29) " 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾?"

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{later that night}

-Ariella POV- 10:07 PM
Eddie and I were laying in my bed, watching TV after we both showered from the pool. His arm was around my shoulders. I was focused on the TV until he spoke, his voice causing a smile to form on my face. " Sweetheart, what are we?" He moved him arm off of me, and turned to face me.

" I wanted to ask you the same thing, I was just too scared to. What do you mean though, 'what are we'?" I asked, he looked my face up and down. " Well, like, are we friends? Are we more? I don't know, that's why I asked you." He replied, sounding slightly angry.

"If you want to be more, we can be more, I really like you, it's just I don't want to-"
He interrupted me before I could start rambling. " It's fine! I understand." He said sarcastically, why was he being this way? Did I do something? Why is acting like a dick?

" What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" He sighed, he looked up at me, looking at me like I was clueless to something that was very obvious.

" I just want to know one thing." He mumbled.
His voice became much louder with frustration when he said," What is this to you?"

"Do I really mean anything to you? We had sex, twice, we make out almost every time we see each other, I just want to know what you really think of me; Are we ever going to be more than friends?"

He told me, in an aggravated tone. I didn't know how to respond I just said the first thing that came to mind, " Eddie, I like you. I really, really like you, im just scared of scaring you off." I told him awkwardly. " I don't want to move to-"

" That's you're cover up isn't it? It's because you don't want to be seen with someone different. You just can't be seen with someone that's not a football player that's probably fucking your friends behind you back, can you? It's because you're so perfect and im not, that's really what you meant to say." He said, while staring at the floor.

" It's not a ' cover up' , and I never said I didn't want to be seen with you, I-" I stopped talking as I realized that he probably didn't care right now. This is the first time we've ever argued. I don't even know why we're arguing! That's probably why we are, because I don't know. I can't make up my mind about anything.

" Eddie-"  " Ariel, seriously, I like you too, and I told you that, twice. I want to date you, I do, but if you don't want to date me, just tell me. I understand that all this is to you is just a hook-up."

" Just stop, Eddie. That's not true, this is more than a hook-up, and it's been more than a hook-up since the start. Stop saying all that bullshit we both know isn't true!" I felt myself getting frustrated at Eddie.

He keeps saying all of this, and he knows it isn't true. He's just mad and that's all he can say to me. I stared at the floor for a few minutes, thinking of what I should tell him, I've never been in a situation like this with him. When I looked back up, Eddie's eyes were already on me.

" It's not bullshit! If you don't want to be more than friends, just say it! You don't have to waste your time with me when you could have someone better! And I shouldn't be wasting my time either!" He practically shouted.

" Stop fucking yelling at me! It is bullshit, Eddie! It is. You won't listen to me! I told you how I felt! You clearly don't care to listen because you're still trying to argue with me!" I shouted back,

" Now it's you making up bullshit! I am listening! I really am, and I'm not trying to argue with you, Ariel." I felt even more frustrated, why doesn't he just listen to what I'm saying!

" Eddie, if you would just listen to what I  just said, we wouldn't be fucking arguing."

- Eddie POV-
I shut my mouth after she yelled out the last sentence, I didn't meant to upset her, or especially anger her. I feel really bad for making her upset. I feel really bad for being a dick.

She's so patient with me, she's never gotten mad at me. I could do the dumbest shit, and she wouldn't get mad. I looked up at her, then she looked up, we made eye contact.

" I'm sorry, Ariel. I was just frustrated. I didn't mean anything I said, you're none of those things; I just got mad because I was unsure what you thought about me... I really care about you, and I care what you think. I want you to like me, I know I'm not like anyone you ever been with before. I'm sorry that I upset you." I watched as her smile appeared on her face. Then, she sat beside me, resting her head on my shoulder.

" Im sorry, too. I didn't mean anything either. You're really sweet Eds, and I care for you too. I want to be my best for you, also."  She spoke softly, I hugged her, and she hugged back, we stayed in a hug for a minute,

" Forgive me?" I whispered in her ear, she pulled away, " Only if you forgive me." She whispered back,

" I forgive you, darling." She smiled that beautiful smile once again, " Promise?" That smile didn't leave her face as I shared the expression with her. " I promise."

Her lips softly pressed against mine, we engaged in a sweet kiss. I smiled into it, and she giggled that perfect laugh. We drifted apart, both of us smiling at each other. " I'll only forgive you, if you do what you did earlier." She whispered, I grabbed her hips, pulling her into my lap, and I started kissing her, I kissed all over her face, and neck.

She started to loudly crack up with laughter when I moved my fingers fast against her rib cage, tickling her. I stopped whenever she said " Why do you always do this?" A laugh escaped her lips between words, I smiled at the beautiful girl I had sitting in my lap. " Because it's only way I know that'll make you for-sure laugh." I told her, " You're so pretty when you laugh, and when you're happy." I whispered.

" You think my laugh is pretty?" She smiled, " I think you're way more than just ' pretty' there aren't any words to describe what you are." I kissed her nose, and she smiled brightly.

" I like you a lot Eddie, I'm still sorry for what I said." She said aloud, I pressed our foreheads together, " I forgive you, I said worse to you, and I'm also sorry." I whispered " Arguing is pretty fuckin' stupid, huh?"

She didn't reply, instead she tilted her head to the side and leaned in, kissing me. I lifted a hand from her waist, placing it on her cheek. I lightly ran my thumb over her cheekbone as her hands rested on my chest. She pulled away and looked at me. Those pretty eyes looking into mine before gently examining my face.

" You're pretty Ed." She whispered, I felt warm at her complement, butterflies. I pushed her hair out of her face, still caressing her face. "You're pretty, too, pretty girl." She turned pink, her eyes not leaving mine, her gorgeous blue colored eyes.

She leaned backwards onto her pillow, still sitting on my lap. She then gently grabbed my hands, and engulfed them in hers. She gently pulled me down with her, I leaned over her, my arms around her waist.

I set my head on her chest, burying my face into the soft, bare skin of her neck, she smelt kinda like strawberries, or something sweet like that.

I felt her smaller hands wrap around me, I relaxed into her gentle embrace as she rubbed my back softly. She moved from under me slightly to turn off the lamp that was dimly lighting the room. The only light was now the TV.

I felt a kiss on the top of my head, I smiled against her skin, feeling myself begin to happily, fall asleep.

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now