45) 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷

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{continued from previ}

-Ariella POV-
" You probably fuck him behind my back, don't you!" I felt hurt and even more angry that Eddie would think I would do that to him, even more hurt that he believes what people say about me.

" Eddie! I'm trying to get rid of him— I don't know why you would even accuse me of doing that to you? You really do think I'm a whore, huh?" I yelled over the sound of the thunder outside, and the rain hitting the metal roof.

" You know Ariel, you're fucking two-faced! One moment you act like you're so in-love with me, but then the next day you act like everything I do is a goddamn crime! You say I'm acting crazy, but have you heard yourself?"

I just ignored his words, it kinda stung hearing the truth again. Or what I sometimes believe to be the truth. Words that I've been told all throughout my life, 'two- faced', ' drama starter', and I've heard my own brother's friends say before, " Harrington's sister is fucking crazy, you know she tried to run off again?"

I then pulled on my hooded jacket over my shirt, to avoid getting cold from the rain. Eddie just kept talking, he wasn't yelling anymore, but he was still talking shit, is he really that angry at me? " I'm so fucking tired of this Eddie!" I yelled back after halfway zipping my jacket.

I started to walk towards the door, " If you're so tired of me, then fucking leave!" I did exactly what he said and walked out the front door.
"Ariel, your not seriously gonna walk home in the rain, are you? Ariel!" Eddie called after me, his angry still evident in his voice. Frustrated, I just ignored his calls of my name and continued to leave Forest Hills, the last thing I heard him say was " Fucking ridiculous." Wouldn't be the first time I heard that.

I continued to walk in the humid, but kind of cold, summer rain. I thought about what he said, am I really two-faced? does he really think that? I felt tears of frustration in my eyes, I quickly sucked it up and kept walking. I jumped when I felt someone quickly drift past me on their bike. When I looked up, I realized I had reached the Wheeler's.

I looked at the person again, Will! I didn't realize that it was him, " Byers!" I called out a few times before Will stopped his bike. "Ariel?" He replied, I ran to catch up with him.

" Hey." I greeted, " Hey." He replied, " You okay, Will? You sound upset?" He gave a small smile, " So do you." I smiled back at him. "What happened? You left the Wheeler's pretty fast."

" They're no fun anymore, Ariel. All they care about is swapping spit with their girlfriends. It's not the same anymore. They told me that we would play D&D and they don't even want to play anymore, we used to play all day, all four of us. Nobody knows where Dustin is, and Mike and Lucas probably don't even care.The party just isn't the same anymore." Will vented to me, he usually doesn't express his angry like this, but he knows that I will always listen to him.

" What about you, Ariel? Why are you upset?" I exhaled before explaining, " I'm not getting along too well with my other friends, either. My friend, Eddie and I got into an argument, some of the stuff he said stung a little, and he's kinda right." I told Will.

" What did he say?" He asked, " He said I was two-faced towards him, we had an argument a few days ago and we made up, but we argued again today. He thinks I don't really care about him because we're arguing over stupid shit, but I do care about him, a lot and I told him. It hurt when he didn't say it back but he had a reason to, I also feel really bad because I may or may not have called him stupid to his face and I said some other bad things too."

Will nodded along, listening to what I was saying, " We were more than friends, Will. I really like him, honestly I think I love him, but I fucked it all up." My eyes watered but I was able to blink it away.

" I don't think he'll ever talk to me again." I admit, " I understand how you feel." He says, "Yeah." I mumbled under the sound of the thunder and rain.

When we got to Will's house, he laid his bike in the wet grass, and then started walking towards the woods by the house, " Come on." He told me and I followed him, then I realized where we were going, ' Castle Byers.'

" You used to teach me your drawing techniques here, remember? And we used to draw together?" He smiled for a few seconds just for it to fade quickly, considering that he used to have more fun then.

" Oh yeah, it was always so fun." I smiled, and looked over at Will who was staring at a D&D poster on one of the 'walls' of the fort. He then looked down at a picture of him, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. He picked it up and looked for a few seconds longer before ripping in half.

" They're so stupid, Ariel." He mumbled, he picked up the metal baseball bat that was inside of 'Castle Byers' and got out, Waving me to come out, " Will, what are you doing?" I referred to the metal bat.

" I think they're here. " I told him, I heard Mike and Lucas calling from the front of the house. Before I could say another word, he started to swing the metal bat at the small fort.

" Will- Dude! What are you doing?" I  spoke out, shocked from the sudden quick movements. " Letting go." He replied angrily, continuing to swing the bat. " Will, are you sure you want to do this?" He didn't stop, " It's never going to be the same Ariel. So why leave it!"

" Okay." I let him continue to destroy the small fort, if letting go helps, I'm not going to go against him." Here, let your anger out." Will told me, his was still obviously upset, but seemed to be stronger. He handed me the bat and I hesitated, " Are you sure, Will, I mean you and-" He then nodded, " It's gone now Ariel, just do it." He told me, it was kind of like an encouragement to do it.

He insisted, I swung the bat and broke the fallen sticks, I swung a few times before stopping. It was actually satisfying to break the weak sticks, but I still felt fucked.

" Will, I think im gonna head home, it's dark out. Steve will freak if I'm not home when he is." I told will, " Okay, bye Ariel. Thanks for talking to me, you're a really good friend. You're not two-faced or whatever that guy said about you." He smiled softly,  I smiled back. " Thanks. Bye Will, feel better, please?" I told him and he nodded before we parted ways.

I wanna scream. If I do, it's going to be at Eddie, telling him that I love him, that I love his so damn much. Well, if he doesn't ignore me.To be honest I was the one that started that argument with him. He's right, I am stubborn, I was acting kinda two-faced towards him. He genuinely cares about me and I fucked it up. I ruined it.

I then began walking back home, it was only about 2 blocks away. I'm glad that I could relate to Will, and he could relate to me, I hope I helped him feel a little better; I feel a little better because I'm not the only one feeling this way. 

I walked inside of the house, " Hey, 'El." Steve greeted, and I waved. " Eddie called like 6 times, he said when you got home to call him, it's important." Steve told me before looking back at the TV. You mean, he wants to talk to me?

I walked up the stairs to my room, I then picked up my table top phone from my nightstand, I nervously picked up the receiver and listened to the message Eddie left on the phone.

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now