Chapter 56

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Ashley's POV

I let out a low breath, feeling my chakra beginning to run low again. It hadn't been too long since Sakura had shared hers with me, but due to my lack of chakra control, I'd already used most of it on healing Akamaru, myself and Shimei.

Looking down though, I can see that Shimei's pained expression seems to have relaxed, and almost all of his bleeding has stopped. As long as he'll be alright, I don't mind feeling tired like this.

"Are you okay Ashley?" Fang asks me, sounding exhausted herself. "You've used up a lot of your chakra."

"I'll be fine" I assure the Wolf, my glowing hands still pressed over Shimei's closing wound. "We're almost finished."

"Yes" Fang agrees, smiling with relief, though she too keeps her paws over Shimei's injury. "Shimei seems to be doing well, thank goodness..."

"You've both done well" Rei smiles, her chin on her paws as she watches us.

Ace looks on silently. I know he was mad at me for not just healing myself, but I think now he's just happy that I'm not out on the battlefield, putting myself in immediate danger.

"Ley-chan?" an uncertain voice suddenly asks, causing my head to snap up.

I see my sister approaching, cuts all over her body and her clothes soaked with blood splatter. She steps into our small safe haven, Keilor limping behind her.

"Kiyu" I reply urgently, moving to rush over to her, only to pause when I remember that I can't leave Shimei yet.

"I'm alright" my sister laughs softly, brushing off my worry with a brief wave of the hand.

"You're both limping" I point out. "Never mind all of the cuts you have on you as well."

"We've been like, killing dudes" Keilor explains, before exhaling loudly and falling in a tired heap at Ace's feet, something that causes Rei to giggle. "My feet are like, on fire man."

"Keilor has used up most of his chakra" Kiyu explains softly, raising one hand to lift a large piece of earth into the air. She sits down on it, sighing quietly to herself as she takes the pressure off of her feet.

"I was hit in the leg earlier" Kiyu adds, raising her eyes to me, watching as Fang and I continue to heal Shimei. "Sakura-chan bandaged it up for me though...."

I smile to myself at the thought of my teammate helping my sister, before I glance back over at Kiyu and frown in concern.

"I don't think I'll have much chakra left after this" I admit, "But I can try to heal you once Shimei is-"

"No!" Kiyu interrupts, her dark eyes widening with realisation. "I-I mean...No, please don't. I actually came here for your help with something else Ley-chan."

"Something else?" I ask, quirking one eyebrow.

"Yes" Kiyu nods, now looking down and fidgeting with the ends of her hair. "....A lot of the Village's buildings are on fire and falling down. I was hoping you would help me rescue the people that are trapped...."

I can't help the way I stare at Kiyumi at this request, my body suddenly feeling tense. I find myself concentrating on her so hard, that the chakra fades from my hands.

"What?" is all I manage to ask.

"But Kiyu-chan" Kurai says hesitantly. "Helping them is how Shimei got...."

"Why should we help them after that?" I demand to know, now crossing my arms over my chest.

While I had initially been on the side of being merciful to the enemy, after seeing what they were willing to do to my friends, and how hard my friends were fighting, I had certainly changed my mind.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now