66) 𝓲 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴...

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{A week later, July 14 1985.}

-Ariella POV-
I handed Erica another sundae, " Don't tell Steve I gave it to you for free, 'Kay?" I told her, and she smiled, " Thanks Ariel." The girl walked away and I took a deep breath.

It's so busy on Saturdays. Eddie is supposed to come see me. He said he wants to tell me something. I hadn't seen him since last week, he left really early in the morning, he said he had to meet up with someone. I know it's not a drug deal, because who meets up at 9:30, AM?And I know it's most likely not his friends, they're just like him, they don't wake up 'till at least 11:00.

Robin peaked out from the break room, " My break is over, if you wanna take yours." She smiled. " Okay, I'm just waiting for Eddie. He's been acting weird lately, Robin."

" I was just about to ask you. Are you dating him yet?" Robin asked with a enthusiastic grin. " Rob, it's not like that." She shook her head. " Speak of the devil." She joked as Eddie strolled into the ice-cream parlor.

" Ariel!" He practically shouted, swinging an arm around my shoulders, " I have to tell you what happened at the bar the other night." He said as he walked us to a table.

"You went to a bar?" I asked, " Yeah, I just went with Gareth and Jeff. Jeff met this girl, and she plays D&D, so we invited her to join Hellfire, and she goes to Hawkins, also. Cool right?" He said excitedly, quickly explaining the situation. " If she goes to our school how the hell did she get into the bar?" I asked.

" It was the Hideout, they don't check." He continued, " I think she's in your- well now our upcoming grade." He smiled.

" Oh, but Jeff met her right, so he's like going or with her or something?" I asked, I'm not jealous. I am not jealous, right? Yep I'm not.

" I'm not sure, but she's really nice, her name is Jess. I feel like you would like her." Yeah, we'll see. " Does she play any sports?" Eddie shook his head. " No, she's not like you. I think she's in orchestra. "

' she's not like you.' The way he said that, does he, does he like that she's not 'like me'? Does he like this girl? Or is he only excited because of Hellfire?

" Orchestra?" I asked and he nodded. " Yeah." He smiled at me, I want to throw up. I want to fucking throw up.

I felt my stomach get tight, I shouldn't care this much, Eddie wouldn't if I hung out with another boy, right? I wanna scream, cry, and throw up all at once.

" Ariel, are you okay?" Where did the pet names go? "Yeah. I think. Eddie, did she go to Hawkins last year?" I said, trying to get out anything.

" Yeah, but she was new last year." How does he know everything about this girl from one night? I bet if I asked him something about me he wouldn't remember.

"Eds, can I ask, do you remember what I said about cheer practice the other day? I cant really remember and Robin wants to know."

"You said you could do those flips right?" I felt my chest get tight. My eyes trickled with tears. I blinked them away. " Are you sure you're okay, love?" He asked with maybe concern in his voice.

I wouldn't dare to let him see me cry, over something dumb like this, I can't even describe what's wrong. Hormones.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom, I rushed out of Scoops Ahoy to the bathroom that was in the mall hallway. So Steve wouldn't see me either. " Ariel!" Eddie called out about two times before I was able to get to the small Inclusive- use bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror, he loves me, he loves me. I'm okay? I'm okay. I took deep breaths and cleaned up my makeup. I'm not gonna throw up. Im not going to come out crying. And I especially am not jealous.

I opened the door and walked back out, the sounds of distant people in the mall. " Sweetheart, what happened?" Eddie questioned, cupping my face softly.

I suddenly remembered how he treated me least week, "You're so gorgeous, you've got be the prettiest thing I've even seen." He said breathlessly, resting his forehead against mine.

And the hickeys are still there, yeah and there's probably some on another girl's neck. I felt my chest tighten again and my eyes water, I better not fucking blink. To be honest I'm not even sad, I'm just fucking pissed off that he doesn't even remember one thing that I said, but he remembers everything this girl says. And I 'mean so much' to him.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He cooed, I took a deep breath. " Nothing, I can't tell you." Damnit, I just set myself up for failure there. " If you don't wanna tell me, that's okay. But if you wanna talk about it, I'll always be here." He patted my shoulder in a friendly manner.

" Eddie," I started but I didn't want to finish. " Yes, darling?" I tried to keep myself together, my tears of jealousy and anger staying in. " I love you Ed." I whispered just above a whisper, " I love you." He replied with a smiled, then throwing him arm around my shoulders.

" Are you sure you're okay? I don't want you upset while you work. If you want I can take you home, doll." He whispered, " I have to work, Eddie. By-" he cut me off " Can I stay with you? Please~."

He kissed my head softly, " I didn't realize how much I missed you." He leaned in to hug me. " Okay, you can stay, but seriously Eddie, I have to work." I told him, taking his hands and going back to Scoops Ahoy.

-Eddie POV, 7 PM, Harrington House hold,-
" Shit." Ariel cursed under her breath as she poured her boiling hot tea into a mug.

"Do you need help?" I leaned closer, " No, thanks." She replied as she added sugar into her cup. I couldn't bring my eyes off her as pulled her curls up into a ponytail. She effortlessly beautiful.

I hope she's not upset anymore. I'm not sure what bothered her, but I hope she's okay.

" Eddie." Ariel cooed while setting her tea down on the coffee table. When I looked up at her she dropped her self onto me. Dramatically hugging me. " Eddie," She said once again, " Do you love me?" The girl muttered against my neck. I wrapped my arms around her back.

" Of course I do." I told her, " Okay." She said, maybe she was just anxious earlier, she never mentioned feeling too much better.

" Just 'okay?' " I questioned playfully, "You already know that I love you, stupid." She teased back, " Well, I forgot."

" I- love- you." She spelled out slowly, " Don't forget it." She said with a giggle.

Oh, I think I might be in love. To think, I really love Ariel, I don't just say those words to her for fun, I think I'm falling harder. I think I really do love her. I honestly, truly do think I'm starting to really, really love her.

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now