14) " 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓶𝓮."

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-Eddie POV-
Ariel held two cassettes in her hand, one was Madonna, the other Cyndi Lauper. " Not really my kind of music, but I like Cyndi's voice more." She smiled at my answer, I've barely even heard either of them.

" Exactly! That's I what I told Chrissy and she said Madonna, of course they're both awesome, but Cyndi is slightly better and she-" She continued to ramble and I listen to every word. My eyes looking up into hers, watching how her features expressed different emotions at she spoke.

" Sorry, I did it again. I should really stop doing that." She commented, rubbing my back of her neck and running a hand through her hair.

" Stop doing what? I love it when you talk like that, the sound of your voice is soothing to me." I told her and she smiled widely.

" Thank you! So what should we watch first?" She replied, looking at me with those dazzling eyes.

-Ariella POV-
" Your choice." Eddie told me and I shook my head. "No, You." I said and he smiled at me, looking down at the movies that we chose to watch.

He chose ' The Shining'. " Last time we tried to watch it, we didn't get to finish." He explained to me as he got up to began to play the movie.

Once he sat back down, I began to poke the side of his thigh in a playful manner, like he did me when we were sitting by the pool.

" Stop." He told me, as he tried not to laugh at me. "make me." I told him and he smirked at me, beginning to do the same thing back, his flicks turning into gently hits.

" Eddie, quit." I said and he chuckled, " Make me." He repeated. " Shut up! You stole my joke." I said playfully and he laughed aloud before saying, " Make me." He laughed louder like he did earlier, I tried to resist joining in.

" You're not funny." I managed to say without cracking up. " Make m- I mean, yes the hell I am." We both laughed at his mistake, anything is funny around him. We both stoped and looked at each other, we then started laughing harder.

"Anyways,-" I jumped as a jump scare appeared on the TV screen. He chuckled at my fear, " Cute." He repeated his same words from earlier. I leaned into him, and I felt his arm slowly wrap around me.

" It's cold." I mumbled and he stood up, " Hold on, I'll get a blanket." He walked out of the living room into two short hall. While I was watching the movie, I felt the blanket hit me, and I felt the couch shift as Eddie sat back down.

" Thank you." I replied, He pulled me closer and started putting the blanket over me. "Of course, darling." He cooed into my ear. His arms wrapped around my back, I set my head on his chest, with my face in his neck.

I inhaled his scent, he smells so good, how have I not noticed before? He smelt strongly of aftershave lotion and one of those cheap colognes you buy from drugstores, with just a hint of weed and cigarettes.

" You smell good." I whispered, he leaned closer over to my ear. " So do you, really good." He quietly mumbled, burying his face in my hair.

" You wanna choose the next one?" He referred to the movie credits on the screen. " Mhm!" I hummed, as I got up, and put in the " Grease" VHS.

" What movie is it?" He asked, pulling me over to him by my hips, " Grease!" I responded excitedly. He pulled me into him, his arms wrapping around me again, he then carefully moved me under him, and placed his head on my chest. His arms wrapping around my waist fully.

I giggled at him softly as he snuggled against me. " Comfy?" I asked and he nodded, " Are you?" He muttered against me, " Of course." I said with a hum as I begin to braid his hair into one braid.

When I finished I realized I didn't have anything to tie it with. " Let me see your scrunchie." I told him, he took off the one I gave him from his wrist, and placed his hand on my chest by my collarbone. Butterflies.

I tied the scrunchie in the braid and played with the end of it. Gently twisting the ends of his hair in between my fingertips.

I kissed the top of his head gently, smelling the faded scent of his Old Spice shampoo. He lifted his head off my chest and he kissed my neck.

I stared at the TV screen reflection in his eyes, the lighting made him look more beautiful then he already was.

" I'm hungry, want something to eat?" He asked lifting his head from my chest completely. " Yeah sure." I replied to him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch and we made our way to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" He asked me with a smile," Doesn't really matter to me." I responded, returning his smile. " Mac and cheese?" He asked, holding up a cup of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. " Yes! Eddie your pantry is so much better than mine." I stated, disappointed.

" Is it now?" He walked over to me as I leaned on the counter, he lifted me up gently and sat me on the countertop infront of him. " It is! It's so much better! My mom won't let me eat anything if it's not super healthy!" I complained and he stood in between my legs.

"Well, you can eat here anytime you'd like." He told me, we made eye contact, deep eye contact which stopped when the microwave beeped.

He went to grab the food and I jumped off of the counter. " Did we finish Grease?" He questioned, setting down the cup of macaroni of the table." Yeah, your turn." I smiled and sat down beside him on the couch.

" Open." He said softly, putting the spoon with mac and cheese on it close to my lips, " Try this."

" Make me." I giggled and he playfully glared at me. I opened my mouth and he fed it to me.

I took the spoon and fed him back, he chuckled. "Is it good?" I asked playfully, and he flicked my thigh. When we finished eating we cuddled again and continued to watch movies. The next movie he picked out was " The Poltergeist".

He pulled me from my sitting position, and had me laying under him, he hovered over me, a hand on each side of my body, pressing into the couch. Eddie then started playfully nibbling and biting my neck softly.

" Eds! Stop." I giggled, fighting the feeling that his playful bites gave me.  " Make me." He mocked me from earlier, and I hit his shoulder.

He rested his head in the center of my chest, like he had done previously. He buried his face into my chest more, then he laughed against my body.

" What are you laughing at?" I said slightly above a whisper in his ear, " Your brother." He laughed again, turning his face to the side.

I laughed with him, " He's so lame!" I wheezed.
" No offense to him, but I know!" He agreed.
After we had calmed down, and stopped laughing, Eddie relaxed. His muscles fully went numb against my body, except for when his arms wrap slightly tighter around me.

" Ed?" I whispered to see if he was still awake, but he was in a peaceful, deep sleep. Light snores coming out of his mouth.

" Goodnight." I whispered into his hair. Finding myself playing with his hair and running my fingers against his arm until I felt my eyelids get heavy.

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now