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My legs were growing tired, and yet I could still hear him right behind me. No matter what different route I took, he was still right behind me this entire time. The entire maze was filled with footsteps, the sound amplified by the squeeky wooden floor. I had to keep in my muffled scream, even though my steps already betrayed my location every time. I could see him in the mirror, running as fast as he could, his entire face now filled with determination. If I didn't come up with a plan on how to stop him hallucinating any second now, this would be my last hour.

My eyes once again focused on the mirrors, seeing Jeongin search frantically, the three of us in constant motion. And yet, while Hyunjin and Jeongin were both on the search, I was the only one trying to get away. "Jeongin, can't you talk to him in the meantime?" I pleaded, feeling like that was my best option for now. Even though I had no idea what happened in their pasts, if anyone in here was close, it was those two. "I really don't think I can hang in here for much longer," I added, already panting. I'd been bumping into the mirrors a lot too, yet the adrenaline kept me from slowing down because of it. "Plus, just now he did seem to react to your voice. Please, Jeongin." I was running out of time, stamina, and ideas, and right now, Jeongin felt like my only hope.

"I'd love to try, but when it came to Da-Hye and her group he never talked to me. It was the one taboo I could never ask about..." Jeongin took a deep breath, as now not even his voice seemed to have an effect on Hyunjin anymore. "There were rumors, all over the school. Hyunjin transferred later on to my school, and though nobody had any confirmation on this, the rumor was he killed them." For a second, my heart felt like it stopped. Hyunjin had killed them? Surely, he could be a little... possessive over Jeongin, but him having actually killed people before? It made me all the more terrified for the guy that was now running after me, trying to get my blood on his hands.

"Anything else? Details? I'm trying to think of anything to possibly stop him, but I don't know what to do, so if you've got anything else about what could be going on in his mind right now, that would be great." Jeongin hummed, clearly also catching his breath. "They say he was bullied in his old school. As you could clearly hear by Da-Hye, and two of her guy friends, or rather minions as they'd call them. She was one of the most popular girls, given her good looks. And so, apparently, Hyunjin started to like them, and confessed. It was something that was practically forbidden, but Hyunjin, who didn't know why, did so anyways. Turns out, the reason nobody ever confessed, was because the lives of those who did were made a living hell."

Poor Hyunjin... he must have liked her a lot if he confessed despite all that. "Just so you know, this is only from what I heard from other classmates and all, okay? So none of it is confirmed, and I never believed it anyways... though I'm not so sure anymore," Jeongin hesitated. "I know, don't worry. Just continue, okay?" I hurried him. Hyunjin was starting to close in by the second. "Okay, so, apparently after he confessed, Hyunjin got bullied by the three, and secluded by the rest of the school. Da-Hye made a fool out of him in public, started treating him like some obsessed dog that would do anything for her. And if he disagreed, she'd throw a fit, make him to be the bad guy. As soon as I heard about all this, I just felt so bad for him. I always thought that was the only reason he transferred, and that the killing out of spite was just made up. But this... Y/N, please hang in there. If the rumors were true after all, then maybe Hyunjin will..."

Jeongin was clearly conflicted by what to believe, and I couldn't even blame him. Jeongin had so far been someone that seemed to good for this world, so for him to think the best of someone made absolute sense. And yet, when the person you believed to have done no wrong is now suddenly chasing after someone, seemingly with the intent to kill, thinking the best of Hyunjin seemed to be getting increasingly difficult. But the worst part of it all? I could only empathize with Hyunjin. I only barely managed to survive in the hellhole of a home of mine, and in all honesty; ending it all had crossed my mind more often than I'd like to admit. And not only that of my own. If he had to endure anything even remotely to what I did, I could not blame him at all.

And still, I couldn't just keep on running. From what I could follow, the delusion of Da-Hye would finally let him go, but it meant killing me. And yet, likely with all the nightmares he'd get from her, alive and after her death, Hyunjin was just trying to finally find peace in his mind. Maybe even finally receive love from the person he seemed to like so much. "Is that why he likes you so much? Because you were the only person who accepted him and liked him? Because you still believed in him, even despite the rumors?" I asked Jeongin one last question. Though I had come up with something that might help, I honestly couldn't even believe myself just for thinking about it. It wouldn't be fair to him, it would be something I hoped never to have to use again to get away either, and yet it seemed like the only way out. I just needed something unexpected to get him back to his senses.

"Probably, why?" Jeongin asked. That was it. I took a deep breath, already mentally preparing myself. Even though I hated even thinking of it, I couldn't think of anything else. Continuing to run away wasn't going to work, nor seemed talking to him. And so, if maybe I appealed to what he seemed to be needing the most, I would have a chance. It was slim, but it was now or never. "Because I think I'll just have to show him he deserves to get love too," I answered, already hearing Jeongin shout my name as I stopped my tracks, turning around to see him face me. And just before he could grab onto me, I took his face in the palms of my hands before closing my eyes, and pulling him closer to press his lips against mine.

I'm sorry Hyunjin. I really am.

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