3) "𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓿!"

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{Saturday morning, 11 am}

-Eddie POV-
I knocked on the Harrington's door to see a tired- looking Ariel open the door, she looked as if she just woke up, but she looked really- hot. Her hair was a mess and she had only an oversized t-shirt on.

" Oh! Eddie I forgot we were supposed to hang out! I'm so sorry!" She said loudly "It's okay, it's kinda early too, I don't mind waiting on you." I told her, trying to take my eyes off her body.

" Thank you Eds, you can come in!" She said stepping out of the way.

" 'Eds', huh?" I asked her, thinking the nickname she gave me was cute. " Oh, sorry, just a name I thought of for you, I should've asked first, I-" she began to ramble like she did previously.

" Hey, Hey, hey, it's fine doll!" I chuckled at her rambling. " Sorry, I ramble a lot, I'm trying to break that habit." She said shyly smiling at me.

" I like it when you ramble, it's sorta- cute?"Shit! I should've said that, that's definitely gonna scare her off, and it sounded cringy, I should probably stop talking.

Instead, she smiled at me " That's the first time I haven't been told not to 'Shut the hell up' by someone!" her excitement mixed with sarcasm was making me laugh. I am falling too hard again.

" I'm going go to take a shower now, feel free to help yourself, cups are in the top cabinet, and soda is in the bottom drawer of the fridge. All snacks are in the pantry, make yourself at home!" She told me sweetly.

I walked over and got myself a class of Coke, and sat down to watch TV.
I followed Ariel into her garage, my jaw dropped at her '79 Z28 Camaro, it was a lighter, pale blue with bright blue details.

" You okay there Munson? You seem a little spaced out?" She teased " Holy shit! Your car is so damn nice!" I exclaimed in awe. " Thank you! Hurry up and get in I'm hungry." She giggled.
{Mall food court}
-Ariella POV-
I was giggling at something Eddie had said.
" I'm gonna go grab our food, I'll be back." He told me. I love the sound of his voice, so damn much! He speaks so softly, and his voice is so smooth.

As I was sitting while waiting for Eddie, someone sat beside me, I looked up to see a man, that looked to be in his late twenties, his eyes scanning over me.

" Hey pretty lady, what's you name darling?" He asked, I didn't know what to do so I answered " Ariel-Ariella.." I replied back with. I had this gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. I tried to move away, but I didn't very far.

I was right, I felt the man's hand on my thigh. I wanted to cry, throw up! I don't know what to do! I slowly felt my self in a panic, tears forming in my eyes, then I saw Eddie approach our table.

"Quiet, or there will be consequences. Someone is coming over here." The man said in my ear.

" Ariel, who is that?" Eddie said and I had the sudden instinct to call out " Eddie help me! Please! I don't know him!" I told him loudly, trying not to be too loud, Eddie then rushed over to me .

" Who the fuck are you?" The man asked Eddie in a nasty tone. " Don't worry about it, get your hands off her !" When the man didn't listen, Eddie yanked the man's hands off of me and the man stood up. " She's not yours so what the fuck are you doing!?" The man demanded. " You fucking perv! What the hell do you think you're doing? Fuckin' pedophile!"

Eddie said and I begin to cry harder from how overwhelming this was. I tried to stop, it felt so pathetic to cry in front of people, I especially didn't want to cry in front of Eddie, I did the one thing I didn't want to do, embarrass myself.

The man left and Eddie came to my side, " Hey, it's okay, it's over now." He spoke softly to me. I noticed as people were staring and I begin to look around, my anxiety getting the best of me. I'm pretty sure Eddie noticed because he took my hand and guided me to sit on a bench beside GAP.

" Come here." He cooed softly in my ear, pulling me close in a hug, making sure I was comfortable with his touch before he began to stroke my hair softly and rub my back. His touch was so gentle, I never wanted it to stop.

As I tried to stop crying, another thing filled my head, one of the best things, butterflies .He whispered and mumbled softly in my ear.

"You're safe, I promise."

"I won't let anything hurt you."

"It's over, sweetheart."

He repeated those words to me a few times before he pulled away from me. " It's all okay, I'm sorry this had to happen to you. But, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again, 'kay? I promise." He softly muttered to me, wiping my last few tears as they fell from my eyes, I tried to brush off the slight pathetic feeling I felt.

" As much as I hate to see you cry, your eyes are gorgeous when you do, " He told me as he stared into them, butterflies.

I was hoping he'd kiss me, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I stared back into his chocolate colored puppy dog eyes. They were the prettiest I've ever seen.

" Your eyes are pretty too, Eds." I told him in the same quiet and soft tone that he told me in. He told me these affirmations like he only wanted me to hear them, no one else.

I looked at his slightly messy, shoulder- length curls. I reached out and softly twisted one in my finger. Touching him with enough force that he could easily push me away if he wanted to.

" How much was the food?" I asked, still playing with his hair, he softly grabbed my wrist and held it in his hands, stroking my hand with his thumb. His hand was so warm. He's definitely flirting. But I'm not complaining.

" Only about $10?" He replied with, unsure with his answer. I reached into my pocket to get my wallet and I handed him $15.

" Oh darling, you can keep your money." He said softly, handing my money back. All these pet names, I loved the way it sounded, especially knowing it was meant for me. The way it effortlessly rolls off his tongue.

" I just feel bad because you wasted money on lunch and I-" he cut me off before I could start rambling, " Don't even finish that sentence Ariel, you didn't do anything wrong, it's not your fault that creepy ass motherfucker tried to hit on you! Please don't blame yourself."

He told me, I could tell he was getting a little pissed because of what happened earlier, I giggled at his choice of words. And he began to laugh with me.

"I'm sorry I got all upset like that. And it was really sweet of you to do that for me." I said in a somewhat flirtatious, tone. He smiled that pretty smile and looked deeply into my eyes. "I knew it was a high stress situation, and I couldn't just do anything. I've never handled a situation like that. Just trying to do the right thing." He said to me softly.

" I really appreciate what you did Eddie, thank you again, for today, you maybe wanna try again sometime?" I asked, eager to hang out with him again.

"Of course, love!"

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now