78) 𝓹𝓸𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓲𝓼𝓽 𝓿𝓼. 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝔁𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓲𝓼𝓽

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{a few days later, August 5th 1985 , Family Video}

-Ariella POV-
" Eddie I am telling you, Poltergeist is better. The Exorcist is just scary as shit." I argued with Eddie as we walked into the video store. He held the door open for me and then walked behind me. " Poltergeist was boring as shit, The Exorcist used to keep me up as a kid, that's how you know it's good movie," Eddie explained.

" It's not good if it scares the shit out of you, I think that-" Eddie quickly interrupted me with his idea, " Ariel! How about we rent the, both and watch them tonight? Then we can decide which one is better?"

"Ooh, okay." I said excitedly. " How about I'll go get Poltergeist and you can get The Exorcist?" I suggested and we parted ways. I tapped my fingers against my thigh as I walked into the horror movie aisle on the right of the store. I saw both movies, Poltergeist and The Exorcist on the same shelf close to each other. I grabbed them both and made my way to Eddie to tell him. I heard him say something to someone, that someone just had to be Jess.

I thought of Billy's plan and the made my way over to him, " Yeah, I've just been spending the last few days with Ariel-," I stepped behind Eddie and wrapped my arms around his stomach from behind, he chuckled as I hugged him.

I slid to his side and grabbed his arm, leaning my head onto his shoulder lovingly. Jess started for a few seconds, "I couldn't find either, the aisle it labeled 'horror' but I don't think Flashdance is a horror movie. Did you find them, Sweetheart?" Ed asked.

" Yeah, I found both." I told Eddie, I handed the two tapes to him before grabbing his hand and playing with it. I softly ran my fingertips against his large knuckles and twisted his rings.

"That explains why you haven't been answering my phone calls. You've been with your girlfriend." Jess said as she eyed me up and down, Eddie glanced over at me for a second before turning back to Jess.

" Ariel isn't my girlfriend. As much as I would like-its not like that!" Eddie rushed out, covering his thought up with another. " We really gotta go, uh- my uncle's waiting for us." Eddie exclaimed, his cheeks bright red. He took my hand and walked up to the counter with me. I heard Jess scoff at me, "Call me later, Eds!" Jess called as she left the store. Hold up, 'Eds'? I made that. I made that Name for Eddie. Me,myself, I! Am I jealous?

"Hey, um- do you mind if we use your thing, and I'll pay? I still haven't returned those other tapes, and I don't want a late fee." Eddie whispered in my ear as we stood in line, " Yeah, sure." I whispered back to him, I grabbed his hand to try to change the mood. He calmed down a little, but his face was still pink in embarrassment.

"Thanks, darling. L-love you." He stuttered as we moved up in line, I took the tapes from Eddie hands, he almost dropped them on the floor as he was handing them to me. " I love you too." I replied back with a small smile. I felt kinda awkward, I know I'm not his girlfriend. I know it's not like that. Does he not want to date me? Where did I go wrong?

I realized that we had moved up in line, I felt Eddie's hand pull away from mine. I stared as he wiped his hand on his jeans. Are my hands that sweaty? This is so weird, or are his hands sweaty.

" Ariel," I looked up and realized it was our turn in line. I handed the employee our movies and checked out.

On our way out, I stopped Eddie. " Eddie, did I do something wrong?" I found myself asking the same thoughts going through my mind. Did I upset him, does her want to be with Jess? "No," he said, " You don't want to hold my hand?" I mumbled shyly. " Sorry, it just felt a little awkward. Well-I said something I wasn't ready for you to hear. It's not that I don't want to hold your hand, I just didn't know." Eddie said. "Wanna order takeout to eat while we watch the movies?" He smiled, grabbing my hand.

" Yeah we can do that" He led me to the van and opened his door for me, " What are we thinkin'? Chinese food, Mexican,"' He listed, "I don't know, it's whatever you want."'I told Eddie, he suddenly grabbed my waist and kissed me, "You know what sounds really good right now?"

I looked up at Eddie in response to his question, "Waffles, I don't know why. I have some at home, if you're okay with that," His hands fell off of my waist to grab my hands, " That would be good, do you have chocolate syrup?" I questioned with a smile, "You're just my kinda girl." He replied before placing a kiss on my forehead, "Let's go."

-Eddie's POV- Eddie's trailer 11:30 pm
Ariel buried her head into my chest as we watched The Exorcist, we had already finished Poltergeist "What the hell!" She cried, gripping onto my shirt. I couldn't help but chuckle at her, " It's not that bad," I told her as I hugged her closer. We were both laying on my bed. I had her beside me, tucked under my arm as her legs were draped over mine.

"Yes it is!" She replied, shaking her head against my shoulder.I could tell she was genuinely a little spooked as she kept gripping onto me. 

" Ew!" She squealed when the young possessed girl threw up on the priest. She stared at the TV as they preformed the exorcism. Her jaw was wide open, her hands tightly holding mine, her expression staying until the end credits.

" Still there?" I teased as I pushed her mouth closed playfully. " No! That shit was terrifying! If I don't sleep tonight it's your fault!" Ariel said playfully back to me. " You'll be fine~, I would never let anything happen to you anyway. I'll go get more snacks and you can take the tape out while I'm gone?" I suggested. Ariel nodded, but when I tried to get up, she wouldn't let go.

" You gotta let go or I can't go get more cookies and-" she let go and I tried to walk away, she grabbed my wrist and jumped up. " Can I come with you? It's childish, but I'm scared." She mumbled while leaning into me.

" Come on," I cooed, leading her to the kitchen as we got more snacks. I grabbed Oreos, along with some potato chips.
Ariel stood beside me, staring off into space, " You're really that scared, huh?" I teased, " No! I'm not that scared. It just spooked me a little." She stated, but then jumped when I closed the cabinet.

"Uh-huh, come on, you can choose what we watch next."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now