Chapter 22

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Edited 16/06/2015

Kakashi's POV

I stare at Ashley incredulously, frozen in place. I can't believe what she's just told me. How could she possibly be a Jinchuuriki?! I never expected her to tell me that.....That means I have two Jinchuuriki on my team. Did the Hokage know about this? Did he purposely assign Ashley to my team because of this?

'No.....' I think, watching Ashley's expression fall into one of clear nervousness. 'Lord Third wouldn't have hidden information like this from me. It's too important. He mustn't know yet....'

"So, you're a Jinchuuriki?" I ask rhetorically, to which Ashley gives me a lop sided grin, hand scratching the back of her head.

"Yeah" the blonde confirms anyway. ".......Just like Naruto."

"How did you know Naruto had a Demon sealed inside of him?" I question, tilting my head. "I remember you recognised the Nine Tails when some of its chakra took over him back in the Land of Waves."

"I didn't recognise it" Ashley corrects, shaking her head. "When its chakra was released, Hakuba was the one who told me it was the Nine Tails. I was pretty surprised to learn that Naruto is a Jinchuuriki as well. He doesn't really seem like the type who has a powerful Demon sealed inside of them....."

I give Ashley a quizzical look as she trails off, her brows furrowing and her brightly coloured eyes flicking away from me in though. After a few seconds the girl visibly winces and shakes her head, before heaving an exasperated sigh.

Seeming to notice that I'm still staring, Ashley looks back over at me, a flat, somewhat annoyed look on her face.

"Sorry about that" the girl apologises dryly, rolling her eyes skyward. "Hakuba is throwing a bit of a fit because I've told you about him. He's not happy that I've trusted you with the knowledge of his existence.......And he's ranting about how much stronger he is than the Nine Tails. He uh, kinda hates Naruto and the Kyuubi..."

".......Are you going to be alright?" I ask uncertainly, feeling a bit worried. "Your Demon can't.....hurt you can he?"

"Not if I stay awake" Ashley replies casually, shrugging one shoulder. "I'm pretty susceptible to Hakuba overpowering me while I'm asleep, because the seal holding him inside me isn't really strong enough to hold back his power. His strength is too great. If I'm ever emotionally or physically weakened, it makes it so much easier for Hakuba's chakra to overwhelm my body."

"So you just never sleep then" I state, not overly happy to hear this news.

"Well......" Ashley trails off, tilting her head in thought. "I can sort of sleep I guess. I can doze off, which I do sometimes, but I try to avoid it coz I can't let myself fall into a deep sleep. That's when Hakuba can try to overpower me."

"Light sleep like that isn't enough" I inform my Genin. "Being sleep deprived so much can't be good for you."

Ashley shrugs again, as though she doesn't care, but I see an anxious look pass through her eyes as she drops them to the floor.

"It's either I don't sleep or the Ten Tails is released" she responds quietly. "You tell me which option sounds better....."

My eyes widen a small amount at Ashley's answer, feeling a little impressed with her selflessness. Maybe she only stays awake out of pride and stubbornness, or maybe she does it because she really doesn't want the Ten Tails to be released......Either way, it's an impressive feat.

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