" I tell her. "I don't know what happened, but I feel okay now."

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now