30) 𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂.

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-Ariella POV- next day, 2:56 pm,
I felt myself crack up at something Billy had said as we walked towards the front doors of the mall. We had decided to go to mall, we haven't gone together yet this summer.

Everyone keeps saying he has a thing for me, I don't really think so. I know he likes a lot of girls, but not me. Even if he does, I definitely do not have a thing for him.

" Ariel, are you still dating that Munson freak?" He asked as we walked through the doors of the mall, " No, not necessarily dating, but we're close friends." I thought about last night, we're more than ' close friends', but I'm not sure. Oh, but I want do be more that 'close friends'.

I thought back to Billy's words."He's not a freak, I don't why everyone thinks that just because he's different. They think he's a freak because he doesn't fit in here. Everyone here wants to live the same."

I explained to Billy, though he probably didn't hear a word I said, considering he was staring at another girl. No, gawking at another girl.

" Billy, you're my favorite slut, you know that?" I joked, "So are you." He replied, with a playful glare, " I wouldn't that I'm your favorite slut, but okay." He chuckled and we walked over to Sears.

-Eddie POV-
I was waiting for Jeff to get back from the checkout, I looked around, bored with the mall. He had a date tonight , and he insisted I come with him to go shopping to help him find an outfit. Absolutely bullshit.

I continued to look around, my eyes landed on Billy Hargrove. Billy fuckin' Hargrove. I looked beside him to see what girl he had beside him this time.

Beside him I spotted Ariel, she was laughing heavily at something. He was with my girl.
I noticed her place her hand on his shoulder, her laugh fading slowly as she caught her breath. I watched them walk in my direction, my eyes not leaving Ariel as she walked. I took in the outfit she was wearing, which was paired with her signature Nike Blazers.

" Eddie." Ariel called to me, she let go of Billy, who at this point I hadn't even realized she was holding onto, and made her way towards me. She gently wrapped an arm around my back, leaning into my side as she hugged me.

" You just saw me this morning, beautiful." I hugged her back, " I know, but I missed you." She whispered in my ear, I smiled.

I still held her as I whispered, " I missed you more." I kissed her cheek, making sure Billy saw it. She giggled once again, "Do you want to hang out with us?" As much as I wanted to hang out with Ariel, I definitely did not want to hang out with Billy. Shit, I don't even want to be seen within a 10-foot radius of him.

" Yeah Munson, you should join us! We're having lots of fun." He said, sarcasm filling his voice. "I would hang out with you both, I don't want to ditch Jeff though." I pointed to the line Jeff was standing in.

" He can join us too if he wants." Ariel said excitedly, she clearly didn't catch on to what I was trying to say, " I'll go talk to him."

As I walked away, I noticed Billy, throwing his arms around Ariel's shoulders. I felt the same feeling as when that dick at Jason's party started kissing her. I felt jealous, am I supposed to feel this way?

Billy apparently noticed my expression, as he smirked to himself. Jeff told me that I should hang out with Ariel, so I wouldn't disappoint her. I could never.

He declined the offer, and I went back to Ariel.
She smiled eagerly, " Uh- Jeff went back home, If you still want to hang out, we can." I then smiled back at Ariel, just Ariel, my smile faded when Billy gave me a fake smile in return.

Billy put his arm around Ariel again as we walked into another store, she turned to look at me, she pushed his arm off awkwardly and grabbed my hand.

" So how was your day so far?" She smiled up at me, showing me that cute dimple she had on one cheek. I lightly squeezed her hand that was wrapped around mine. " It was pretty good. How was yours?" before her soft voice could answer, Billy took over the conversation.

" So Munson, you date anyone?" Billy walked between Ariel and I, she then let go of my hand. "No?" I replied, not really sure how to respond to him. Why am I here?

He tried to hug Ariel's shoulders, she moved over to my side, I was now in the middle.  I was standing by Billy Hargrove.

That doucebag! The same thought repeated in my head, he knew what he was doing. He was just trying to piss me off, I think Ariel and I have made it obvious enough that we like each other. That we definitely, at least are crushing on each other. Though we've done way more than just that.

" Ariel, weren't we going to get lunch?" He emphasized. Over pronouncing the 'el' in her name, I noticed how awkward it became. As if it wasn't awkward from the start.

" Oh yeah! Eddie, wanna get lunch with us?" Her cheery expression came back to her face. "Sure." I tried to sound happy to go. I don't wanna eat lunch with the resident man-whore of Hawkins, especially when he obviously has a thing for Ariel. My Ariel.

" You okay?" She asked as she stood in front of my, I looked down at Ariel. " Yeah," I trailed off slightly, I stared at her features. She looked over to Billy, he had a new girl talking to him. I honestly feel bad for all these girls. Played with by a fucking boy-toy.

" Eds." She whispered, my eyes moved back on her, she placed her hand on my cheek, bringing my face closer to hers. She reached up, pressing her lips to mine. The kiss lingered for a few seconds. I relaxed as I felt myself not enjoying standing in this very mall.

" Ari-" She shushed me lightly, " Come on, he's not gonna stop ' til he gets a girl to go home with him." She whispered, pulling my hand, she pulled me to a bench by J.C.Penney.

She sat me down, sitting beside me. She scooted closer, her thigh was now pressed against mine. I grabbed her waist with one hand, causing her to quickly look up at me. I cupped her face with my other hand, I smashed my lips against hers.

-Ariella POV-
Eddie's hands traveled up my torso as he continued to kiss me. He placed one of his hands on the back of my head, lightly pushing my head closer to his.

I heard someone yell something out, I thought that I had heard my name. I ignored the sound, as we continued to make out, our tongues gliding against each other. Eddie then pulled me into his lap, I was now straddling him.

" Harrington! What the hell!" I pulled away from Eddie, Billy stood in front of us. I panicked and got off of Eddie, I awkwardly smiled at Billy.

" What the hell?" He said in a hushed tone, motioning to Eddie with his hands. " What?" I said to him.  " You could do so much better than him." He said, sarcasm filling his voice. " I mean, the freak? Ariel, come on now."

I'm not sure why he was so pissed, why does it matter so much to him?  " Billy, why do you care so much?" He stared at me for a few seconds, " I don't fucking care." He replied coldly. " Then why are you so — just, never mind." I shook my head " What?" He snapped. 

" Look, I'm sorry for whatever the hell I did to piss you off, ' kay?" I sarcastically smiled.

He leaned closer to me, " You ditched me for the freak." He said in my ear, "Sorry." I didn't wanna argue with him anymore, so I told him what he wanted to hear. ' sorry'.

He chuckled lowly in my ear. " It's good." He patted my shoulder as he walked away. Sometimes he gets very, aggressive? Not sure if that's the right term, but something like that.

I made my way back to Eddie, he looked at me with an unimpressed look. "What's wrong?" I sat beside him on the bench.

"Do you have a thing with Hargrove?"

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now