92) "𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓮𝓷𝓭."

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{A few days later, August 13, 1985}

-Ariella POV-
"You're just so pretty." Eddie whispered to me, his head was on my chest, Journey was playing on the radio that I kept on my bedroom.

" Man, just look at you," he whispered, we've been lying here for about half an hour, whispering sweet nothings to each other. I think I'm dreaming. It feels like one of those sweet, sweet dreams, that you think never come true.

" Eddie, I think you're the best person I've ever met." I whispered as his fingertips lightly grazed the skin of my hip and stomach that were showing between the hem of my shirt and the waist of my shorts.

"You really think that? Well there's one thing that I know, and it's that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. When we got paired up in Ms.O'Donell's class, I thought it was gonna be hell, I thought you were going to hate me. It was gonna be harder because of the massive crush I had on you. Well I still have on you. I know we've had some stupid disagreements, but you still stuck around." Eddie said, his voice as tender as his touch.

"How could anyone hate you? You're gorgeous, you're the sweetest guy I've ever been with, and your hair, just, oh!" I exclaimed before I started to get in a loop.

"I can't believe it's almost over," I stated, " What's almost over?" Eddie asked his fingers tracing small shapes onto my lower stomach.

" Summer." I explain, bummed, "What? It'll be fall next and you can wear all those itchy ass sweaters you showed me." Eddie explained, causing me to giggle.

" No, silly. You're missing my point. I can't spend all day here with you, we have school. I don't want this to end." I explained sadly, insecure of things not working how I planned them to...

"You know, just because we have school, doesn't mean we can't spend time together. I'll be with you all day. And I promise, you'll be wishing that I'd just leave you the hell alone." He said, his big brown doe eyes looking up into mine, a smile creeping onto his face.

I keep thinking about after graduation, will we be together? Will he be mine by then? will we go and runaway together? I'm getting to carried away, we're not even dating.

"I'm surprised you can even tolerate me now, sweetheart." He chuckled lowly into my ear and kissed my neck a few times before moving off of me and sitting up.

He gently grabbed me and set me onto his lap.
" I love you, so much." He said before kissing my lips, " How much?"

" Can I prove it to you without getting into bed?" He joked, and I playfully hit his arm.

"I love you, too Eddie. But way more than you love me." I told him before I gently kissed his lips, "I know you do. I'm irresistible,"

" No, I'm irresistible." I told him, "You can't keep your hands off of me." I teased, " You can't keep your eyes off me." He said back whilst lifting me off of his lap.

He stood up and took me with him. He picked me up with his arms under my mid thigh, and ass, my body facing his.

" You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispered, our faces so close that our noses were touching. He quickly stole a kiss from my lips and then held me in front of him by my hips, he swung me around and then playfully threw me onto the bed.

He then started to pepper kisses all over my face, my small giggle turned into a louder laugh as he moved his fingertips against my ribs, tickling me.

" That laugh." He said aloud. More to himself, I couldn't help but think about that party. That hoe pushed me into the pool! Oh well it's over with now, why argue? It's not worth it.

" You're getting awful quiet. For once." Eddie said playfully, I'm still mad, but how could I stay mad? The way he talks to me, the way he touches me, the way he makes me feel!

"Sorry, I didn't mean that." He said, breaking me from my thoughts, I hummed in response, forgetting what he was talking about.

Slowly the room fell silent, the only sound was the radio, which was currently playing an ad.

"This is pretty boring." I commented, sliding out from under him on the bed, then the phone began to ring, I moved up to the head of the bed.

" Ariel! Code red!" Chrissy called into the phone, " Chris! What happened?" I asked her and Eddie just shook his head, and walked out of my room. A fake pout on his face.

"Jason asked me to be his girlfriend!" Chrissy said excitedly. "Oh my god! That's great!"

" I wish I could talk but I'm calling from his phone. I'll call you when I get home. Love you!" Chrissy said before I could ask anymore questions.

I wanted to tell Chrissy about how I feel about the party, I already told her all that happened, but I can't stop thinking about it. He didn't even do anything after she pushed me into pool! I get she was drunk but even after Eddie hasn't said anything to her.

I then walked out of my bedroom and looked for Eddie, when I realized that he wasn't upstairs, I made my way down the stairs.

" Eddie?" I called as I went downstairs, I saw him standing by the open fridge.

" Oh, hey-" He said before snacking on a bag of banana chips. " You know, these aren't too bad." He said before shoving another handful into his mouth, closing the fridge while at it.

" Eddie!" I exclaimed, taking the bag from his hand, " Those are Steve's!"

" Well I would've known if you didn't take so long!" He pouted, " You can have mine.I have a smaller bag in the pantry. " I told him, as I closed the large bag of banana chips. I really don't want to hear Steve complain.

His face lit up and he walked into the pantry, coming back out, eating from the bag.

"Thank you." He said, pulling me into a hug, and kissing the top of my head.

I leaned onto my toes and gently kissed his cheek, my hand holding his shoulder.

Eddie then grabbed my hand and led me to the couch.

" I really liked what we did earlier," he started, moving himself closer to me, " Just whispering to each other, your voice is just so relaxing. I just wanna lay on you all day,I know it sounds sappy and shit, but-" I stopped him by grabbing his hands, and gently guiding him to lay down beside me on the couch.

I laid onto my back, and he shifted to lay his head on my chest, " I like it too, Eddie.  It feels really nice, doesn't it? Just laying with someone, and just whispering to each other."

" Yeah, it is, doll. It really is."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now