16) " 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓿𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓪𝓭 𝓯𝓾𝓷 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮?"

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( Drinking and mentions of Marijuana/weed)
{continued from previous chapter}

- Eddie POV-
I got into the dressing room with Ariel, I stared at her body in that goddamn dress. "Eds, can you help me zip it?" Her words broke my stare.

I looked at her figure, as I took her by the waist and turned her around, so her back was facing me, I pulled the zipper on her dress, and she looked at herself in the mirror."

" Wow, I actually look really good in this!" She exclaimed. " Damn right." I whispered in her ear and she turned beet red.

" You really think so?" She said modestly. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her waist, setting my chin on her shoulder while running my fingers up and down her hips.

Her face turned a darker red if that's possible,
" I'll leave so you can change out of it, please get it, you look gorgeous." I told her in her ear, resisting the urge to kiss all over her neck.

I told her I would meet her at the drink stand by Sears and I would get us drinks, they were like this smoothie—milkshake kinda thing, they were actually really good.

She walked out smiling, with the bag in her hand. " I got it! And it was in sale for only 5 bucks!" She squealed excitedly.

" Here, I got you a drink." I handed her the milkshake/smoothie and she drank a little of it. " Wow, That's really good, how much was it?" She asked as we began to walk around Starcourt. "Ooh!" She grabbed my hand again and went into a store with formal dresses and suits.

"Look!" She picked up a dress and looked at it, then she put it back when something else caught her eye. That something else was a sparkly suit, it looked like it belonged to Micheal Jackson.

" Holy shit!" She looked me up and down and giggled. I playfully rolled my eyes, while she was looking at the jewelry, I picked her up from behind and carried her bridal style, I started running to the escalator and I set her down.

" Ed's!" She smiled, " What? I just wanted to scare you a little, it's funny." I replied and she playfully rolled her eyes.

" You know Harrington, I've never had fun like this before. With anyone." Her jaw dropped when I said that.

"You've never had fun like this before? Like running around the mall? Trying shit on for no reason?" She questioned with a playful look of concern in her face.

" No I never have, never had anyone like you." She smiled, " No offense, but your friends must be really boring." She told me, and I cupped her cheek, " Not all of them." I lowered my tone slightly and kissed her nose.

"Maybe we can look at shoes! I can one up Steve on whatever pair he doesn't have yet!"She exclaimed, I never thought that this is what I would be doing at the mall. Trying on stuff and running around with Ariel.

-2 hours later, 3:16 pm-
-Ariella POV-
We were now getting leaving the mall with ice cream cones in our hands, " Wanna switch?" I asked Eddie and he handed me his choice of rocky road, and I gave him my cone of strawberry.

When we walking out of the mall, I saw my younger group of friends, The party standing infront of Max & El,

I was about to greet them when I heard El say to Mike " I dump your ass!" Of course I'm going to eavesdrop now!

My jaw dropped at El's words, and Eddie started chuckling loudly at my facial expression. I hit his shoulder and playfully shushed him, and the two girls turned around, saying a quick " Hey Ariel!" In sync.

I looked at Mike's face, his jaw dropped and eyebrows sewn together in confusion. I dragged Eddie over with me as I walked up to them. " You okay Wheeler?" I waved my hand in his face and Lucas and Will both laughed.

" I guess." he replied, the other boys stared at him, as I walked away I heard Will, " Can we play D&D now?" I waved to all of them and smiled, Eddie waved too

" Wanna drive us home?" I asked and he smirked, " I'd be honored." He chuckled and he started driving " Mind if we stop somewhere?"
" Sure, where?" He asked as his eyes panned up to the street lights.

" I want to drink tonight." I stated giggling, "Oh? I thought it was ' strong' last time." He teased, " Be quiet! Just do it please!" I replied, I knew he would tease me about it.

" I have something else you could try too." He replied as he pulled out of the parking lot.

- After, at Eddie's Trailer-
We had gotten a case of beer and we decided to watch more movies.

" Ariel, I think I already know the answer to this, but have you smoked before?" I shook my head and he pulled out a box of Marlboro.

" Wanna?" He asked " Hell yeah!" I said and he chuckled. He pulled out two, put one in between his lips, and then put the other in between my lips, he lit his, and then carefully lit mine. He breathed in, and I followed, almost immediately coughing and he chuckled, "Here, love." He handed me his beer and I drank some.

" Are you sure you want to try the next thing?" He asked still slightly chuckling I nodded, taking another puff of the cigarette.

He pulled out a bag of weed. " Eddie, how did you even get that?" I asked, shocked. " Sweetheart, you didn't already know?" He said, " Well— I'm- I deal drugs." He said nervously, like it was bad news or like it was hard for him to tell me.

" Oh, I didn't know that. Cool." I took another puff, and I coughed. My ' playing it cool' act went away quickly.

I wasn't ashamed or thought there was anything wrong with his dealing, I just had a lot of questions, but he seemed off when he told me so I just thought I would ask another time.

He then finished rolling a blunt of weed. " Ariel, I understand if you don't want to hang out anymore, I mean I deal drugs, I don't do anything more than weed I promise!" He said as if he was trying to convince me to stay.

" Ed's! I'm not leaving, you're one of my best friends. So what if you deal drugs? You're still a good person and I care about you. That's how friendship works." I told him softly, placing my hand over his on the coffee table.

" Promise?"
" I promise."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now