Chapter 15

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Video is a cute Naruto and Sasuke animation that I like :3

Sakura's POV

"Ohhh, but he and I will meet again" this Orochimaru man chuckles lowly, bringing his hands together in a strange hand sign. In an instant, Orochimaru's neck elongates and his head shoots towards my Sasuke, horrible long fangs bared.


I throw my hands up to cover my eyes just as someone lets out a shout of protest, my heart thudding against my ribcage. What is this man trying to do to Sasuke?! Why is he attacking us like this?!

After a few seconds of silence, I slowly lower my hands and crack an eye open, curious as to why I didn't hear a scream, the sound of fighting, or anything. I'm afraid of what I'm going to see when I-

My eyes suddenly shoot wide open at the sight of Ashley standing in front of Sasuke protectively, blocking Orochimaru's face with a kunai. I see her arms shaking with the effort of pushing against him, her face contorted into a vicious scowl. Her teeth, which I've just noticed are rather sharp, like Kiba's, are bared in a low growl. She glares hatefully into Orochimaru's sickeningly green eyes, the pale skinned man's lips slowly beginning to pull up into a smirk.

"Huh?" Sasuke breathes in surprise, a confused expression on his face as he pants heavily, shoulders rising up and down.

"Ashley....." I sigh, feeling strangely relieved that she'd decided to come and help us fight. Maybe she's not so bad after all.....

With a surge of strength, Ashley shoves Orochimaru's head upwards, before bending her knees and jumping into the air, spinning around to slam her foot into the man's cheek. With a resounding crack that makes me wince, Orochimaru's head flies backwards, colliding heavily with a tree.

Ashley lands back on the branch in a crouched position, taking deep breaths as she keeps her brightly coloured eyes focused on her opponent. She places one hand down beside her foot, helping her keep her balance.

I see Ashley's eyes narrow a little as Orochimaru starts laughing, the sound sending a shiver up my spine and causing me to glance over at him uncertainly. I swallow thickly as the man continues to laugh, his voice getting louder and louder as his neck swiftly retracts back into his body.

That laughter......It just sounds so evil.......What have we gotten ourselves into here? And why is he focusing so much attention on my Sasuke?

"You....." Orochimaru drawls menacingly, flicking some long, black hair from his eyes. "It's been too long since we last saw each other."

"Orochimaru" Ashley spits out nastily, as if the name tastes bad, "You sick, demented bastard. What the hell are you doing here?!"

Orochimaru begins cackling again at this, to which I turn and exchange a puzzled look with Sasuke. I don't know who this awful man is, but it certainly seems as if he and Ashley have met before......Though it doesn't look as though she likes him very much, and I can certainly understand why. He's creepy and scary!

I see Ashley's grip on her kunai tighten, her knuckles slowly beginning to turn white. I wonder if she's alright?.........And where has she been this whole time anyway? She disappeared when Orochimaru first turned up, and after she helped Sasuke out, she suddenly vanished again. Why did she choose to come out now?

She's so strange, I just don't understand her at all.....

"I knew that you were hiding around here somewhere" Orochimaru informs Ashley menacingly, eyes narrowing a little, "Like the scared little Mouse that you are....."

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now