21) 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓼.

173 2 0

( Includes drinking )

-Eddie POV, 11:00 pm
I leaned against a wall of the Carver's living room as I drank my beer that was inside of a small red solo cup. I stared at Ariel as she stood on a table, chugging a beer of her own

Everyone cheered when Ariel finished off the beer, she was so drunk, she was barely standing up straight, I was trying to get to her, but every time I did, a crowd would form somewhere preventing me from getting to her.

She looked so hot. I always when people would she that word, everytime I would hear it being used it would be said by someone who is just playing a game, but I couldn't think of anything else to describe how she looked.

I stared as the beer dribbled down her chin, "Carver, get me another!" Ariel yelled to Jason, and some other guy I didn't know the name of threw one into her arms. She started chugging again, the large crowd around her cheered loudly " Chug! Chug! Chug!"

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to my left were it came from, " Hey-!" Another person I didn't know the name of, it was a blonde girl,She looked about 5'8, I think I recognized her from the school's cheerleading squad.

" You're really cute." She put her hand on my chest, " I have a girlfriend, sorry." I softly pushed her hand off of me. She stared at me for a seconds, then left.

I knew I didn't have a girlfriend, I didn't want a girlfriend. I only wanted Ariel, even if I couldn't get her to be my girlfriend. My chance was closer, she let me kiss her, and she would kiss me, I just have to ask her out, then we'd be practically be a thing. Well, maybe.

I looked back up at Ariel, her eyes were already on me from across the room. She looked pissed. She drank the rest of the beer in her hand, her eyes not leaving me. She then looked away.

I watched as the dude from earlier, the one that handed her that beer, wrapped his arms around Ariel's waist, lifted her down from the table, he grabbed her ass, and kissed her, stared making out with her. Her legs than wrapping around the guy's waist, her hands on his shoulders.

I felt so ... jealous! I couldn't pull my eyes away, I shouldn't even care, she's not mine. Oh, I wish she was, but she's not. So I shouldn't be jealous, right?

I watched him kiss her, like I would kiss her. She wasn't kissing back, she was just there, clearly not enjoying the experience as much as she wanted to. That was the part that aggravated me the most was that she wasn't doing anything to stop it. I get she's drunk, but I know she tell when she's making out with someone. She's not even that drunk.

I didn't want to watch anymore, I went outside and sat on the front porch steps, there was only about three people out there, two of them were leaving.

I really thought I had a real fucking chance with her, I did. Why would Ariel Harrington date me? All this is to her was a summer fling, I'm just a friend that she decided to mess around with. I'm not fucking special. How badly I want to be.

If there was one thing I learned just now it's that jealousy hurts. It fucking hurts, man. It makes you feel like shit, like you're not good enough for the 'standards' you're trying to meet. Makes me feel like I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough for that pretty girl.

I shrugged away my thoughts when I heard the front door open, Jason was there, " Munson, Ariel- She's so drunk man! Can you please come and try to get her out of my house before she does something else stupid! Please."He pleaded, running a hand through his hair, " Please man, I gotta find Chris, anyway."

I felt bad leaving her, but I was kinda pissed off at her. It was stupid to be mad at Ariel, she did nothing wrong, I wasn't mad at her, I was mad at myself, because.. I can't be the only one to have her.

"Where is she, I'll bring her back to my place so her parents don't lose it." I replied to Jason, " Thanks Munson, I owe you one." He went back inside and I followed him. Weaving through different crowds of drunks.

I found Ariel sitting in the back yard in a lawn chair, she was alone. I thought there would be a lot of people crowed around her like earlier, she was basically the light of the party, but she wasn't at the same time.

" Hey sweetheart," I crouched down in front of her, " I'm gonna take you home, alright?" I told her gently to avoid startling her. She looked down at me, and frowned.

" Did you like that girl?" She asked , looking into my eyes, " No, I told her I had a girlfriend, I told her that I was dating you." I tried to get it through that I didn't have a girlfriend, considering she was sorta drunk. I was surprised that she remembered, I guess she's really not that wasted.

" Okay." She mumbled and looked away, she looked over my shoulder into the pool water. Her and all of her friends had pools, Ariel's looked slightly bigger than Jason's. I guess it's just a jock and cheerleader staple.

" I'm gonna take you home now, okay?" She shook her head, " No, I don't want to yet."

-Ariella POV-
" You have to, drunk, love." Eddie's gorgeous eyes peered into mine. " No I'm not." I'm not that drunk, I only had a few drinks. And I only chugged 2.

" I only had a few drinks, I had.... I forgot." I thought for a few minutes trying to remember how many I had so I could stay here, so he would let me stay here and have fun. So we could have fun together.

Chuckling, he said " That's says to me you've had too many drinks." He set his hand on mine, in my lap, stroking my thumb with his own.

I stood up and he mimicked my motions, "Wait a sec, where are you going, doll?" He set a hand on my shoulder, " To go have fun, come with me."

He followed me back into the house, I heard the music fill my ears. I grabbed his hand so he stay with me. I wanted him by me so if any other guys tried to kiss me again, he would stop them. Well I hope he would stop them. Whoever that was, was a really bad kisser.

" Cute." He whispered in my ear, kissing my neck, butterflies. I melted into his touch, I wanted him to do more, like he did a few weeks ago, the places he touched me, the places he kissed me, the way he held me, I wanted it again. All of it.

He looked around the party, considering I was sorta turned on, I felt needy for his attention, his touch. He wanted me to stop drinking, so I did the opposite, I reached over into the cooler on the counter, I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

" No more drinks, darling, you'll be throwing up all night." He said softly into my ear, I wasn't expecting to be able to hear him over the loud sound of The Romantics  blasting throughout the house.

I smiled to myself and grabbed his hand, I brought him up the stairs, less people were up here. I then led him into the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

" Kiss me, Eddie."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now