Chapter 50 --Super Chapter--

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  • Dedicated to All Of The Amazing People Who Support Twi xD

Edited 07/06/2020

Third Person's POV

"What do you mean related?" Sasuke demands to know, as Kiyumi hurries to Keilor and slaps her hand over his mouth.

"O-Oh" she stutters, forcing a smile onto her face, despite sweat dropping. "I-It's nothing. Keilor is j-just being silly...."

Keilor wags his tail lazily, clearly not worried about the information he had just dropped on Sasuke. He didn't know why it had to be a secret anyway.

"....Doesn't look that way" Sasuke comments wryly, only to let out a groan as he leans forwards, the pain in his back making him pause.

"Oh!" Kiyumi cries, running over to Sasuke and dropping down beside him. "Um, th-that's a very serious injury. P-Please let me wrap it for you."

Sasuke begrudgingly removes his torn blue shirt so Kiyumi can wrap his wound. He hardly wanted to do so, but he was smart enough to know that letting his wound bleed freely like this wasn't a good idea.

"I will try to be gentle" Kiyumi promises, pulling out a small roll of bandages from the pouch on her side. She carefully begins to wrap it around Sasuke's chest and back, trying not to put too much pressure on the deep scratches.

"Those are some seriously serious scratches man" Keilor points out, now sitting closer to Sasuke and inspecting the damage. "I can like, see your spine."

Sasuke's eyes widen at this, only for Kiyumi to wave her arms in a panic and hush her Guardian.

"H-He's just teasing you Sasuke-kun" the blonde says apologetically. "No bones a-are exposed."

Sasuke can't help slumping forwards a little, a wry expression on his face. He was suddenly feeling even more tired than before.

"There you go" Kiyumi says, sounding a little brighter. "I-It's all wrapped up. Are you able to stand?"

"Yeah" Sasuke replies, pressing his hands against his knees and slowly rising into a standing position. His face scrunches up slightly with the pain, though he manages to keep any groans in.

"W-We can travel slowly, okay?" Kiyumi assures Sasuke, wringing her hands.

"Travel?" Sasuke questions, only for Keilor to nod, jumping to his feet.

"Yeah" he answers, tongue hanging from the side of his mouth. "Kiyu-chan and are are like, totally here to bring you crazy Leaf kids back to the Temple. We're like, you know, trying to save you dudes and stuff."

"Please don't worry" Kiyumi says, giving Sasuke a soft smile, though she doesn't meet his eyes. "I c-can sense if any s-soldiers are near, so we should be able to avoid any fighting."

Sasuke stares at Kiyumi in silence, his dark eyes hooded. Why did she seem so annoyingly familiar to him? Was it because she looked so similar to Ashley? Or was it something else?

The Wolf had said that they were related, but that didn't make sense. And yet, Sasuke wanted to know what he had meant anyway.

"U-Um...." Kiyumi murmurs, feeling nervous under Sasuke's intense gaze. "Keilor, please stay beside Sasuke-kun. Help him to walk if he is struggling. I will lead us back."

"Aye aye Captain" Keilor jokes, walking backwards until he is standing beside Sasuke.

The Uchiha gives Keilor a deadpan look, which the Wolf returns with a happy, closed eye expression, tail wagging slowly.

The Wolf Inside - A Naruto Fanfic - Watty Award Winner 2013Where stories live. Discover now