90) " 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮!"

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-Eddie POV-
"You ditched me for Jess!" Ariel shouted at me,

" And don't even say that you didn't! You always-you always do this! Like what do you like her or something? You've been all over me all summer since May, and now you just leave me for some whore you met at a bar? You've been ditching me since you met her!" Ariel slurred, is she drunk?

I noticed as her body shivered from being soaking wet from the pool. I looked around to see if there was towel or something I could use for her. I then noticed a towel hanging on the towel rod by the shower. I reached over to grab it and then gently wrapped it around her shoulders.

" Do you really care about me? When you say you love me do you mean it? Do you love me, or is it just because I say it?" She asked, and I crouched down in front of her as she sat down on the closed toilet lid.

I dont know how I feel. Is it okay to not know? I mean I love her, I do. But is she also right?

" Ariel, you're drunk. You've had too many drinks." I told her, and she shook her head, " N-no! I'm not~! Stop-p acting like you care about me just to ditch me after you- you find some other hoe to have- have sex with." Her words got even more spaced out, the volume of her voice starting to get uneven with every word. The alcohol was really hitting her now.

Her face was now flushed and she wasn't even looking at me. " It's so stupid! You're so— you don't love me! You're using me- because you're bored-d! You were helping-" she suddenly stopped talking and stood up, I also stood up and then she started again.

" You- you help her! Sh-he was drunk! And you didn't even know wheere I was! You're such a dick! " Ariel shouted at me before she quickly stumbled out of the bathroom, the towel falling from her body. I've never seen her this drunk.

By the time I got out of the bathroom, she was already halfway down the stairs. Almost falling twice. " Ariel!" I shouted her name after her, but I quickly realized that wasn't going to do anything.

I watched her stumble into the large crowd and towards the punch bowl. I caught up with her and took the cup from her hand, " You're so fake! If- if you don't love me! I don't love you either! At all~!" She again slurred before attempting to push me, but she just caused herself to stumble backwards.

I was fast to grab to her before she fell. Once she was stable, well sort of, I wrapped my arm around her waist, she tried to push me off, but I really need to take her home. " Stop! Y-oh aren't fun!" She slipped out of my grip and quickly grabbed a can of beer that was on the counter and opened it and started to drink it.

"You can't even stand up straight." I told her but she obviously didn't understand. She kept chugging her can and drank about 3/4 of it before I managed to get it away from her.

I gently grabbed her arm and led her through the crowd, trying to get her towards the door.

When we got outside to the front lawn, Ariel suddenly stopped walking and grabbed my face, attempting to kiss me, I couldn't help but lean in and touch my lips to hers. The taste of alcohol consuming my lips.

I then felt her hand hit my arm and she pulled away. "Why don't you go- go and kiss Jess? You cle-e-arly like being with her! More than me! Considering you~..." she then suddenly stopped talking again and started to walk down the sidewalk.

I ran up to her as she tripped, about to fly forward. I grabbed her waist gently and pulled her back to her feet.

She turned around and looked at me, " Eddie-" she stammered drunkenly, " It's okay, I'm gonna take you home, sweetheart." I told her and then she hugged me. It felt like a real hug.

Like how she would normally hug me, but more. Her arms were secured around my stomach, her face squished against my chest.

"We're almost there, love. Come on." I cooed to the drunk girl who was holding onto me.

I gently guided her to walk down the dark sidewalk, it was what? 11:00 now?

We walked in unison, I kept my hand on her waist to stable her as we walked down the street to my van. I opened the door and helped her in. I then walked over to my side and got in.

" Eddie..." Ariel murmured, trying to grab my hand, "Where—where are we-" I soothingly shushed her as I started my van.

"Im taking you home, baby. You're okay, I-" when I looked back over at her, she was knocked out. Finally resting from this long day.

I then started to drive, I was debating whether to take her home or to my trailer? Well she doesn't have her keys, and I can't exactly sneak her in if I can't even get in. I want her to be comfortable at home, but I have no other choice but to take her home with me.

I began my drive to my trailer, keeping my eyes on Ariel as I drove. Once we got there, I noticed her stir a little but she didn't wake up.

I gently lifted her from the seat and took her into my arms. She slowly opened her eyes, " Ed?" She mumbled, " Hey, you're okay. I got you." I whispered to her as I carried her to my door. I unlocked it the door and began to take her to my bedroom.

I set her down and covered her with a blanket. I moved her frizzy hair from her face and tenderly kissed her forehead. After, I changed my clothes and got into bed beside her.

{the next morning, 7:56 PM}
I woke up to Ariel stirring awake beside me, I turned to see her moving the blanket off of herself.

"Hi, darling, how do you feel?" She shook her head, whilst rubbing her eyes.

"Go ask Jess how she feels. Bet you'll like that damn answer more ." She said, she wasn't quite slurring, but her voice was still off.

I lightly touched her forehead with the back of my hand, she was warm, sweating a little.

"Stop! And you're just leading me on! Do you love me or not?" She asked, I stayed quiet, why answer she's not even gonna remember.

I shushed her gently, " Why don't you go back to asleep, yeah? You need it." I told her as I playing with her curls  to soothe her.

She moved closer to me, "Why are you being nice, now? You ditched me. And- and you pushed me into the pool." She stated drunkenly.

I gently moved her to rest her head on my chest. I started to tenderly rub her back, I noticed as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

" There you go. Relax, sweetheart."

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now