Chapter 29

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Ayyyy guys, so there's a couple more fights in this chapter that I'll be skipping, which I think most of you are thankful for. I'm glad you're happy that I leave them out, because I know you can't be bothered reading them and I sure as hell can't be bothered writing them haha xD

At the beginning of the previous chapter, I told you what Episode number and Manga chapter these Chunin Exam fights start on, so if you need to see/ read these fights for some reason, start from there.

Ashley's POV

"Alright Shikamaru!" Naruto cheers with excitement. "You've gotta win your match too, okay?"

The Nara merely sighs in response, reaching up to rub the back of his neck.

"Ugh...." he mumbles unenthusiastically. "I dunno. Maybe I should just quit too. I mean, even if I did beat Temari and make it into the Finals, there's no way I want to fight against any of the winners of this round eith-"

"You can do it Shikamaru!" Naruto shouts, cutting the male off and slapping him on the back.

My eyes widen as a shocked Shikamaru is pushed right over the balcony railing, not having expected Naruto's slap of encouragement.

"Shikamaru?!" I exclaim, watching him disappear from view, before spinning around and punching a sheepish Naruto upside the head. "You idiot!"

"Ow!" the blonde cries, rubbing his head with both hands as he ducks away from me. "Sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"Well" I sigh, crossing my arms. "At least he's in the fight now I guess...."

Chi giggles at the scene, standing up on his hind legs and resting his front paws on the railing. He peers down into the arena, only to giggle again as Shikamaru hits the ground with a loud thud.

"Shika-kun looks like a bug from up here" the Wolf states gleefully, no doubt unable to remember Shikamaru's whole name. "A squished bug!"

Naruto and I cringe at the sound of Shikamaru hitting the ground, slowly peeking over the ledge, only to see the Nara lying on his back and glaring up at us.

"Do you think he's mad?" Naruto asks after a few seconds of silence.

".....Probably" I say with a nod, sweat dropping. I know I'd be mad if Naruto had pushed me over the edge like that.

I almost start laughing however, as the crowd begins to jeer at Shikamaru, yelling for him to get to his feet and fight. He doesn't move though, his face twitching slightly.

Knowing Shikamaru, he probably just wants to be lazy and lie there, which would irritate the crowd even further. I wouldn't be surprised if that was his intention.

"What, are you planning on giving up as well?" Temari sneers, causing Shikamaru to glance over at her, a slight frown on his face.

"C'mon Shikamaru!" Naruto begins shouting, stomping around in a circle and waving his arms. "Pull yourself together and get up! Try starting the fight sometime this year!"

"He's gonna kill you for being so annoying" I inform my blonde teammate, who seems to be too busy yelling to pay much attention to me.

"Fine then" Temari says, a smirk on her face. "If you won't start this fight, then I will!"

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now