94) 𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱

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{The next day, August 17th, Photograph Def Leppard <3}

-Eddie POV-
I can't help but think about what Ariel said a few days ago, and what I said back.

" No, silly. You're missing my point. I can't spend all day here with you, we have school. I don't want this to end." Ariel explained with a sad smile on her pretty face.

"You know, just because we have school, doesn't mean we can't spend time together. I'll be with you all day. And I promise, you'll be wishing that I'd just leave you alone." I told her softly, resting my chin on her chest to look up at her.

Did she mean what she said-? She told me yesterday that she had something to tell me, but she didn't know how.. I think maybe I know what that something is.

She wants to tell me that this is just for fun, and that she never really wanted me in the first place. She's going to apologize and tell me she doesn't love me. I love her, I think. I love her 99% it's just that 1% throwing me off.

She's going to break up with me, hold on... We're not even dating?

I do think she cares, but she also cares about someone else, Patrick McKinney. I mean, yeah I get it. Friends since 7th grade. Football player, basketball player. And she's a cheerleader. Isn't it just perfect?

I feel like an asshole thinking about her like this, but why were they in the bathroom together? Even when she's drunk?

But then again I can't stop thinking about her at all. That long dark curly hair, those gorgeous faded blue eyes, the beautiful smile on her face when she she's me, causing that one dimple to top out on her left cheek. Her sweet voice, the way she says my damn name! And she always smells good...

I'm insane. I can't get her out of my head. Good thoughts, bad thoughts, not even bad, I'm just scared. Scared that she's found something better. Am I not good enough?

Maybe I hurt her feelings? That's why she's been awkward, and telling me that's there's something she wants to say, but she doesn't know how to say it. Is she uncomfortable?

Man, now I wanna go over there to see her. I want to talk. It's Saturday, she can't be too busy right?

-Ariella POV-
I smiled as I looked through my Polaroids from this summer, I can't believe it's almost over in two days. Chrissy, Jason, Mike, Billy and I, Dustin and I.... One of my favorites was of me and Steve while we were on vacation for spring break. We were both standing in the white sand, while the waves rushed behind us.

It's not a summer picture, but it fits the vibe. I have pictures of everyone. The whole Cheer squad, Nancy, Chrissy, Robin, Erica and I, but I don't have any of me and Eddie.

Well I don't have any pictures of Eddie, how can I manage to have a picture of me and Tommy Hagan, ew, but not Eddie?

I need this for summer of 1985! I can I only live this summer once! I thought to myself as I continued to look through the photos I had laid out on the floor in front of me, man, I have a lot.

I smiled as I came across move pictures of Andy and Chrissy from last spring. My mood quickly changed and my mouth began to get dry as I found a picture of Nathan and I.

Dated January 17, 1985. I started at the photo of his with his arm around me, while I was kissing his cheek. I feel gross, and...

I hate to look at him, think of him, even to remember him, but why can't I bring my eyes away?

I dropped the photo in my lap as the doorbell rang through the sound of Family Ties that was playing on TV,bringing my attention from the photo.

I instinctively buried the photo under the other ones, and slowly made my way downstairs to the door.

"Hey,sweetheart!" Eddie exclaimed happily at the door, a little too happy, " Hi, Eddie." I greeted as I let him in. He was quick to hug me tightly, like he wasn't going to see me again type of hug.

"I really need to talk to you..." He started, the excited expression leaving his whole body.

" Okay? We -you wanna head up to my room?" I asked him and he nodded. He walked ahead of me on the stairs, okay he's being weird, really weird. He was all touchy and then it all just left at once.

I watched as he walked towards the photos that were laid on the floor, once I caught up with him he was in the motion of crouching down towards them.

"Please don't touch those!" I said rather loudly, I don't want him seeing the picture of Nathan and I.

" Sorry," he mumbled, " Is that you?" He questioned, pointing to a picture of me sitting on the sand at Miami Beach, wearing a white sundress.

" Yeah..." I said I picked it up along with the others, making sure he didn't see the picture. He's too curious to see it, If he sees it, he'll ask.
Why do we keep getting awkward.

" You said you wanted to talk to me? I guess that's why you came all the way over here?" I asked him, he then smiled.

" No, I just wanted to see you. I needed some excuse for you to let me in." His smile grew, "What kind of pictures do you have that you don't want me to see? You picked them up really fast." That sweet smile, slowly turned into a smirk.

I gasped, " Eddie! Nothing like that! What, is that what you're into?"

" Do you collect them or something?" Eddie asked, " I would gladly add myself to that collection..." he said with a laugh.

" No I don't collect them; okay maybe I kind of do... but I was thinking earlier, I don't have a picture of you." I told him, sitting down beside him on my bed. I looked turned away from him to find the picture I didn't want him to see and stuffing it into my dresser before turning back to him.

"I'm sorry I snatched them like that, there's just one I thought I got rid of that I didn't want you to see. But you can look," I told him as I started to lay them out on the bed between us.

" You look beautiful, I think you look pretty in dresses." Eddie  compliments softly, his eyes looking up into mine, he had the same picture from before.

"If you like it that much, you can have it, Eds. I have a whole bunch of beach photos from that day." This feels so special.

" Really?" He says, I look up from the photo to look at his face, his cheeks starting to turn a light pink.

-Eddie POV-
" You're cute, Eddie." Ariel cooed, reaching up to move hair from my face before kissing me.

" You mean I can really have it?" She giggled as me, "Yes, now take it before I change my mind!" She playfully shoved the photo I held in my hands towards me.

"I'll frame it, yeah? Then put it on my nightstand?" I ask her as I tucked her long hair behind her ear.

" I want one of you. I have everyone, even damn Tommy Hagan. Ew! But really I want one of you!" Ariel says as she interlocks her fingers with mine.

"I think I might have one from like-Maybe last summer? Actually, I think Gareth has one of me... Shit, I don't know." I told her and laughed loudly, man,how is she so damn pretty?

I looked up to see her holding a Polaroid camera. Currently in the motion of putting more film into it.

" Come take one with me."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now