Chapter 55

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Third Person's POV

Ashley breathes heavily, her lungs seeming to burn as she gasps for breath. She'd been on the offensive for what felt like hours now, though she knew that wasn't the case.

Placing a hand to her side, Ashley closes one eye, her teeth gritting together at the stinging pain in her ribs.

Team Kurenai and Team Asuma had finally arrived and joined in the battle only a few minutes earlier, much to the relief of Team Shimei and Team Kakashi. While their addition to the fight still didn't do much to even out the numbers, it had certainly taken a lot of the stress off.

"Are you alright Milady?" Ace asks, to which Ashley waves one hand and nods her head. "You've used a lot of chakra."

"I think everyone has" Ashley manages to say between her breaths.

The soldiers around her now dangling helplessly in the air, having been impaled by Ashley's Stone Column Spears, the Minami takes a second to glance around.

She sees Kurai fighting alongside Shimei, the tiny pink haired girl looking almost comical next to the hulking figure of her boyfriend.

As Shimei exhales a huge flamethrower, Kurai steps forwards and moves her arms in a spinning motion, causing the air around her to whip up. As soldiers are lifted into the sky, being sucked into the tornado Kurai had created, Shimei's flames are fanned by the winds. In a matter of seconds, the spinning inferno tears across the ground, obliterating anyone and anything in its path.

Making sure to stay out of the way of the tornado, Tamashi dashes across the ground, the staff of his scythe grasped firmly in his jaws. He swings it backwards and forwards as he runs, streams of blue chakra trailing behind him as he goes. He slashes at everyone he can, their chakra being drawn from their bodies the moment his blade touches their flesh.

Skidding to a halt, Tamashi finds himself being confronted by three soldiers performing hand signs.

"Earth Style: Mud Wave!" they all call out, pressing their palms into the ground.

Tamashi watches as a huge wave of rock writhes up out of the earth, before it surges towards him.

Growling slightly, the Wolf slides one foot back to steady himself, focusing all of the chakra that he had collected into the blade of his scythe. With one almighty swing of his scythe, a huge blast of chakra, stolen from his enemies, cuts through the air towards the wave of rock.

It collides with the Jutsu with a loud explosion, sending rock and dust flying in all directions.

Kurai, seeing her Guardian disappear in a thick cloud of dust, runs towards him and swipes her arms up skyward. The cloud is swiftly blown up into the air, allowing Tamashi to see Kurai and run back towards her.

As pieces of shattered rock begin to rain down on the battlefield, Kiyumi raises her arms. Focusing intently, she manages to catch the rocks before they are able to land on any of her allies. She looks back down at the ground, quickly spotting some of the nearby Leaf Ninja, and begins dropping the small boulders, one by one, down on the enemies opposing them.

Not too far away, Rei stands beside Atsui, her whole body crackling and blazing with electricity. Having quickly figured out Rei's ability, Atsui had flagged her down to assist him.

Baring his sharp teeth in a dark grin, Atsui draws the electricity from Rei's body, causing it to circle around his forearms. Jabbing his hands out in different directions, Atsui begins blasting huge lightning bolts out across the battlefield, thunderous booms echoing through the air as each one leaves his body.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now