24) " 𝓲𝓶 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓲 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼!"

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June 19, 1985 4:56 pm

- Eddie POV-
I made my way to the counter at Scoops Ahoy, looking for Ariel, " Hey Steve." I greeted, Steve and I have became friends since I got closer with Ariel, I always thought he was asshole, but he's actually pretty cool.

" Hey Munson , ' Ella's in the break room." He referred to Ariel, I come here so often, he already knows why I'm here.

I walked in quietly to scare her, she was singing softly along to the music playing throughout the shop, 'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' her long ponytail swinging behind her.

I had no idea she could sing like this, she sounded so good, I smiled at the pleasant sound, I kinda didn't want to scare her now, I didn't want to ruin it. I slowly walked up behind her, and started tickling her sides. Her pretty singing changed to a loud giggle.

" Eddie!" She exclaimed, she turned around and I continued to tickle her sides, her giggles we now loud cackles of laughing. She slipped out my grip still laughing.

" Ooh." I say, reaching over her shoulder to get a spoonful of the ice cream she was eating.

"Eds!" She pouted, I smiled and fed her the rest of the spoonful. She smiled, " Oh! They're having a sale at Sears, and it starts tomorrow." She exclaimed, licking what was rest from the ice cream cup.

" That's nice." I replied to her, running a hand through her ponytail. " Eddie do you wanna come with me tomorrow?" She eagerly asked, " Yeah sure, doll, are you off work right now?" I asked her and she nodded, " Yeah I was just hangin' with Steve."

She made her way out of the break room, " Want some ' samples'?" She questioned, using air quotes on ' samples'. I nodded at her and she made us both cones, we watched as Steve served a girl, with her assumed to be boyfriend as he had his arm around the girls waist.

I recognized her from somewhere, I noticed her height, then it came to me, it was that girl from the party a few days ago.

When then left, I immediately told Ariel, " You know that girl that just left?" She looked up at me, " Yeah, that's Amelia, she was on the cheer team, she graduated last year, what about her?"

I almost laughed, " That girl asked me out at that party a few days ago. You remember that?"I told her, I didn't realize it would upset her.

Her face changed, she had the same look of slight anger or jealousy that she had at the party, " She was trying to ask you out?How?" She looked straight at me, while licking her spoon that had ice cream on it.

" Not really ' asking me out' but she came up to me and called me cute, and I told her I had a girlfriend so she would leave me alone. I just thought it was kinda funny because she's sleepin' around." I explained, watching as her face softened.

" You did? Do you like someone?" She asked, she really doesn't understand how much I care about her, and how much I want her.

" Are you sure you remember what we did?" I asked, the two times we had sex, did that mean anything to her? I felt a little bad, but maybe she's just confused.

" Oh. Me." She spaced out her words a little, her face turned red, almost as red as the scrunching she had in her hair holding up her ponytail.

" Ariel, you ready to go?" I heard Steve call out to her, she replied and turned back to me, " I'll see you tomorrow probably, bye Eddie." She hugged me and turned on heel to leave.

- Ariella POV- {5 hours later, at home.}

" Mom! I think I should go to therapy again! It really did help! I can't fucking sleep at night!" I argued, trying to prove her that I needed counseling again or something to help so I could sleep all night.

" What's all this fuckin' yelling about?" My dad slurred, I felt fear overcome me, he was drunk again, " Ariella is trying to get counseling again for no reason, she claims she ' can't sleep' but she's fine, just trying to spend more money!" My mom yelled, mocking me.

" But I need it! I can't sleep!" I yelled back, "Don't you fucking yell at me!" My dad practically screamed, it could heard all throughout the house. Steve came running down the stairs,

" What's going on?" He questioned, his eyes flickering in between all of us. A look of concern on my older brother's face.

" Stay out of it son!" My dad scolded, " Steve!I'm loosing sleep again! I should really go again! Tell them-" My yelling turned into a squeal of surprise when I saw the bottle flying towards me, I heard Steve gasp, and mom scream.

I felt the burning sensation of pain as the glass sliced my skin, it felt really deep too, " Ariel are you okay?" My mom yelled frantically, I ran quickly grabbed my shoes and ran out of the house, thinking about how much worse it could get. It would be best if I just leave. I'm tired of running, but in this case, I better.

I could hear my mom and Steve yelling behind me. The last thing I saw behind me was Steve standing in the door way about to chase after me. I kept running, running, running, I can't stop fucking running. I ran about 4 blocks before stopping to put my shoes on.

I breathed heavily as I caught my breath. I tried to think of somewhere safe, the first place I thought of was Chrissy's. Why did she have to be out town now? Why?

I felt tears roll down my cheeks, I tried to suck it up, crying won't help with anything. I can't think straight if I'm crying. I then thought of Eddie, I always feel safe with him. I felt bad because I always go to him, this is the last time.

I starting running towards Forest Hills, I don't know what time it is, but I hope it's not too late, I didn't want to wake him up. I began to run for about 30 minutes, thinking that it would be safer to run so that no one would really see me.

I kept up a jog, speeding up every few minutes until I saw the sign, 'Forest Hills Trailer Park' I felt a wave of relief. I'm finally here.

I made my way towards Eddie's faded teal and white colored trailer, I felt my emotions wash back over me as I walked to the door, I was trying not to cry from the pain of the cuts, and my strong emotion of fear and shock about what the hell had happened. It was dumb to just start running, but something told me to leave and get the hell away.

I softly knocked my knuckles on the door, I don't think my knock was loud enough, his loud guitar playing could be heard from here, I really hope he wasn't too busy. I hit my knuckles harder on the door, and the sound of the guitar stopped.

I waited a few seconds for the door to open, being greeted with Eddie's pretty face. Looking at me like I was fucking crazy, from the dumb choice I had just made, I probably am.

"Ariel? What are you doing here so late? Someone could've fuckin killed you, or worse! Get in here!" He pulled me through the doorway. His stern tone changed to concern and worry, after he scanned my body, and my face more closely.

" Sweetheart, what- what happened? Who did this to you?" He looked at my leg where the biggest cut was, he stared at the dried blood. I felt my tears flood from my eyes, I was more angry than anything else, I especially didn't want to cry, but it was already starting to happen.

" Hey, baby, baby, don't cry." He attempted to wipe the tears from my eyes gently, as I tried to stop myself, knowing that this isn't going to make my situation any better.

" Im sorry I keep coming to you like this!"

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now