69 ) 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓼.

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{continued from last chapter, Eddie's Van}

-Eddie POV- 
"Bye, Jess. It was nice meeting you today." Ariel said to Jess as she got out of my van. " It was nice meeting you, too. See you later, Eddie."

I Ariel moved to the front seat as Jess stepped into her house.

" What the hell was that Eddie?" Ariel asked calmly, though I could hear the anger in her voice. " What was what, sweetheart?"

" Now you wanna call me that. Don't play dumb Eddie. You've basically been ignoring me the whole day since you came to pick me up! And you just suddenly started acting like our relationships means nothing to you!" She exclaimed.

"Our relationship? If it meant something to you, you wouldn't be all over Billy Hargrove like that." I explained, feeling hurt that she was going to get mad at me for something she also did.

"All over him? Really Eddie? At least I don't fucking invite someone to hang out with me and fucking ignore them the whole time! And then tell their friend that ' we're just friends'!" She mocked me. I could hear how upset she was getting in her voice. It all showed on her face.

I felt myself impulse, but controlled it. "That's what you tell everyone, Ariel." I told her, my voice increased in volume as I spoke.

" Just stop Eddie! What the hell did I do that made you ignore me all day?" Ariel spoke louder.

" You didn't do anything. Look, I didn't mean to hurt you. I, I just don't like the way Billy was touching you earlier." I told her, she rolled her eyes.

"That doesn't mean you get to ignore me." She mumbled with a sigh. " I wasn't ignoring you, darling." I tried to explain and make up with her, but she wasn't budging.

" Practically. You barely talked to me the whole time. You said less than 4 sentences to me." She stated calmly, " I'm sorry, Ariel. I wasn't ignoring you, love. I'm sorry that it came off that way, sweetheart." I reached over and softly rubbed her thigh, right above her kneecap.

She looked down at my hand, she grabbed my wrist and started to lift my hand off, before hesitating and grabbing holding my hand.

" Can you take me home, please?" She looked up at me innocently, " Are you still mad at me? Can't let you go home if you're mad at me. " I smiled,

" Not anymore, I wasn't really even mad, I was just upset about something else." She said, twisting my rings, " What happened to the one with the cross on it?" Ariel ran her fingertips over my middle finger, " It's missing."

" I think I- Oh! I gave it to Jess because I have like 30 of the same one, and I don't need that many so I-" She gave me a look, a 'I'm sorry, what?' Kinda look. " You gave it to Jess, but I thought that-"

-Ariella POV-
I thought that Eddie gave me a ring because I was special? Because we were close, and because he loves me?

" ..Bet you gave her rose quartz too." I whispered, feeling my heart crack another small time.

" What?" Eddie asked, genuinely not hearing what I had said. " Eddie, you gave Jess one of your rings." I stared blankly, " Yeah, do you want one too? because I gave you a different one." I want to scream.

"No. I- I don't know." Was all I managed to get out, I felt Eddie's hand continue to caress my thigh. I shoved his hand away and moved my legs away.

" What's wrong, beautiful?" He cooed, softly brushing hair out of my face, " Eddie, stop." I moved his hand from my face, " I don't want you to touch me right now. Can you just take me home?" I snapped, feeling those same angry tears coat my eyes.

"Baby, talk to-" I cut him of, trying to get home before I start crying, I don't wanna start crying over something so stupid.

" Just take me home! Please!" My voice wavered. " Okay. Sorry."

Eddie began to drive, the whole ride home was silent I would hear Eddie's breath hitch every few minutes like he was going to say something. When we got there, I jumped out and tried to it my door. Eddie followed and stepping in front of me.

" Ariel. What happened?" Eddie said, " Nothing, I just want to go inside." I stated. Feeling myself get more angry. Why does he like her so much?

"Ariel Harrington, we both know there's something really up with you. You're never like this. It has to be me, you didn't act this way towards Billy or Jess. Baby, please, just tell me what I did wrong, or what's upsetting you so I can fix it."

" Yeah I don't know, maybe the fact that you've been acting like I don't mean dogshit to you to Jess. And that you've been ignoring me all day. Don't even say you weren't because you were! You talked to her the whole time and barely fucking talked to me. Fuck this! I don't even wanna talk about it anymore. Bye Eddie." I explained, I walked past him but he grabbed my wrist.

"One more thing, then I'll leave." He muttered, moving closer, he softly pressed his lips to mine, then pulled away. " I love you." He cooed dryly, but something about it wasn't right. I then felt bad for saying what I said to him just now, and for the the way I acted a minute ago. But I have this feeling that's not right on the other end.

" Call me when you- whenever you want to hang out." Eddie said.

I walked to the door and waited on the porch, I watched as his van pulled away and off of my street. I walked into my house, I. Want. To. Fucking. Scream!

" Oh hey, you're back. How was the arcade?" Steve asked, " Steve, I love you, I just really don't want to fucking talk about it."

" Woah. Alright. Did Eddie do something? I swear if he's hurt you-"

" Steve! Don't worry about! Okay it's fine!" I rushed pass Steve and went into my room. Steve's footsteps following behind me.

" What the hell did he do that made you this upset?" Steve asked.

" Steve! He brought another girl that he met at the fucking bar, then he told her that we were nothing, and he basically ignored me the whole time and when I confronted him he talked all this shit about 'Oh you were all over Billy, I don't like how he touched you!' And he was like ' what did I do? Why are you mad?' When I told him 3 times!" I felt my voice get louder every sentence.

" Woah, woah! Calm down, 'Ella! So he brought another girl to hang out with you guys? That's why you're upset? I thought you were over him." Steve asked, I shot him a look, he immediately knew what I was thinking.

" Steve you saw us kiss before. We've done more. C'mon Stevie! You've known this! He knows it too! He told me he loves me, he always says I'm pretty and he acts like he's in love with me, then he brings over another fucking girl and ignores me the whole time! How fucked up is that Steve? It's like he didn't even care about me in the first place!"

I shouted as I cried, and cried.

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now