104) 𝓼𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓼

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{The next day, Oct 13}

-Eddie POV-
" Eddie, do you want to graduate or not? Both of you, you guys have to go," Ariel told me, standing beside Chrissy, as they both leaned against their lockers.

" But it's just P.E., what's the point?" Gareth asks, "The point is that if you want a diploma, and you don't want to be in high school the rest of your life, you have to go. You have to put in the effort." I couldn't stop looking at her, reimagining the things we had done yesterday.

Ariel touched my arm as the bell rang, " Please, just go." She said before smiling and walking into her class.

Soon enough I found myself in the boys locker room, changing out of the clothes that were provided to me, and making my way to the showers.

" Man, I can believe you talked me into actually going to this class." Gareth comments, I was going to respond, but I heard Ariel's name roll off of a few jocks tongues.

" Patrick, Ariella is a weird girl. She's not like any other girl I've ever taken out." A voice I didn't recognize said.

" I don't care if she's weird, she's hot. I honestly think she's funny." Patrick replied, " You know,
Nathan would always talk about how freaky she really is. That just makes her more attractive." A third voice said.

"She definitely likes you, ask her out, you'll have a very, might I say interesting, night." One of them joked, " You really think she likes me?"

"She doesn't have to if all you want is to sleep with her. She'll sleep with anyone. She's sorta a slut." Another joked, " Stop, man! She's not a slut, she's just so damn attractive that everyone is always chasing after her." Patrick replied to the other two jocks.

"So, she can be the most beautiful girl here, but she chose to sleep with everyone. You don't want to realize it, but she is a slut. You don't care though do you? You want to have a freaky night." One of them joked, I heard the door to the locker room shut, and their voices faded.

How can they just talk about girls like that? she hasn't done anything to any of them. They talk about her like some sort of object.

"Eddie, man, you're not about to get into a fight with a few jocks are you?" Gareth asked, chuckling under his breath.

" No. Not yet."

-Ariella POV, a few hours later, lunch-
" So Eric and Ryan went around telling everyone that I'm a freak in the sheets, and I'm a slut!?" I asked Tina frantically,

" Yeah. But listen, they said that Eddie Munson has something to do with you being like a total freak. Apparently he told all the boys in the locker room that your sleeping around with him, and Billy Hargrove, and that your like a huge slut. Bigger slut than Ashley White."

I felt tears forming in my eyes from anger, " Do you really think he said that, Tina?" Did he seriously tell them we had sex two days ago. It's not the first time I've been called a slut, or whore, but not my own friends thinking that I'm a slut! When Nathan would tell everyone that I was whore, my friends didn't treat me differently.

" Well, I don't know. I wasn't there. But apparently he was telling that other weirdo that you guys had sex yesterday, and Eric and Ryan heard, and then he started telling them about it, and how you were hooking up with Billy. And a lot of people believe it because you left with him yesterday, and your ex told everyone you were sleeping with Billy last year."

I tried to hold back my sobs, " Oh Ariel! Don't like cry." Tina said to me, trying to 'soothe' me.

She grabbed a paper towel from the roll on the wall, and ran it under the water from the bathroom sink. " You'll ruin your mascara. It's okay, I don't think you're a total slut."

Tina gently ran the dampened paper towel under my eyes where my tears were running down.

" Thank you, Tina. I thought he was my friend. I left with him to work on the novel study. And I don't know why Ryan and Eric would have a tell everyone a story like that." I explain, Eric was one of my exes. Nothing bad happened that caused us to break up, we just thought we were better off as just friends.

This reminds me of when Nathan used to call me a slut, and a whore. He would get mad whenever I would even talk to another boy that wasn't him. And then, tell everyone how much of a whore I was.

" It's okay! Let's go get lunch, I'll buy you a drink or something to help you feel better!" Tina took my hand and led me out of the bathroom and to the cafeteria.

I felt my blood boil as soon as I saw Eddie. Even if it's not true, just the thought of him telling everyone that we had sex, when he promised that he wouldn't, just makes me so angry!

I heard whispers from the table of girls that talk about everyone. I looked down as I retrieved a tray, trying to keep myself together. Hoping that no one actually believed or will remember this tomorrow. I don't want to go through this again.

The words 'she slept with the freak!' And ' She's such a slut!' Stinging like a slap in the face. I noticed Andy and Jason staring at me, along with mostly everyone else I sit beside.

I also noticed Dustin and Will looking at me. I couldn't take the pressure, I quickly made my way out of the cafeteria, and to the bathroom.

No matter what I say, everyone will think I'm trying at every opportunity to whore around. And everyone thinks I'm a freak in the sheets too! Now nobody will ever ask me out!

I heard the bell ring and everyone rush to their classes, while I was rushing outside. I went to the picnic table that Eddie had shown me before.

I pulled out my compact from my backpack, and began to fix my make up. My eyes red in the reflection. I'm so pathetic, crying over a fucking rumor!

I jumped when I heard a voice, " Sweetheart?" I turned around to be faced with Eddie, I felt myself anger again, but I then calmed myself down, " Are you okay, love?"

" Did you tell everyone that we were sleeping together?" I asked him, staring directly into those pretty brown eyes.

" No, of course not. What- did you hear this from Patrick McKinney or one of those other assholes?" He asked, " They were talking about you. Talking about you like you were a fucking object. It was really pissing my off, b-"

"No I didn't. I heard it from Tina, who heard it from Kimberly, who heard it from Ryan and Eric, whom said that you told them that I had sex with you yesterday, and that I hooked up with Billy also! And everyone thinks that it's true because I left with you yesterday!"

" Baby, I haven't said a thing. Look, what we did was our business, and only our business. It's probably just a silly rumor that nobody will remember tomorrow. Why would I tell them if I was going to tell anyone anyway?" He cooed to me, sitting down beside me and wrapping an arm around me.

" 'm sorry for accusing you like that. I-I just, this isn't the first time this has happened to me. When my own friends stare at me like I'm the biggest whore ever, I know that's it's actually worse than before."

"What do you mean this that has happened before? Who was calling you a whore?" He asked softly, running his fingertips over my bare shoulder.

" Natha- you wouldn't know him." I blurted out. Stopping myself, considering I didn't want to put my problems on him again.

" Nathan?" He asked, his voice slightly louder than before, but keeping a calm tone in it. I couldn't find words to tell him, I trust him, I do, but I don't think he wasn't to hear about it.

" Why don't we forget all of this, okay? Skip the rest of day?" Eddie says, leaning his head against mine as he spoke softly into my ear. How is he so good to me?

"Okay." I told him, feeling a smile creep onto my face. " I'll take you to my place, we can just watch movies for the rest of the day, how does that sound?"

"Sounds great, thank you Eds."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now