Chapter 25

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Edited 16/02/2016

Third Person's POV

Perched on a counter top with her chin resting in her palms, an irritated Ashley watches as Kiba stands beside Lee, prodding him in the side. An amused look passes over the Inuzuka's face, when he decides to poke the injured boy again.

"Stop it" Ashley orders bluntly, brows furrowing.

"Stop what?" Kiba asks innocently, shrugging one shoulder as he jabs his finger into Lee's side again. He smirks, seeing Ashley's aggravation growing at his actions.

"Just stop it" the girl commands, her tone much sharper this time.

"Stop what?"

"Kiba!" Ashley barks, beginning to lose her temper as the brunette continues to poke Lee. Why did he insist on annoying her like that?

"Angel!" Kiba barks back, laughing.

Stabbing her finger down towards Kiba and pointing at his face, Ashley narrows her eyes dangerously.

"If you don't quit poking him while he's injured and unconscious" she warns, "I'm going to kill you."

"I can't help it though" Kiba complains, shoulders drooping a little. "It feels kinda weird."

"Of course it does you idiot" Ashley sighs, momentarily closing her eyes. "His internal organs and muscles are basically destroyed. What did you expect it to feel like?"

"I dunno" Kiba admits, glancing down at Lee in thought. "Not like that though....."

Ashley bares her teeth in a frustrated growl as Kiba once again pokes Lee in the ribs. The brunette merely smirks back at her however, enjoying the girl's irritation.

He'd been sitting in the emergency room, bored out of his mind for a long time now and annoying Ashley was providing him with some much needed entertainment. It didn't help that she look cute when she was mad. She was so small and pretty, she didn't really look as intimidating as she probably thought she did. Not to Kiba at least.

Kiba and Ashley both look up as Akamaru barks happily, having awoken from his sleep only a few minutes ago. He had jumped all over Kiba, not at all upset with his best friend for what had happened during their fight with Naruto.

Akamaru had then licked Ashley's face to show his thanks for her help and while she'd tried to push the small Ninken away, Kiba knew she wasn't mad about it. She could pretend all she wanted, but there was no way that Ashley didn't like Akamaru. How could anyone not like him?

Watching as Akamaru continues to chomp on the small piece of jerky Ashley had bitten in half, Kiba narrows his eyes and slowly turns back to look at the blonde girl.

He raises his hand, a dark look in Ashley's visible eye as she glowers at the Inuzuka.

"Do it again Kiba" Ashley challenges. "I dare you...."

"Yeah?" the boy asks, smirking once again as he pointedly pushes his finger against Lee's side again. "And what're you gonna do ab-"

Before Kiba is able to finish his question, he is suddenly slugged in the stomach, the force of the hit sending him sliding backwards across the floor. He collides heavily with the wall, before collapsing to the floor.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now