95) 𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰

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{The next day, Sunday August 18th, 1985.}

-Eddie POV-
I held the picture of Ariel and I in my hands, along with the one from the beach. I don't know how tomorrow is going to go.

Is is just going to go back to how it was?

Before, she didn't even talk to me at school. She didn't even acknowledge me, only in the class we had to partner up with together, she didn't talk to me between classes or other classes we had together. Now knowing what we've done together, it'll hurt a little more.

Last year it was like 'yeah okay, I like her, but she's got other plans.' But we like each other, right? She has to have some type of feelings...

Why would she go out of her way to come talk to me when she's got other stuff to do, like at the readiness thing last week?

And if she didn't care, she wouldn't care that I'm hanging with Jess right? What if she's just playing a game?

I usually don't believe rumors and shit, but what if she's really playing around? I mean, Patrick, whom she obviously likes, left in April or whatever, so she needed someone to have fun with over summer, but she said she loved me?

And, I love her.

-Ariella POV-
I sighed as I got my stuff together for school, if Andy or Patrick say anything tomorrow about Eddie-

I'm overthinking this. He's probably not even going to have a reason to talk to me. I want to sneak around with him, but I don't think he really wants to.

We only kissed once yesterday! And I was the one to kiss him! Am I taking it too fast?

He didn't ask to stay last night, we had fun taking pictures, but it was more of a friend thing, like a just friend thing, 'never felt feelings, ever!' type of thing.

Maybe we were never meant to be more than friends, but that's not fair! I really like him, a lot. Actually I think I genuinely love him.

Wait- no. I don't.... but I do. I do really love him. What if he doesn't really love me? It's hard to tell.

He's never been with anyone before. Never had gotten intimate with anyone before me. Maybe he just thought he liked me because we had done things, maybe now he's realizing he just likes me, and doesn't love me. He doesn't want a relationship with me.

Maybe he does?

I found myself thinking about the date we went on.

So many kisses and 'I love you.'s, the way he looked at me then, he stared at me like I was the most beautiful thing he's even seen. Like I was only girl in the world. At that time I was the only girl in his world.

He bought my flowers. He wouldn't let me pay. He would kiss my knuckles, kiss my shoulder, hold me close to him like he was really in-love.
Looking at me like he was really in-love.

He hasn't looked me like that since Tuesday, and it's Sunday. And even on Tuesday it was just for a short period of time. The wasn't the whole time. I told him what I could.

I told him the words I managed to get out. I told him I didn't want this to ever end. He promised it wouldn't, but it's already starting.

He didn't stop looking at me like that until she came into his life. I don't even know what's going on with him!

I pulled myself off my bed and walked down the hall to my brother's bedroom, I pushed open the cracked door to see Steve laying on his bed eating a bowl of popcorn.

"Oh hey 'Ella, what are you up to?" He asked, his eyes not leaving the TV screen, " I need your advice on something."

" What's it about? I'm not gonna help you tell mom and dad that you're trying to quit at Scoops, I've been trying to quit since May." He started, " No Steve! I just need help! I don't know what to do."

His eyes widened, " Can it get you arrested?" He asked playfully, " Steve stop! Seriously."

" Look, you're a guy, and you've been in relationships, in the past, so I need help." I explained him, " Is is about Eddie? It's about Eddie isn't it?" My brother questioned before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"No, it's not. Steve, when you're in a relationship, I've seen the way you look at the girls you like. Like Nancy, you looked at her like you never wanted to look away. What did you think when you looked at her like that?"

" Nancy? Why Nan-" Steve started, " Please! Just answer the damn question!"

" Well- I thought she was beautiful, she always looked so amazing. She always look to put together, and just perfect. And I still think that sometimes I- Wait! Why are you asking anyway?" He said defensively, slight embarrassment on his face.

" Because I just need to know! Come on Steve! You're my brother who else would I ask. I have one more question."

He rolled his eyes, " Okay. But I have questions got you also. Now finish."

"Did you ever look at Nancy and stop thinking those things? Like look at her differently?"

" No, I don't think I ever did Nancy. I don't like her anymore, but when I did I always thought she was the only thing I ever wanted to see. If I looked at her now- I would think... that she okay looking, but I don't have those feelings."

Wait, so, Eddie is looking at me differently, because he's lost feelings for me? He doesn't love me anymore? or he's in the process of not loving me anymore?

"Who is making you ask this?" Steve says, the look on his face told me that he knows something. " No one. I just wanna know." I told him, turning my head so I wouldn't have to make eye contact. If I did I would crack and he would see through my lie.

" And you think that's going to work?" My brother said to me softly, he moved the bowl from in front of him and sat up.

"You're hurt. Who is it? Are you asking because they're gonna be there tomorrow? You cant lie, I see right through you, Ariel."

"I already told you about me and Eddie. I don't think he even liked me in the first place. It was just a 'heat of the moment' kinda thing. I noticed that he's been less touchy, less close. He doesn't look at me the way he used to."

" I can tell he really likes you Ariel. I haven't seen him with you lately, but maybe you're just not noticing him. What were you guys anyway, you went on one date and that was it. Do you like him? You usually don't wait to make the next move."

" I don't know! But I really like him! And I'm really scared! I'm not ready for school tomorrow."

" I'm panicking!"

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now