59) 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓮

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{continued from previous chapter, 9:47 PM}

-Eddie POV-
I sat on the couch idly, not really sure what to do, or say. I couldn't tell what was wrong with Ariel she was on the edge of tears and looked terrified. Steve kept looking back at me, I'm not sure what's he's feeling, does he think I did something to Ariel? Or is he confused?

" Let's talk, okay?" He brought Ariel into the kitchen, which was the next room over. I'm not sure if Steve intended for me to come also or not. So I'll stay in here until one of them comes back.

-10 minutes later-
" Hey Munson." Steve greeted, sitting on the chair that was beside the couch. " Hey, is Ariel okay?" I questioned with concern, "  Yeah, she's in the shower." Steve replied,

" What happened?" Steve sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees." She's- uh.. Let me tell you from the beginning. A few months back, when Ariel was still dating that asshole, she stared getting really bad anxiety. First she stared acting really skittish, and then I would wake up and she'd be sleeping on my bedroom room. When I asked her why she told me she was too scared to go to sleep alone, and then she started waking me up while she was having an anxiety attack. She was always anxious about doing something wrong or something happening." He explained.

" And she's feeling that way again, she wanted me to tell you that she a little anxious. I don't know what made her feel like that, or what's making her feel like this now. She's never told me, or Chrissy. I don't want to try to get it out of her, if she hasn't told Chrissy, she hasn't told anyone. Oh and she wants to see you." He added.

I nodded and said my last words before going upstairs. When I reached her room , I knocked lightly on the cracked open door. " Come in." As I walked in, she played with a necklace while holding the familiar green bunny in her arms.

" Hi, are you alright?" I stood by the bed as she laid on her stomach on it. " Yeah, did Steve tell you?" She looked up from the necklace, her eyes on me. I nodded and mouth fell open for her to quickly close it, "Don't worry, he didn't tell me too much." She smiled and patted the bed beside her.

I laid beside her, in the same position as her. " That's pretty." I pointed to the oval shaped stone that was on the necklace. " Thank you, Chrissy gave it to me for Christmas one year because I lost my other necklace. It's amethyst, I really like it because it's purple. My favorite stone used to be amethyst, but now my favorite is rose quartz because you gave me rose quartz."

I smiled down at her, glad to see that she wasn't as anxious, but something was still off. Wait, the rose quartz?! she remembered? She kept it? I thought she would just throw it away or- but she likes it because I gave it to her? A stone off of the ground?

" Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, and start talking about myself." She looked down, beginning to fiddle with the necklace again. " You're not being rude, Ariel. You actually like the stone I gave you?"

" Yeah, I do. I thought it was sweet that you gave it to me, you said that rose quartz means 'unconditional love' you said you meant it towards me, because I'm one of your.. close friends. Sorry, im so stupid, You're literally the one that said it!" She said, embarrassed.

She remembered what I said, does she care this  much about me? Or does she just have really good memory? She said she was a close friend is that what we really are? Nothing more, nothing that we've done is official, just messing around. I took her out last night on a date, but it feels like I'm the only one that thought of it that way.

I want to ask her again what she thinks this is, but last time it started an argument. Well the more I think about it that was my fault. She's too beautiful for me, I want her, I want to have her and make her mine. But she deserves better than me. Does she like me the way I like her?

"Eddie? Are you okay?" I heard the voice of the pretty girl beside me, call my name. " Yeah- yeah. I'm fine." I smiled at her softly, " I'm glad you don't feel as anxious as you did earlier."

" Thanks, sorry I freaked out like that, didn't mean to leave you with Steve. He's so boring, isn't he?" She joked. Looking down at the necklace every few seconds.

I couldn't control my thoughts as they kept rushing, are we moving to fast? Am I just one of her summer hook ups? We did just make out, but am I just because she has nothing else to do?

"So, did you hear Prince's new album yet? Oh wait you probably don't listen to Prince." She rolled onto her back as she tried to start a conversation.

Am I the only person she's talking too? I thought I was special but, maybe I'm not? She wouldn't do that, right? Right. She said she loves me, does she mean it? Does she love me?

" Oh, I don't know if I told you, but Chrissy and Jason are official." She smiled, " That's nice." Was the only thing I could really think of to say.

" Eddie are you mad at me, or upset at me?" I looked down at her, " No, why would I be?" I watched as Ariel's nose scrunched, and she shook her head. "You're- you're not being you. You're really quiet, you seem bored with everything I say. You can home if you want, I won't get mad. Are you sure I didn't hurt your feelings?"

" Yes. I'm sure. Just thinking, I'm not bored with you. I could never get bored of you. I don't want to leave yet if unless if you want me to." She studied my face and my body closely, before looking back into my eyes and shrugging her shoulders.

Yeah, man. Real smooth. I thought to myself sarcastically, " Ariel, are you upset with me?"  She shook her head,

"No, there's something off about you. Eddie are you okay? You were fine last night, we were having fun and hanging out and now it feels like I'm boring you." Ariel spoke, she sighed loudly as she got up from the bed and walked over to her closet.

I followed, " You're not boring me, I am having fun, just being around you is fun." I replied with shortly, am I losing her?  Is it because she's still anxious that she's acting this way?

I feel like I'm back to square one with her.

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  {Eddie Munson}Where stories live. Discover now