27) "𝓐𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮!"

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{ later that morning, from last chapter}

-Eddie POV-
" Hey Ed, your friends are here." I heard as I woke up, I opened my eyes to see Wayne standing beside my bed, a hand on my shoulder "What?" I asked, not knowing my uncle was talking about. I then looked over to the hallway, Steve and Robin were standing there.

Ariel then awoke beside me, looking at me before looking over to the doorway where her brother and Robin stood, Steve and her then locked eyes.

" Anyway, I gotta go. Bye kid." Wayne patted my shoulder and left the room, a few seconds later the sound of the front door closing could be heard. Steve and Robin then walked into the room.

" Ariella Rose!" Ariel sat up as her brother yelled out her name. He began to walk closer to the bed were we were laying, continuing to shout at her as he across the room.

"Where the hell were you?! Why didn't you tell me you were over here?!! I was so worried about you!" Steve scolded, as he walked over to us.

" I was up all fucking night running around for you! I'm so happy I found you here! You can't be running out like that, Ariel!"

Steve's arms wrapped around Ariel, who was still partially sitting on my legs. " You know, I would've been still looking if Robin didn't tell me to look here." He looked at both of us, " Steve I'm sorry-" Ariel Started but quickly got cut off by her brother.

"No. You need to call me so I know where you are. Anything could've happened to you! You need to tell me where you're going, I don't-"

" Steve, I think she's got it. You okay, Ari?" Robin walked closer, setting a hand on Steve's shoulder." Yeah, I'll be alright, thanks to Ed." She smiled at me, her one dimple showed on her cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up

"Stevie, get off, I'm fine, I'm taken care of." She pushed Steve away from her, giggling.

Steve picked up Ariel's wrist, the one with the bandaids on it. " How bad is it?" His face filled with concern.

" It wasn't that bad." She looked at Steve, then at me, " Munson, was it that bad?" He turned to me, still holding her wrist softly.

" It's not too bad, but it was more than ' wasn't that bad'." I replied, looking at the large bandage on her thigh, though it was a little oversized for her scrape.

" We need to get homes so mom knows you're okay. She's a wreck." Ariel then stood up, and stood by her brother. " Can Ed come?" Steve nodded at her question and she held her hand out to help me out of bed.

We cleaned up a little, showered, and made our way out of the bedroom, Ariel grabbed her clothes and shoes, while her and Robin talked and hugged each other, then we made our way to the Harrington's house.

Steve and Robin in the front seat of the car, while Ariel and I sat in the back. " Your middle name is Rose, which would make your full name, Ariella Rose Harrington." I quietly teased, so the others couldn't hear.

"Be quiet." She giggled, " I know your middle name too." She whispered in my ear.

" Edward John Munson." She whispered, my face heated up when she said my full name.

She scooted to the middle seat, and she kissed my check, " Hey, no kissing in my car!"
.•+*}~ ~{*+•.

-Ariella POV, Harrington House-
When I entered the house I felt weird, I felt, not scared, but more... put off. I feel stupid thinking like, this is home, there's no reason ti feel weird, right?

" Ariella! You're okay!" Mom cried out. She dropped the phone receiver in her hand, and jumped up to hug me, after she calmed down a little she greeted Robin and Steve.

She thought Robin was weird too, like dad did, but she tried to let Steve be friends with people that weren't Tommy H.  and Carol. Dad was mad about Steve not getting into college.

" Ariella, who's that?" She pointed her finger to Eddie. I pulled Eddie by his hand, " This is Eddie, he's one of my friends from school." I replied, "Eddie this is my mom." He stuck his hand out to shake her hand, she took it and smiled.

I jumped when the phone rang, Mom answered it. "Who was it?" I asked, " Dad. Steve you need to drive me to the airport, now!" She said loudly, " What's going on?" I asked frantically, " Nothing, don't worry about it." Steve told me, grabbing his keys.

" Robin, I'll drive you home on the way, Munson, would you mind staying here with Ariel? I don't want her alone." Steve added, Eddie nodded along with an, "Of course".

As Robin and Mom already were in the car, Steve came up to me," Behave, I love you." Steve hugged me, his eyes flickering over Eddie for a minute as he had that smirk on his face, the same one at the pool.

" Bye, love you." I called as he left, " You're stuck with me again." I smiled at Eddie, " I love being stuck with you, darling." I felt the same butterflies,

I want this to be more, but I'm scared, I know we're just friends, friends with benefits more likely, but I don't want to overstep and screw this up, I don't want to try to be more than friends, and then if it doesn't work out, never talk to him again, I love him, as a "friend". I want to be more, but not less either.

"You okay?" He waved his hand in front of my face, I laughed, " Yeah, you wanna go for a swim?"

-Eddie POV-
I was watching TV, while reading one of those rich people magazines that I found on her coffee table, I heard that pretty little voice call my name. I brought my eyes from the photo or a gourmet meal, and look to see her standing in the hallway with nothing but a bikini.

" Eds, Can you help me?" She walked into my sight, I looked up at her, her arms behind her head, holding the top of her string bikini top, I stared for a second, then I walked over to her.

" I can't tie it." She told me, I tied it around her neck, " There." I patted her bare shoulder, " Thank you." She walked over to the slide door and I followed her outside. I felt the warm heat practically slap me in the face as we walked towards the pool.

I grabbed her from behind, " You're a strong swimmer, right?" I smirked, down at her, "Eddie, don't you fucking throw me in the pool." She told me in a stern tone, she then turned around, I picked her up, and she squealed.

" Eds! No! Stop-" She let out a laugh as she shouted. She screamed as I dropped her in the water, I jumped in after her, grabbing her as I fell under water.

" Eddie!" She laughed, playfully hitting my shoulder. I threw myself at her, and started playfully biting her shoulder and neck, she splashed me with water, I splashed her back and it started with both of us playfully having a whole water-war.

" Eds!" She practically screamed, we were both laughing so hard, she put her hands on my shoulders, trying to push me under, I flipped her under me and pushed her.

- Ariella POV-
I felt Eddie push me underwater playfully, so I decided to mess with him for a minute, I held my breath.

I stayed underwater for about 30 seconds before he grabbed me and pulled me up, " Ariel! Are you okay?" He asked, eyes looking my face in a rapid pattern, I burst out laughing.

" You're so funny! I'm just fucking with you!" I almost sank underwater again from laughing so hard. He stared with an awkward smile.

" Please don't do that again, you scared the shit out of me." He looked at me, straight in the eyes, those amazing eyes.

" I'm sorry." I giggled, I swam closer to him and hugged him, he chuckled, " It's okay, I just don't know what I would do with myself if you drowned." He pulled away slightly so he look into my eyes again.

" I won't drown!" I giggled, I kissed his check, he turned a darker red as his face was already red from the sun.

"Kiss me again, Ariella Rose."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now