Chapter 77

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Third Person's POV

Ashley stares up at the ceiling above her, eyes hooded and her fingers clutching onto her blanket tightly. The girl's eyes focus on nothing in particular, though there is nothing to see in the dim room anyway, her mind replaying images so vivid, she may as well have been watching them happen directly in front of her.

Memories of monsters, the smell of raging fire and the sound of hellish screams, all play in Ashley's mind, the girl's hands beginning to tremble at the thought of them. The sickening bright red of blood, the black, charred remains of her friends and family and the pallid, pale skin of the monsters......The colours of a wicked rainbow that flash so brightly in front of Ashley's eyes, she has to squeeze them closed.

Releasing a shaky breath, Ashley tries to keep herself calm, the girl reminding herself that it is only a memory and it is not currently happening. Though, that does little to dull the pain currently throbbing in Ashley's chest.

It felt like a lifetime ago that Ashley's life had been torn apart, and yet, on a day like today, the memories felt so real and fresh, as if it had only taken place yesterday. It was incredible how one day, the memories seemed blurry, almost faded, and on the next, the details could be recounted so distinctly, as if Ashley were looking at them right then and there.

Hearing a faint noise outside of her bedroom, Ashley reopens her eyes and slowly sits up, not overly wanting to get out of bed.

They were obviously out there, waiting for her, and as much as Ashley loved them, a part of her didn't even want to face them today. She didn't feel as if her heart were strong enough.

But, they were waiting. And they were hurting just as much as Ashley.

Letting out a low breath, Ashley pushes back her blanket and places her feet down on the floor, taking a moment before pushing herself off from the bed. The blonde girl walks over to her wardrobe and opens it, her eyes immediately falling on the simple black outfit that she had worn to the Third Hokage's funeral quite a long time ago now.

The corners of her mouth turned down, Ashley grabs onto the black shirt and skirt, and dresses herself, opting not to wear her usual attire for the day. It may not have been traditional, at least for a Minami, but it still held a significance either way.

Once dressed, Ashley exits her room and makes her way into the living room, only to be met by the sight of her seven Wolves. She pauses in the doorway, as all of them raise their heads to look at her, all of them silent.

A sombre air fills the room as they all look to each other, each able to feel the heaviness of the day, though each experiences it differently. They had all lived through a very different day back then, and had all seen, felt and heard different things. All seven Wolves, as well as Ashley, had survived something horrific that day, and the pain of their losses still weighed heavily on each of their hearts.

Breaking the stillness, Ace steps forwards and places a bouquet of beautiful flowers in Ashley's hands, before nuzzling the girl's cheek.

"For you Milady" he says softly. "From the other Minami. They are all thinking of you today as well."

Ashley stares down at the flowers for a few moments, a pang in her chest at not being able to spend the day with her sister, and surviving Clan members. It was going to be an agonizing day for them too.

Lowering the flowers, Ashley looks up at all of her Wolves.

".....I don't know what to do today" she says, almost sounding a little helpless. "I've never been free remember this day properly......"

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now